full frontal nudity is gonna be next


a work in progress
Feb 22, 2002
they're showing "saving private ryan" on channel 12 here in central texas. that's one of the major network stations 'though i can't say which one at the moment. they're showing it totally uncut. every fuck, shit and goddam is in place. can full frontal nudity on network tv be far behind?
I noticed that .. my roommates are watching it. How can they air that? Has something changed? What exactly are the rules of censorship on tv?
unclej said:
they're showing "saving private ryan" on channel 12 here in central texas. that's one of the major network stations 'though i can't say which one at the moment. they're showing it totally uncut. every fuck, shit and goddam is in place. can full frontal nudity on network tv be far behind?

They already did "Schindlers List"
unclej said:
can full frontal nudity on network tv be far behind?

Actually, if you remember back a couple years NBC did the same thing the first time it aired "Schindler's List" and almost entirely sans commercials.

So the nudity thing has already been done.
Isn't the USA the only civilized nation where full frontal is taboo but bloodbaths are a-okay?
Lancecastor said:
Isn't the USA the only civilized nation where full frontal is taboo but bloodbaths are a-okay?

That assumes that we are civilized in some respects i wonder :rolleyes:

I remember the christian whackos in my county went crazy they aired Schindlers List because of the nudity. I mean my god it was not even sexual in nature.

Sometime last year Saving Private Ryan was run with no censorship by one of the major networks in my area as well.
i hadn't thought about it that way lancecaster but you're right. arnold can completely blow away 47 bad guys in the first 2 minutes of a tv movied but you can't show a nipple. i may have to re-think my higher life form thread.
Only in the United States do we glorify violence and supress the natural sexual instincts that all human beings have.
If you suck a tit, you're rated X; but if you cut it off with a sword, you're PG.
~Jack Nicholson
I remember when I was a kid and my mom did not worry so much if the movie I was watching was violent but if it had any sex in it at all even a hint she went into super censor mode.

My dad, when he was around, was not much for either but seemed to be agianst the violence a little more. I think that had something to do with Vietnam but I am not sure.
I'd rather have my little sister and brothers seeing a boob than hearing shit/ass/bitch repeatedly.
That was the point of the Southpark Movie, yes?

In Canada, we are more likely to edit the gore and leave the naughty bits in.

Our government owned French network shows some genuinely turgid flix every night.

Yummy stuff, oui!
Wiggles said:
I'd rather have my little sister and brothers seeing a boob than hearing shit/ass/bitch repeatedly.

Yup I would much rather see your boobs then hear cussing or see violence. :D :p
Re: Re: full frontal nudity is gonna be next

marksgirl said:
They already did "Schindlers List"

Gets no respect/and or credit..........oh well........at least I thought I'd get a cookie.:(
i love saving private ryan.

i'm glad they are showing it uncut. i think it's important for people to see how horrible/difficult fighting in a war is. after i saw this movie the first time, i wanted to say thanks to every war vet that i saw.
Re: Re: Re: full frontal nudity is gonna be next

marksgirl said:
Gets no respect/and or credit..........oh well........at least I thought I'd get a cookie.:(
Damn, no cookie. Maybe we can work something else out.;)
i was too busy with you on the other thread to give you a cookie. what kind do you want?
unclej said:
welcome on board powboy. good point.

Thanks for the welcome. I do think, however, that it will be a long time before we see a penis pig on network tv.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: full frontal nudity is gonna be next

marksgirl said:
Like? A beer?
If that is your wish, pretty lady. Or perhaps something a little stronger.:D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: full frontal nudity is gonna be next

marksgirl said:
Like? A beer?

I have beer.

Killians my favorite.

Rolling Rock

And some nasty Coors. :mad:
ABC airs it and absorbs the FCC fines. Sometimes the FCC is cool about this sort of thing, I think the last time they did it and the deal with Schindler's list they just let 'em go.

I think it's funny how high people hold that movie, yes it's good, it's one of the few watchable war movies, but it's still a war movie. In the last battle they have about 8 US guys and about 30 die. ;)
i don't know, jerry springer's just a dick with ears so a cock pig (the proper classification) can't be far behind.

oooh, nutterbutter with a glass of really cold milk. and a fat boy. ok, i got that backwards, fatboy then cookies and milk. we really do have to get together one of these days.