funny consecutive thread titles

I think I'll wank to Honey's Am Pic photos today

Photo enthusiasts
Coyote caroling

My family only looked human in fun house mirrors.
Great...I can open my horse slaughter house back up.

who wants to share my snickers bar?
Not from here but I thought of you guys :D

May have killed chickens, increased danger to people?

Anyone go to an animal behaviorist?

Jen's new life begins...

Diarrhea that comes out of nowhere... PLEASE PLEASE HELP!

Do dogs feel the emotion of jealousy?

Need help with getting back a runaway...
Hairy legs
I desire to place my sword of lust in your scabbard of desire
If I bump this thread out of the way first:

This thread is about farts.

Butt butt butt butt butt butt
Isn't it funny how memories work?

dammit. i just get bit by a snake
An afternoon looking at prawns

it's a rolling stones kind of a day.
My new word of the day: Defenestrated 4est 4estGump

I saw this and I thought of you Kybele