Fuck the landlord

Wrong Element

Sentient Onion
May 5, 2002
Sure, it's demeaning, but think of the money you'll save.

I think she fucked the landlord but he couldn't keep it up. She is telling it all with her finger.
"Just because you're familiar with the missionary position doesn't make you a missionary."
"What is it about good sex that makes me have to crap?"

Shit, I'm going to have to watch this now. Plus, any film with a simpleminded character named Ishmael can't help but be of interest to a Litster.
just don't watch the three stooges first. if you do you'll never be able to watch a farrelly brothers movie again.
For the slumlord's defense HIRE Barack Obama, Esq.

In this case, Obama defended a Chicago slumlord and powerful political ally who was charged with a long list of offenses against poor residents. The defendant was the Woodlawn Preservation & Investment Corp., controlled by Bishop Arthur Brazier, a South Side Chicago preacher and political operator.

Brazier's burgeoning real estate empire included a low-income housing project at 6223 South University. Today, MapQuest describes the Woodlawn neighborhood as "quaint and sedate." But in the winter of 1994, it was a frigid hell.

Brazier was closely allied with Obama and his firm, not least because Davis was on WPIC's Board of Directors. Davis was also the corporation's registered agent, and he received the court summons when the city filed suit on the South University apartments.

Brazier's WPIC had failed for nearly a month to supply heat and running water for the complex's 15 crumbling apartments. On Jan. 18, 1994, the day the heat went off, Chicago's official high temperature was 11 below zero, the day after it was 19 below.

Even worse, the residents were then ordered to leave the WPIC complex in the winter chill without the due process they would have been afforded by an eviction procedure.

call me clueless. what movie is this? i put fuck the landlord into a google search, and all i got was porn.