Fun on the bun.


Nov 15, 2011
(( Dead links may exist in this thread, there is nothing I can do about that short of saving every page and doing all the work for you :D ))

Ok, so there is this thing that is possible?

Download the MatrixKS screen saver by Kelly software.

Plug in a smart phone to your PC. I use a Samsung GS3

Input ideas into the text file.

I might be crazy, but so am I?

**Note: 12/7/2013 This thread is being repeatedly fucked up in small insidious ways. I try to fix it regularly, but it's hard to keep up. My phone and PC have also been hacked in ways that make saving impossible. Manipulators of free public data are bad. I have made persons angry by doing what I am doing, which is exposing corruption and facts and promoting individuals. The fuckups only serve to make me look like I'm hypocritical.
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My text file is huge at this point.

My brain hurts, but I'll post it soon.
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Ultimate? Code

Somehow my PC text file got all fucked up. It used to be posted in this post.
You(U) don't have to believe me. I was there.
I have a rough idea whom was responsible.
There may(are) also be fuck-ups in my threads done by someone else.
My computer was also hacked and files changed.
I place no blame although I can. (You know whom you are)

**Note:: I have gone/am going through the whole thread now to fix the messed up stuff::
(...and then it got fucked up again...)
It's strange how the stuff that I had to fix tried to make me look like a bad guy, like I was responsible for something on 4/11/2013, like I'm giving orders to some secret cabal...


Make your own text file (As it is for you)::

Has to start somewhere.

If you have my original, feel free to message me or shoot it to my e-mail.

11/23/2013 Code ReInterpret Because I Confuse

Here are the base codes I created BY MYSELF:: (Though it always existed)
They are extrapolated and explained later in this thread.
I do not write in code, only by accident, see my stories if you need proof.
(I have been assured they were not mod'd, but they suck, so I don't read them)
I write in fact and metaphor from 3rd Person Omniscient.

This code was invented by me to talk to an AI (artificial intelligence) system or a search engine which was speaking in mirror or reading individual characters
Your moral compass denotes the context.

If you think positive and choose a positive moral compass, it is a lie detector:
If these definitions seem not to fit, the opposite applies and you've found a Facist or a fake negative code usage.
For instance: Doing it wrong:
"The latest poll shows the president's approval ratinging is 37%"
"8 out of 10 doctors approve."

You cannot intentionally use code, only accidentally or without trying, otherwise it fails. (naturally)
It is not magic. Stop being stupid. Using it intentionally screams of manipulation.

12/11/2013 edit:
Captial letters equal lower case, they are the same.
Letters (This code is phonetic. It is also multilingual, try it on some Latin or Hawaiian)::
a = primary (a)(1) *Note: one individual, same as b
b = secondary (b)(2) *Note: one individual, same as a
c = see
d = defense
e = emotion
f = speak
g = greatness
h = heart
i = i
j = infinity
k = kick
l = love
m = mind
n = modifier
o = encompass
p = power
q = choice
r = strength
s = skill
t = brew
u = you
v = collective
w = youyou = uu or duu
x = mix
y = why
z = end or restart

A ZJ is always a restart job unless the person is an asshole, then it's an end job.


0 = start/end or everything/nothing('e/n') or noMATH=ASIN::Math Break 9906= 99 0 6
1 = individual
2 = part *Note: 2 can be to or too in context
3 = compromise *Note: 1.1.1=3 or 1:1:1=3 or 1/1/1=3
4 = mostly *Note: 4 can be for in context
5 = halfway
6 = peace
7 = benevolent/charitable
8 = infinity
9 = defense
10 = true
12 = 3 or 1:2
11 = 1+1 = 2 = part
13 = 1+3 = 4 = mostly = 31 *Note: Holds no context but the #4
20 = double true
21 = 3 or 2:1
30 = does not exist
31 = 3+1 = 4 = mostly = 13
40 = 4 = mostly
42 = answer *Note: 4+2=6=peace [ (A+) Douglas Adams ]
69 = balance (peace+defense) *Note: 6+9=15=1+5=6
96 = perfect balance (defense+peace) *Note: 9+6=15=1+5=6

When two similar numbers are next to each other, a (2) may be added for extrapolation within context::
1/1/2000 = 112000 or 1(2)12000 or 1(2)120(2)0(2)0
Same goes for letters:
heart primary power power why
heart (1)primary power (2) power why or heart individual primary power to power why

secondary primary greatness greatness primary greatness emotion
secondary primary greatness (2) greatness primary greatness emotion = bag2gage
secondary(2) (1)primary greatness greatness (1)primary greatness emotion = b21gg1age
secondary(2) (1)primary greatness (2) greatness (1)primary greatness emotion = b21ag2g1age
secondary (3) primary greatness (2) greatness (1)primary greatness emotion = b3ag2g1age
secondary (3) primary greatness greatness (1)primary greatness emotion = b3agg1age

Here's a fun one: 250
= 2+5+0 = 7 or
= 200+50 = 20(10)+5(10) = 2(100) + 5(10) = 1{2[10(10)]+5(10)}
Have fun with that like a million times...
It is best to use the lowest integer possible.
What about -250?

75321 = 7+5+3+2+1 = 18 = 9

97356 = 9+7+3+5+6 = 30 = 3

There is no A or B (C:Equality) *Note: A=B, B=A
(Equality is the basis for no one to take advantage of any other one.)
(A is one letter, B is one letter.)
As A can be B and B can be A
'one man's trash is another man's treasure'
One primary plus secondary too, Secondary compromise primary, & Secondary to one primary.
1primarysecondary2 = 1(2)12(2)2=10 or 1122=6
Individual primary secondary part
secondary21primary = 2(2)21(2)1=10 or 2211=6 or 21=3
Secondary compromise primary or Secondary part individual primary

1= is one equal and NOT one equals/one equal(s)
1:2 is uneven compromise
2:1 is even compromise
1:1 is =/= *Note: 11= 1+1=2=part / 1:1 is missing 1

**Note: 3:1 is mostly not, point it all at one, see 13/31 in above number list
ASIN:: Threesomes are fun until someone falls in love.

Think it's @ bullshit?
click the link, notice the results + time

Dates are easy:: Jul = 7 or 10 + 21 + 12 = 106 (if only)

The Formula For Mathematical Reduction to use a lowest base digit possible is explained vicariously in this thread::
parts of this thread have been hacked----^

Pi, when reduced after the decimal point equals infinity, asin: 3.8 or 3.infinity or 3...2 88 (three to infinity to infinity)

Infinity is still finite. Look it up, there are many kinds of infinity.

@ > 8 and you do not want that @, ask me how iKnow.
You probably do not want infinity either. I dunno, I'm not you.

Choose 2:1 or 1=
...and walk the middle ground.

*Note:: I much prefer the 2:1, but am stuck with 1= what if I have favorites.

Symbols: Representations: You should already know these: Things I type sometimes
*Note: my posts are manipulated with these and caps, a (2) never goes between symbols
Once again, I do not write in code, I'm too much of an idiot to get it right, I can barely use English.

= equals, is not used in code
=/= not equal, is not used in code
~ balance, is used in code when above the letter N
@ at, never used in code
* asterick, is never used in code, used for *ahem and *sniff only
& and, is never used in code, I rarely use this
# number, is never used in code
+ plus, is never used in code, I never type it twice unless A++ or ++88
++88 positive positive infinity to infinity, is never used in code
/ slash, is never used in code, used for things like and/or
- dash, is never used in code, only minus for (-)Ozzy or F-
w/ with, is never used in code
>.< period, is never used in code
<--- or ----^ or ---> or ----v points, is never used in code, # of - doesn't matter, direction does not matter
$ money, dollar sign, same as $$, is never used in code
? question mark, same as ??, is never used in code

*Note: note, as well, also extra
asin: as in
togo to go
so: so
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88 . 8 . infinity . Pi . 3...2(88) . ++

Department of IAI = choice'n(truth)

IAI = +max(Internet And AI)

e/n = -1(88) o 1(88)


4 8 4 & TT

Include only the Constitution of the United States of America .


Choice Todos > 88balance = ~

88AI =/= ++ Free Will .

LIES = FAIL when + = false 3 ... 2 88

. Here endeth the Text.Math88 .

*Note: This was written before I decoded the Ultimate code that already existed, therefore plain English is plain English (learn to read). For use in this text o=or, Todos=all, side by side characters=to except for ++ ASIN: 8to8, TtoT, ++
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If I'm as infinity as I think I am, then people have been stealing :(
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I feel a little sick.

I searched for the votes tallies and official election results.
They are required to be posted in early December, the same time as the Sandy Hook shooting.

Time limit?
C-span Video?
this is as far as I go.

and the: XII Amendment:

"... they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice-President and of the number of votes each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Rep, open all the certificates and the votes shall be then counted; ..."

The Electoral Votes from all states are not received:
As in electoral college epic fail.

Results are required to be posted by Electronic, post one post all.

50 states +DC
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IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776

The unanimous Declaration of the
thirteen united States of America,

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes neccessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

... continue standard DoI ..."
The Constitution of the United States of America:

Sec 5 Para 2:

"Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for Disorderly Behavior, and, with the Concurence of two thirds, expel a Member."


Sec 6 Para 1:

"They shall in all Cases, except Treason [which is bad], Felony, and Breach of the Peace [also bad], be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place."

'nuff said
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Sec8 Para 3:

"To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;"

Sec8 Para 6:

"To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;"
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Copyrights for all you artists:

Kirby Dance:
<("<) 8 <(' ')> 8 (>")>

Sec8 Para8:

"To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;"

Here Endeth The Text.
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Danger Will Robinson.

Removed because fucktards messed with it.
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USC: Article 1:
Sec8 Para17:
"Congress shall have the power..."
"To make all Laws which shall be neccessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof."

Al Gore in Futurama (see: Vice Presidential Rangers):
"Read the Constitution. <points>"

He does have his moments.
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C: czars

There is no mention of Czars in the Constitution short of not having them.

Article 1:

"No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign State."

Head of State is Head of State.

State =/= state


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Colors should be free. see:period >.<
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Stop making fun of Texas. Read their State Constitution, it's epic.
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I wanted to skip this :(

Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America

Ratified effective December(3) 15(6), 1791(9)

Amendment II : A well regulate d Militia, being neccessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Ask the Japanese about the strength of steel.
Ask any WW2 Vet about the Value of a Colt.
There are no bad fathers, only bad choices.

This is simple: Protect yourself.
Hitler took away all of the guns from the citizens in his country for a good reason.

Self Defense = Needed.
Personal responsibility = FTW

Think it through::
A society that cannot defend itself against tyranny? wtf?
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Keep Right Except To Pass.

NJ Highway rule #1.

Where you want to go, is not more important than everyone else's needs.
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