Game Meeting.


Literotica Guru
Dec 23, 2011
Okay so, A lot of "Geeks" you know, the unpopular doesn't get laid that much kind, that play games, are constantly in chat rooms discussing with like minded people.

Now, one of the "internet rules" if "Everybody online is a guy" Now while that's not true, it is what most people go by.

So how about, one particular chatroom, has a girl involved, who plays games, even porn games, and she discusses it with a group of guys. The guys just assume it's a guy based on the discussions they have and a girl is unlikely to enjoy those games.

So when the lot of them meet up, what a surprise the guys get when this "girl" shows up. Where does it go from there?
I wouldn't have a group meeting; I'd have a one-on-one meeting. They all assume she is a guy, but one of the gamers is secretly gay. So he arranges a meeting with "her," fully expecting a chance to suck some cock and get corn-holed.

Imagine his horror when she shows up with real boobs and a fully functioning pussy instead! He is repulsed and wants to blow her off. But through her superior gamesmanship, she forces him to lick her snatch and pleasure her in all manner of ways.
I'd put a twist on Carn's idea. Have the girl be pretty androgynous. Baggy sweatshirt, short hair. She ends up sucking the gay guy off, but then when it comes turn to reciprocate, he realizes his mistake...
I'd put a twist on Carn's idea. Have the girl be pretty androgynous. Baggy sweatshirt, short hair. She ends up sucking the gay guy off, but then when it comes turn to reciprocate, he realizes his mistake...

I like it! Sort of a Victor/Victoria thing goin' on.....