G*dd*mn! I'm freezing!!!


Angel Soul, Devil Heart
Jul 10, 2000
To think, I moved down here to the South to get away from the frozen tundras of New England. IT'S MINUS FIVE OUTSIDE!!!!!!!!!

I need warming. Please help!!!!!!

I'm serious here, I just shifted in my seat and heard ice cubes clink together, Then I looked at my desk and saw my highball glass on the coaster.:eek:
Umm.. it's always cold in N.C. in the winter. Shouldda moved to Texas or Florida.. even Calirofnia.. Arizona?
Purrde, last week, it was 70. I was biking to workon a daily basis. Now I'm bundling my butt into my car. hoping I don't break my bridgework chattering my teeth.

You volunteering putting my up for the winter?:D
(((((Luscious Lioness))))) Damn Babe! It's been a while. How've you been? :::grope:::;)
Oh I'm sure we could warm things up minxie! ;)

LL, you mean like this? :::fingerwaggle:::::p
Bushido71XS said:
To think, I moved down here to the South to get away from the frozen tundras of New England. IT'S MINUS FIVE OUTSIDE!!!!!!!!!

I need warming. Please help!!!!!!

I'm serious here, I just shifted in my seat and heard ice cubes clink together, Then I looked at my desk and saw my highball glass on the coaster.:eek:

Approximately once every seven years is all you'll have to deal with such frozen temperatures. Native Southerners understand the need to remind you tranplants how lucky you were to be allowed to get out of the always frozen North.
I'm just a bit north of you.. and my water froze today. The windchill factor is -7 right now.

I'm freezin my tush off!
Well, you know me LL, I always aim to please. It must be my talent for breathing through my ears. LOL:p
LL, I can crinkle it like in Bewitched.

H&K, nope not me, I never, ever tease. Well, unless I've got my scarves out. LOL
Bushido71XS said:
To think, I moved down here to the South to get away from the frozen tundras of New England. IT'S MINUS FIVE OUTSIDE!!!!!!!!!

I need warming. Please help!!!!!!
luckey fucktard....--26 C here