Future of Desis in the United States

yaya, I was wondering what language they speak in Pakistan (how many? Are they dialects or different roots?) In India, they speak five or six different ''main'' languages with different writing, are there not? How about Bangladesh and Sri Lanka?

I could, off course, google for the info, but I'm just too lazy, I guess.

Enjoy the remaining of the year, and Happy New Year!

just in case I don't hear from you.
I see the future for your particular ethnic group, and it is 7-11s Beef Jerky, and Slurpees. with the occaisonal taxi cab.
One of our not so subtle Members of Parliament once said...

that if the Indian or Pakistani citizens of the UK do not support the England Cricket team during a match then they cannot be considered English...

I suppose if certain groups from overseas proclaim their culture and life style without knowing too much about them they too cannot be considered citizens of the country they live in.

Re: One of our not so subtle Members of Parliament once said...

p_p_man said:
that if the Indian or Pakistani citizens of the UK do not support the England Cricket team during a match then they cannot be considered English...

I suppose if certain groups from overseas proclaim their culture and life style without knowing too much about them they too cannot be considered citizens of the country they live in.


Ummm I didn;t think anyone except the Balmy Army supported the English cricket team? ;)
What the fuck....

Does your racist rambling have to do with America? We are a melting pot of cultures, not some Balkanized society where cultures segregate and warlord among neighbors. You come here, learn English (the business language), and work your way up. You retain your culture and infuse the rest of the American culture to make your life better. That's been done by every culture (until recently) since America began. Now the internationalists want a Balkanized society, easy to divide, easy to control, easy to conquer. So keep your racism where it belongs, in India/England, we're doing fine. :D