Funny Women


Really Experienced
Jun 6, 2012
This subject might seem out of place on this board with everything else happening on it right now, but I didn't know where else to post it. I find women who can make me laugh a huge turn on. A woman, even if I don't find her that attractive physically, just becomes a smoking hot babe to me once she starts cracking jokes and makes me piss myself with the chuckles. For example, Tina Fey. Ok, she is quite beautiful physically, but her sense of humour makes her stock go up in the hotness department I think. I don't know what chemical reaction is taking place in my brain, but unassuming female + great brand of humour = fox.

Anyone else who gets what I'm saying?
Sense of humor has always been inextricably linked to attractiveness to me. I can remember those talks in high school with buddies about how hot certain classmates were, and the "ice queens" never ranked as highly with me as the girls with good personalities and senses of humor.
I had to wait till I was an adult to learn that the ice queens weren't really very interesting people. I guess it's a sign of a level of maturity though. Or maybe I'm just patting myself on the back, lol (yes, I rolled my eyes there)