gauging interest


Jan 14, 2011
I am in the process of developing a harness for my sub that will enable me to remotely control vibrating clit vaginal and anal vibrations. We have very much a long distance relationship.

I am wondering if any other Doms in distance relationships would be interested in this type of thing if it works.
This is interesting. There's already devices that you can plug in and play over the internet using, but I've yet to come across something wireless. Could be issues with connectivity and signal, etc, particularly if they're moving around.
I am in the process of developing a harness for my sub that will enable me to remotely control vibrating clit vaginal and anal vibrations. We have very much a long distance relationship.

I am wondering if any other Doms in distance relationships would be interested in this type of thing if it works.
I think that's pretty neat. Let us know how you get it to work.
This is interesting. There's already devices that you can plug in and play over the internet using, but I've yet to come across something wireless. Could be issues with connectivity and signal, etc, particularly if they're moving around.

With my sub she will set her phone to WiFi hotspot and connect the harness receiver to that.
There is also Vibease. But it hasn't come out yet.
Well I guess it shows I'm at the cutting edge LOL. Neither have been released yet as far as I can tell.
It is technologically simple , you need android phones at the two ends and a simple circuit to link to link the phone at your subs end to some sort of a motor .
I have seen it done before
Mine will have 3 vibrators 2 of which will be 2 speed, or at least that's the plan.
It a little more complicated than 2 phones and a motor as the phone doesn't generally have the necessary power to drive the output for any duration. And the fact I need at least 3 independent channels. This is mk 1 for mk2 I am planning more functions, something similar to that described in ch1 ofy story "a week of training"
Mine will have 3 vibrators 2 of which will be 2 speed, or at least that's the plan.
It a little more complicated than 2 phones and a motor as the phone doesn't generally have the necessary power to drive the output for any duration. And the fact I need at least 3 independent channels. This is mk 1 for mk2 I am planning more functions, something similar to that described in ch1 ofy story "a week of training"
the motor needs to be independent and driven by its own power source the two phones are switching devices
Well the first part has arrived and been tested it works over WiFi on my phone for when we are close enough and then over the net via a WiFi connection I.e. a phone set as WiFi hot spot. Now just need to connect the harness.
There have been toys like this from several years ago that worked though high speed Internet connections from IP address to IP address. But, with the addition of smart phones, this takes play time away from the restrictions of Internet hard wiring, making it portable.

I don't know exactly how long the idea has been around, but it's not completely new, by any means. Your version could be a new way to do it, using the current trends in hardware and applications, which might make it attractive to others who own the same trending technology.

Making it work with more than one kind of technology, or at least adaptive, would be your best bet, so you can add more kinky customers to the satisfied category.
It could certainly be adapted to have different accessories connected. For example mk1 that I'm working on is a vibrating harness however there's no reason to couldn't attach an electro shock device of some kind of clamping arrangement that could be tightened or loosened. Wit enough outputs you could have a combination.
I'm already thinking of mk2 which has an inflating vibrating plug
WiFi harness

It could certainly be adapted to have different accessories connected. For example mk1 that I'm working on is a vibrating harness however there's no reason to couldn't attach an electro shock device of some kind of clamping arrangement that could be tightened or loosened. Wit enough outputs you could have a combination.
I'm already thinking of mk2 which has an inflating vibrating plug
The idea is intriguing. A stepping motor to produce vibration takes some electricity. It might need recharging. A simple battery pack would work. Smartphone should pass a signal to the harness as a phone call. WiFi signals lose power over certain distances and weather conditions. A USB connection would be far better. No loss of signal at least. A USB Harness would be cheaper to make and have better control w/o losing Signal.
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I too have had this curiosity and did some research about a year ago on the latest progress in what is known as "teledildonics" or "cyberdildonics". It's been around for quite a while, but wireless tech has made vast improvements in recent years. Some time ago (over 10 years) I remember watching a documentary about devices being made in Japan that would use virtual reality tech to generate stimuli through a harness or suit worn by a partner with the signals being transmitted via the internet.

It sounds like a great idea, especially with the long distance and internet only relationships that are more common today. My concern with wireless tech, however, is the emission of RF energy (radiation). Having trained on radar systems in the Navy, I'm very aware of the potential side effects of long term exposure to RF energy. Thankfully, I finished top of my class and picked orders that had a second school, so no exposure for me after that one completed :) I've also read studies on the effects of men wearing mobile phones on their belts, or keeping them in their pants/shorts pockets. You do need a very high amount of exposure over many years to realistically have a risk of something like cancer, however, it does seem to have a relatively fast potential to affect fertility. Given the location of our organs, guys would be more susceptible to this than women, but I would assume that women would still be at risk as well.

Having said this, I would be more inclined to go with a USB device as you would both eliminate the risk of RF energy exposure as well as solve the issue of power to keep the device running. If a wi-fi receiver were to be attached to the harness, perhaps a length of cord could be used to be able to set it down away from the body.

I'm not afraid of mobile phone use, and don't want to start any fear mongering here. You need an abnormal amount of use to be at risk for something like cancer. Fertility on the other hand, I kind of have a thing for that both my own and in my partners, so I'd prefer not to put that in jeopardy.