Fuck Up Lavender


Literotica Guru
Nov 28, 2002

Please refer to Lavender's thread: Civilian deaths in Iraq.

It seems she has a problem with accepting that her nation is responsible for the civilian casualties(the high majority) that have ocurred within this war so far.

She is laying blame directly at Iraq for what is happening over there. She is trying to salvage some pride for her nation and fellow patriotic warmongering cunts on this board.

The save face mentality. Restore the pride of the US, as it delves deeper into a Vietnam like war, and the world once again will return to take to the streets months from now chanting, "Stop the war' or in the US, Britian and Australia they will say 'Bring our troops back home'. Dummy's of Blair and Bush will be paraded through Western cities with a rope around their necks. All over America, people will begin to realise they are flogging a dead horse.

The civilian casualties will rise as America becomes more frustrated with their war efforts. They will lose more of their sons and daughters.

America will decide that Operation Iraqi Freedom is no longer an operation. Those who wish to be liberated are now a minority.

It will be called Operation Iraqi Fortune.

Without being too harsh on Lavender, I can see her view as being with some substance, but that is based on the overall media influx and brainwashing your country does to you people. They present you with so many grand speeches and present the good hard efforts of peace and love, yet at the end of the day, we all know that whereever US forces go, it is gung ho, give a fuck and basically shoot anything that moves. To admit this or present it to the people of America, would immeidiately get a response of condemnation, but it is people like Lavender within this world that need to understand the reality of war, and the lies that go with it.

When you suggested that Iraq gave money to the suicide bombers family like some sort of reward, I did not see you mention the fact that those involved in the incident where US troops machine gunned down that van killing women and children, have given compensation by way of US dollars to the victims families. Such a grand jesture, but no different.

Is that rewarding their guilt or trying to save face in a manner that depicts another fuck up, where people within this board come to the aid of defending US troops once more?

If they aren't killing women, children and innocent Iraqi's, then their allies cop it and that is once again, a reality of war.

Maybe they won't go to war anymore, based on every war they are in, they are always accused of killing civilians and their own allies. The accusations turn out to be the truth.

I wouldn't stand tall and be proud of your armed forces, based on their disastrous past and their efforts in Iraq right now.

It is all the Iraqi's fault according to you.

Are you going to blame them for your politicians striking deals with them to bolster their weapons of mass destruction stockpiles before the Gulf War?

Is it their fault your country invaded without UN approval?

Are the women their to blame that they protect their children and flee their homes to avoid the constant bombardment of them every night, and in doing so, they meet the World police on 'their' highways, in 'their' own country, who expect them to stop when they are frightened out of their wits, and don't trust the US forces based on them being the ones responsible for the bombardment?

They are massacred and once again the US tries to find solice by saying they warned them. Turns out these troops Sergeant has admitted they did not follow his orders properly.

Who's fault you fucking blind one eyed slag?

According to you it is Iraq's.
Kuntmode said:

Who's fault you fucking blind one eyed slag?

An interesting post until you destroyed your credibility, if you ever had any, with the above insult.

I no longer care what you wrote in the rest of your post, it was obliterated by your crass comment.
Re: Re: Fuck Up Lavender

bluespoke said:
An interesting post until you destroyed your credibility, if you ever had any, with the above insult.

I no longer care what you wrote in the rest of your post, it was obliterated by your crass comment.
He,She or"It" Doesnt care.

Their name says it all..........

Re: Re: Fuck Up Lavender

bluespoke said:
An interesting post until you destroyed your credibility, if you ever had any, with the above insult.

I no longer care what you wrote in the rest of your post, it was obliterated by your crass comment.

I wonder if he looked at the fact that the Iragis have done everything they possibly can to put their own civilians in danger?

I have to agree with Gil how ever, this person lost crediablity with the insult.
The only thing I don't agree with in this war we are in now is the code name assigned to it.

I don't think it is about Iraqui Freedom at all. I would call it like I see it.

Operation Payback or Operation Kill Hussain

I do support our troops and our President. The war has already started.
What message would I be sending out if I did not support them ? No matter how right or wrong it is, people die in war. Soldiers as well as innocent people. We are not the ones sending people out on suicide missions to bomb people in taxi cabs and what not. The countries in the area we are in think nothing of teaching children to hate in the name of religion. To them it is ok, even required to strap explosives onto school children and send them out to stores, schools, playgrounds, anywhere they can do damage in the name of whatever god they believe in. Even if they themselves are killed, it's ok because their god will reward them for destroying the infidel believers of a different religion.

There is enuff hate going around now, no need to add to it with ignorant insults. :rolleyes:
I'm finding all the ways Americans can use the phrase "...but I support our troops." interesting.

Patriot Sauce.

PS: Slagging the evil scag Lavender is a mark of intelligence and character. That bag of scabs lords over others every chance she gets and ought to be squashed like a bug. Peace.
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Unlike most on here, I for one do not come on here to gain credibility, nor do I give two fucks whether you lot take offence to various phrases or words I may use.

I do not contend with the mass populous vying for positions of credibility on here.

I make my point in view in a manner that I feel those who live outside of the American bubble of 'We are the best and always right', somehow tend to agree with.

It is only those that want to be seen as credible outside of the US that will disagree if indeed I insult someone else.

So in retrospect, most would tend to agree with what I said but don't because of some slanderous words within this thread?

Come now people, Lavender's credibility is on the line. She needs support from her fellow countrymen(persons) to weave her way around the fact she seems to condone the slaughter of innocents.

Using Saddam and the Iraq regime as a scapegoat doesn't seem to wash with me. All over the world people are subjected to cruelty by various governments and starve, suffer and are tortured.

How many fucking regime's are there?

Just easy to lay blame their way when fuck ups appear or you make an error of judgement in illegally entering a country without UN approval, and starting to look as those you are struggling to contend with what you felt was a hop, skip and a jump to victory.

She is still a slag. Regardless of your bullshit Lit ethics. :)
Re: n/a

Kuntmode said:
Unlike most on here, I for one do not come on here to gain credibility, nor do I give two fucks whether you lot take offence to various phrases or words I may use.

Who gives a flying fuck why you come here, or for that matter, what you think. You're nothing but a disturbed flamer looking for attention.

Lavender, however, is a well-liked member of this community. She makes her points crystal clear and with credibility.

You fail to compete.
Re: Re: Fuck Up Lavender

bluespoke said:
An interesting post until you destroyed your credibility, if you ever had any, with the above insult.

I no longer care what you wrote in the rest of your post, it was obliterated by your crass comment.


Re: Re: n/a

Cherry said:
Who gives a flying fuck why you come here, or for that matter, what you think. You're nothing but a disturbed flamer looking for attention.

Lavender, however, is a well-liked member of this community. She makes her points crystal clear and with credibility.

You fail to compete.

Amen :D
Re: Re: n/a

Cherry said:
Who gives a flying fuck why you come here, or for that matter, what you think. You're nothing but a disturbed flamer looking for attention.

Lavender, however, is a well-liked member of this community. She makes her points crystal clear and with credibility.

You fail to compete.

Originally posted by Kuntmode
Unlike most on here, I for one do not come on here to gain credibility, nor do I give two fucks whether you lot take offence to various phrases or words I may use.


Lavender, however, is a well-liked member of this community. She makes her points crystal clear and with credibility

If you fucking well read what I originally posted you would see that I was being 'crystal clear' in stating that I do not come here for credibility, yet you seem to try to boost Lavender's or state she has credibility. I then proceeded to also clearly state that I don't give two fucks whether people like you or Dreamgay take offence to various phrases or words I may use.

Now your response is a 'crystal clear' message to me of exactly the things I have already stated. I pull the strings and you fucking muppets dance.


Come now people, Lavender's credibility is on the line. She needs support from her fellow countrymen(persons) to weave her way around the fact she seems to condone the slaughter of innocents.

Do you have a problem with reading or something?

Originally posted by Cherry
You fail to compete

I do not contend with the mass populous vying for positions of credibility on here

I guess you are another fucking slag doing the goody two shoe hop and trying to get pats on the back from others on here for sticking up for your so called credible community neighbour.

Do you lot run cake stalls and have fete's on weekends as well?

Dumb fucking yankee cunts.
Re: Re: Fuck Up Lavender

bluespoke said:
An interesting post until you destroyed your credibility, if you ever had any, with the above insult.

I no longer care what you wrote in the rest of your post, it was obliterated by your crass comment.

What the fuck is the title of this thread supposed to mean? Am I the only one who thinks it's a really bizarre use of the word fuck?
Re: Re: Re: n/a

Kuntmode said:
Originally posted by Kuntmode
Unlike most on here, I for one do not come on here to gain credibility, nor do I give two fucks whether you lot take offence to various phrases or words I may use.

If you fucking well read what I originally posted you would see that I was being 'crystal clear' in stating that I do not come here for credibility, yet you seem to try to boost Lavender's or state she has credibility. I then proceeded to also clearly state that I don't give two fucks whether people like you or Dreamgay take offence to various phrases or words I may use.

Now your response is a 'crystal clear' message to me of exactly the things I have already stated. I pull the strings and you fucking muppets dance.

Let me spell it out for you Knutmode

If you have no credibility, no one will listen to you or take you seriously.

If you're going to point out someone's failings, then do it intelligently and cohesively, without resulting to insults or expletives. Is it really that hard to do that?
You guys should really stop trying to reason with Kuntmode. He's just like a Yayati Kidrock mix on PCP.



Religious fanatics that support Lavender's opinion, her so called credible one about innocent women and children being mowed down by US troops, when their own Sergeant was absolutely furious that they disobeyed a direct order and failed to do their proper duty. He even came out and stated that they just killed a family.

Lavender tried to somehow defend these troops in a way like lawyers did for OJ simpson.

They were guilty and to say they were not and feel sorry for them really does question her so called credibility.

Flock to her, comfort her, and you all are guilty of condoning the killing of little babies and their mothers. :)

The title of this thread is simple Lavender.

Get your facts certain before you come to the aid of troops that massacre the innocent. :)

Fuck up in no uncertain terms mean shut your gob. Maybe stick a cock in it for a day or so and do something useful.

Have a nice day! :cool:
lavender said:
You guys should really stop trying to reason with Kuntmode. He's just like a Yayati Kidrock mix on PCP.

And if you play it backwards it sounds like Judy Garland singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"
Re: Re: Re: n/a

Kuntmode said:
I guess you are another fucking slag doing the goody two shoe hop and trying to get pats on the back from others on here for sticking up for your so called credible community neighbour.

Do you lot run cake stalls and have fete's on weekends as well?

Dumb fucking yankee cunts. [/B]

My my, such hostility. It never fails to amaze me how the unwashed and uneducated of the world still manage to figure out how to connect to the net.

My suggestion to you little boy, is to go back to your school and learn a little more vocabulary before you try a battle of wits. You're obviously unarmed for that conflict. :p
For someone who professes to not care about what others think of him, you’re awful defensive. If you truly didn’t care, you wouldn’t have bothered to reply.


All I see is others defending someone that defends people who slaughter innocent women and children. Someone that will be at the docks when US troops come home and cheer and throw confetti at them as though they are heroes. Someone that wants to run up to them in Iraq with a hankerchief as though they are the victims when it is them who are the ones in the wrong.

Yes I am defensive of the truth and those who are murdered based on their inadequate military adventures.

The women of Amnesty International and the Red Cross all want to rip of their panties, open their legs and take my cock deep in their slippery wet fluff puffs :)


I am a true legend. :cool:
I like this thread because it involves using a Ginsu knife on Lavvy's rather ample ass.

Roast steer anyone?
yayati said:
lavender: ur a hater b/c i've not been here for a quite a while and notice my surprize when i find out you attacking me behind my back...! FYI i support kmode and think u are rather a stupid idiot for backing bush and blair...

Well she'll be shitting herself now your on her case yapdog........fuck knows the rest are all chicken shit when compared to the might of your sixpack and virgin tool......

Hell, if I had any brains I'd be shitting myself too..........