Gangs of New York

modest mouse

Meating People is Easy
Oct 21, 2001
Anyone else interested in seeing it?

Scorcese is reason enough to see a film but the return of Daniel Day Lewis is intriguing. Apparently he had retired from acting and had been doing carpentry or some other trade. One of the greatest actors of the last 20 years, it'll be nice to see him at it again. The fact that DiCaprio and cameron Diaz are in the film is something i will try to get over. neither is a favorite of mine but DiCaprio has done good work (The Basketball Diaries) int eh past. Diaz will satisfy me if she takes a knife tot he gut int eh third act.

From the previews it looks like a visually grimy work fitting for the time and place; New York circa post Civil War. Plots of revenge and fisticuffs played out among filth and ambiton should be welcome viewing.
I want to see it. I like Daniel Day Lewis (and he's easy on the eye). I've read some stuff about the set design which seems pretty neat. It's sure to be over-the-top a la Scorsese, but oh well.

Btw, have you seen _Punch Drunk Love_? I haven't but am interested in doing so.

Btw, did you do something with your hair? You look different.
Olivianna said:
I want to see it. I like Daniel Day Lewis (and he's easy on the eye). I've read some stuff about the set design which seems pretty neat. It's sure to be over-the-top a la Scorsese, but oh well.

Btw, have you seen _Punch Drunk Love_? I haven't but am interested in doing so.

Btw, did you do something with your hair? You look different.

Over the top in Scorcese's common way. Its akin to an Opera, with sweaping actions and a dash of melodrama amidst the violence, personal or physical.

Im curious to see what Scorcese uses for music as his infamous juxtaposition of image vs. music will be challenged. WIll he use period music?

I've yet to see Punch Drunk Love, but as with so many other films, its on my list.
Thank you for noticing my hair. Its taken some effort but finally it is frosted and feathered to my liking. You're sooo sweet.
No kidding. There are a gazillion movies I want to see. I've seen THREE movies since September - including video/cinema (do not own a TV) - one was _Igby Goes Down_, which I really liked a lot.
Movies on my list to see: Two Towers, Monsoon Wedding, Punch Drunk Love, Gangs of NY, and more. I'm going to watch 1,000 movies during my semester break.

Oh, Scorsese will likely use a combo of trad music and typical dramatic move score stuff, I think.
I'm definitely interested, but I think I'm going to do a little research on the gang wars of the late 1800's. I remember seeing something that said this movie was based on historical fact, and I'd like to see how outlandish Scorcesce gets with it.
Olivianna said:
No kidding. There are a gazillion movies I want to see. I've seen THREE movies since September - including video/cinema (do not own a TV) - one was _Igby Goes Down_, which I really liked a lot.
Movies on my list to see: Two Towers, Monsoon Wedding, Punch Drunk Love, Gangs of NY, and more. I'm going to watch 1,000 movies during my semester break.

Oh, Scorsese will likely use a combo of trad music and typical dramatic move score stuff, I think.

I dont have cable or antennae and getting to a cinema is a pain in the ass in ruralville. But I do have DVD so Netflix has been getting me caught up on some older films.

Probably true on musical selection.

sunstruck said:
I'm definitely interested, but I think I'm going to do a little research on the gang wars of the late 1800's. I remember seeing something that said this movie was based on historical fact, and I'd like to see how outlandish Scorcesce gets with it.

The key word is 'based'. Scorcese loves the history of NYC as much as anyone but hes a filmmaker, not Ken Burns. Of course there will be soem embellishments and dramtaic changes. I dont foresee that as a problem as long as its both entertaining and true to the spirit of the time. Its been promoted as much so those are my expectations.

Struckster, you might like Sergio Leone's film Once Upon A Time In America. THere are two versions out, look for the long one. Its nearly 4 hours but portrays the lives of youth/men in NYC circa 80 years ago and up.
I've been meaning to rent that actually. lol Sounds like something for the weekend.

As to the embelishments for Gangs of New York I'm not really worried about it. I don't put much historical stock in main stream films. lol But there was one scene in the previews where there seemed to be hundreds of people in the street in battle garb charging one another that made me giggle. That and I cant' imagine D'Caprio leading a battle for icecream never mind the streets of New York City. lol

Oh and lay off Diaz! lol She's cute and giggley. I like giggley.
Originally posted by sunstruck I cant' imagine D'Caprio leading a battle for icecream never mind the streets of New York City. lol

Oh and lay off Diaz! lol She's cute and giggley. I like giggley.

Agreed about DiCaprio. Its a Miramax film (I think) and if they spend money they like to have bankable stars. its a consistent MO.

This also explains Diaz. She may be giggley but she carries no weight as an actor. In a romantic comedy she may prove valuable but if the plot depends on her skill, then its a nightmare. There are a wealth of young actors that could have flourished in her role.

Hopefully the movie will reveal that both were cast for a reason.
It's on the top of my "To see" list, followed closely by Catch Me if You Can and The 25th Hour. Spielberg seldom goes wrong and The 25th Hour ought to be good because Edward Norton's in it and Spike Lee didn't write the script for a change.

I guess I know what I'll be doing for the next couple of weeks.