*gasps* It says I'm a flirt! *shocked*


Literotica Guru
Sep 2, 2002
Well I KNOW that this site must be all wrong now, because it says I'm a flirt! :eek: Me??? Never!

What Type Of A Flirt Are You?

Types of Flirts 1) Stalker Flirt, 2) Sexpot Flirt, 3) Subtle Flirt, 4) Smooth Flirt, 5) Silly Flirt, 6) Shy Flirt


Were you just winking at us? We couldn't quite tell... In fact, we think it's pretty safe to say that you're a Subtle Flirt! — you're a master of the flirting game. You know how to attract attention from anyone, any time. A quick come-hither smile, a little game of look-away-and-look-back-again — before long you have the object of your affection wrapped around your little finger. One of the best things about your approach is that it's discreet. You can always act innocent and coy if something gets taken out of context or misunderstood. Just make sure you're not too subtle, or you may end up playing the game all by yourself.

~ Rora :rose:
How odd

Hmm, this doesnt sound much like me

You're a Smooth Flirt. Charming and persuasive, you know exactly how to have 'em eating out of your hand.
I'm a smooth flirt

You're a Smooth Flirt. Charming and persuasive, you know exactly how to have 'em eating out of your hand
You're a Shy Flirt. Whether you're bashful or just not into game-playing, flirting isn't quite your cup of tea.

Me too.

The Squid King said:
I'm a subtle flirt, too.
I never realised.

You're a Subtle Flirt. Utterly charming, you know how to have a little fun while remaining discreet.
I too am a subtle flirt...

though i don't suppose it's too subtle to come out and say so...
Ok....why doesn't this surprise me....

You're a Sexpot Flirt. With a bat of your eye and a revealing dress, you can really turn up the heat. So get out there and make 'em swoon!

It's the only way to wench!;)
Hey there, slick! We think it's pretty safe to say that you're a Smooth Flirt.

You've got all the right moves, and you're confident that your target will appreciate all your winks and smiles. All it takes is the perfect line, right? Maybe so, as long as you deliver it with your charm meter set to "stun." Your flirting style is the perfect mix of body language and pure animal magnetism. With you on their trail, how can your prey possibly hope to get away? Seduction is inevitable. Just make sure not to overdo it. There's something to be said for simple, direct conversation. Your way with words and smooth moves guarantee that you'll hit the bullseye.
You're a Silly Flirt. You'll do anything for a laugh, as long as it means you're getting noticed by the right person.
Silly Flirt.

Apparently, I'll do anything for a laugh, as long as it means you're getting noticed by the right person.
"You're a Subtle Flirt. Utterly charming, you know how to have a little fun while remaining discreet."

I just don't agree with that one at all. Discreet? Come on!
You're a Sexpot Flirt. With a bat of your eye and a revealing dress, you can really turn up the heat. So get out there and make 'em swoon! :devil:
cant be right

It says subtle flirt. I am certainly not charming coz the action would be overflowing and the rejections would be a lot less numerous.

Oh yeah!