

a long way up
Apr 17, 2002
Lets all wish FUCKMYWIFE a big happy birthday

36 today

He may never have posted , but never the less have a good one
Pixie Mischief said:
I never got a birthday wish on my birthday :(

just thought that someone with a nick as straight forward as that deserved a b'day wish

I wonder if any one did - fuck his wife
Pixie Mischief said:
I doubt it, not with that name

I dont suppose we will ever know

so been up to any mischief lately ?
Pixie Mischief said:
not really kinda bored.


( short for - why dont you turn of your computer and do something more interesting instead )
well what are your plans for the rest of the day

Is it going to get any better - or is it slowly going downhill ?
my plan for the rest of the day is to sleep LOL so it will get better till I wake up again LOL I hate winter
Pixie Mischief said:
my plan for the rest of the day is to sleep LOL so it will get better till I wake up again LOL I hate winter

SLEEP ? that is for wimps

Get out of the house- go for a walk -

I notice that you have a wheelchair in one of your AV"s - is that a permanent thing or just at the moment ?
Pixie Mischief said:
its very permanent :p so.. I very well cant go for a "Walk" :p LMAO

Ok go for a spin - crank the thing up and go for a wander

annoy some pedestrians and small children
I dont think you understand :p I cant "keep moving". When you walk, your actions create energy helping you keep warm. me, I get really cold fast, and bad circulation. last time I went out was on my birthday LOL I could barely drive or see anything cause I was so covered up LMAO I live 30 minutes away from the bar to LOL was a cold walk home
Pixie Mischief said:
I dont think you understand :p I cant "keep moving". When you walk, your actions create energy helping you keep warm. me, I get really cold fast, and bad circulation. last time I went out was on my birthday LOL I could barely drive or see anything cause I was so covered up LMAO I live 30 minutes away from the bar to LOL was a cold walk home

yes I am beginning to see now

ok plan B -
Pixie Mischief said:
whats plan b? besides I have a 979 page book to read lol

sounds like a lot of reading

you could

watch a movie
cook a meal
bake a cake
have a drink
tidy house
have a bath
learn how to count to 10 in Japanese
do some on line shopping - treat yourself to something nice
phone some friends
arrange a party for the new year
send some xmas cards
wrap some presents

phew exshausted just thinking about it
already did some of those and some I cant do :p

you know people are going to think I wanna fuck your wife with the this thread name LOL
Pixie Mischief said:
already did some of those and some I cant do :p

you know people are going to think I wanna fuck your wife with the this thread name LOL

If I had one you would be very welcome

I used to have one - but I wouldnt advise it with her - though I could give you her number -

have you ever fucked anyones wife before or is this the first time you have thought about it ?
Pixie Mischief said:
LMAO! who said I wanted to fuck anyone's wife?

so lie down on my couch and tell me about these urges

what - is my wife ( if I had one ) not good enough for you !

OK whose wife do would you have in mind.

I would fuck say ---------- my mate down the roads wife , though I havent broached the subject with him yet