
honey, I am still getting over the flu, and am, ahem, in my cycle. I am just flat out unfuckable at the moment. But thanks for suggesting it.
peachykeen said:
honey, I am still getting over the flu, and am, ahem, in my cycle. I am just flat out unfuckable at the moment. But thanks for suggesting it.

Okay, you're off the hook with a doctor's excuse. Everyone else should



If I don't pay my cable bill tommorow I am fucked.. does that count?
Of course, for you, I don't think "fucking" would be a proper term. It wouldn't do the act justice, if you know what I mean. ;)

Hey, we hijacked a thread! :D

Is that an Order or a Request?

Hmmm to Fuck. How many sayings can we take from the word FUCK.... for example feel up cunt kissing. Hmm what does it mean? Where did it derieve from. Why the word fuck? We do use it in our everyday vocabulary. Why is it so bad when a person tells you to go fuck yourself. I mean isn't that what we all want to get or do? :)
