Fun Challenge: Write your fellow poet's bio


save an apple, eat eve
Oct 20, 2001
Earlier today I was trying to think of something interesting to put in my lit member's page bio. I wanted to say more than "I write poetry and prose." I wanted to write something that says "Look, I really can write poetry and prose!" Well, I couldn't think of anything, so I had sp write it. lol Of course, he wanted the favor returned.

Wicked's Bio
smithpeter's Bio

As prose and poetry writers we take any opportunity we can to be creative. So I thought it may be interesting to write someone else's bio. Pick anyone and see how creative you can get. Extra points for writing a poem bio. Whether of not the poet uses the bio will be up to them. We can't force them. :D

Very funny stuff...only, I couldn't decide if I should think about this or just write off the top of my head (where the really flighty stuff tends to land briefly before flittering away again). Anyways...I thought about it, so now I'll just have to wait for an inspiration to strike me (that's when they close the landing stripe on the flighty stuff)
