
Rural Racist Homophobe
Nov 29, 2001
Political Editor

AMERICA will NUKE Baghdad if Saddam Hussein dares unleash weapons of mass destruction, it emerged last night.

The chilling warning to Iraq was revealed by former Tory Premier John Major, who led Britain in the 1991 Gulf War.

During that conflict, allied forces were armed with “battlefield” nuclear weapons and prepared to use them in a counter attack, he said.

Saddam was privately warned his capital would be obliterated if he used weapons of mass destruction against allied troops or Middle East targets — including Israel.

And senior security sources last night confirmed Saddam has been warned AGAIN of the consequences if he breaks the ban on using terror weapons.

Mr Major wrote of the Gulf War: “In private, Saddam Hussein received an unmistakable warning about the immediate and catastrophic consequences for Iraq of any such attack on civilians.

“I knew that if he did use these diabolical weapons we would have to escalate our response to bring the war to a speedy and conclusive end before too many of our troops were exposed to them.”

More at:,,2-2002431528,00.html
Not that I dispute John's words (he said as much in his autobiography), but quoting The Sun is akin to quoting National Enquirer...
Hey, I get some of my best material from the Enquirer! :D

And, considering what has happened with the press, it's become quite credible and often well researched, now that the competition has come DOWN to its level!

So, as you pointed out, it doesn't necessarily mean it's not true.
Peaceniks? Have you been reading The Collected Works of Spiro Agnew again?

Next time, go with "Nattering Nabobs of Negativism." I love alliteration.

Long time no see!

Ugh. Remember why :D !

It sures seems like the 60's again to hear them wail about the impending end over the world over a country WE JUST WHIPPED good and proper. But they can't get over Viet Nam, so I have to resort to the old lingo to talk to people with old notions...

HELL NO LBJ We won't go... (Guess they were 'publicans initially... Who'da thunk to listen to them today!)

Nattering Naboob here !

1. He did not use wmd before because the fuse went out.

2. I'm shocked, *SHOCKED* to hear that america would nuke someone who uses a nuke on the american military or on one of the Ruling Cities. How rude!

3. If the iraqis have half a brain as well as formerly red-army tac nukes, they are not *IN* iraq but in new york washington london and tel aviv. sent ups.

those places in addition to baghdad are not healthy places to be right now.
If deterrence works, then you just made an argument for not going to war. Thanks.
Deterence works only when the opponent is absolutely convinced that one means to carry out the threat. So far, Saddam has only been stood up to once.

You can't let a guy like that start to get confidence or get on a roll...

Once he gets to feeling Omniscient again, hard telling what he's capable of.
SINthysist said:

Long time no see!

But it seems no different than when I left...

HELL NO LBJ We won't go... (Guess they were 'publicans initially... Who'da thunk to listen to them today!)

See, AJ, you can't even get your meter right. It was:

"Hell No, We Won't Go!"


"Hey, hey, LBJ
How many kids did you kill today?"

And surely you remember that being a Democrat was no shelter for ol' Lyndon Baines. Whatever credit he got for civil rights he squandered many times over on the Nam. He may have been a (D) but he was still just a good ol' redneck from Tejas.
You know, I see the 60's in a shifting blurred dreamlike, whoops alliterate..., flying fickle finger of fate kinda way, so memory betrays me :D !