From Sea to Shining Sea

“We disagree with war in general,” Smith added. “We are at a time in life when we can just get along and not have to blow each other up. We have all this technology, it should be bringing us together, but we are still acting like barbarians."

I really like this quote. WE are barbarian? yea like we fly planes into buildings and target civilians. What a warped since of reality here, hon.

Sorry I misspelled that word. Thanks for pointing that out to me. I have no spelling buddy, whatever that is.
"In Crowd"?

If you're an example of the "in crowd," DCL, then I have no desire to be in it. In fact, I'm deliriously happy that I'm NOT in it!
Re: "In Crowd"?

If you're an example of the "in crowd," DCL, then I have no desire to be in it. In fact, I'm deliriously happy that I'm NOT in it!

Damn, I looked at that digusting av again and still don't know if red is the sucker or the suckee.
Desert Rose

The same guy also said "A lot of this is over oil." Ah, yes-- OIL. That dirty little three letter word the propagandists for the war never mention.
Re: Re: "In Crowd"?

Problem Child said:

Damn, I looked at that digusting av again and still don't know if red is the sucker or the suckee.

I thought that was cruelty to an animal, then Bob_Bytchin told me that was a girl and not a monkey.

My bad :rolleyes:
Racist scum

Referring to a black woman as a "monkey" is racism of the lowest and vilest sort.
Re: Re: Re: "In Crowd"?

HeavyStick said:

I thought that was cruelty to an animal, then Bob_Bytchin told me that was a girl and not a monkey.

My bad :rolleyes:

Racist, fascist, McCarthyite pig!

(I'm just trying to keep things rolling.)
Lets start another high school popularity thread here, REWAVE. There just aren't enough of them.

Who's lit's prettiest and reddest member?
Re: Racist scum

Referring to a black woman as a "monkey" is racism of the lowest and vilest sort.

I'm not racist, that's just the ugliest thing with a pulse. I swear there should be a crime for even feeding that thing.
Re: Re: Re: Re: "In Crowd"?

Problem Child said:

Racist, fascist, McCarthyite pig!

(I'm just trying to keep things rolling.) forgot homophobe
Re: Rose

Prettiest-- you.

Reddest-- me, of course.

Nope I don't qualify. I show no tits or ass on here. That's a must for the men of lit to think you are pretty.
Re: Desert Rose

The same guy also said "A lot of this is over oil." Ah, yes-- OIL. That dirty little three letter word the propagandists for the war never mention.

Why do you think OIL is what this is about. Give me some facts and real numbers, please.
"The call from the platform to base opposition to war on the Democrats was undercut by the near total absence of Democratic politicians at the protest itself. Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney of Georgia was the principal politician to address the crowd. She is a lame duck after losing in the Democratic primary to a heavily funded challenger who enjoyed the tacit support of the party’s leadership. McKinney was targeted after making statements questioning whether the Bush administration had prior knowledge about the September 11 terrorist attacks. The only other politician to address the protest was New York Democratic State Senator Tom Duane, who represents Greenwich Village."

Okay, sorry but I can't help but laugh my little head off at this one. You folks have these two on your side? Boy Howdy, there's some powerful and credible guns for you.... LMAO.

Why do I think the coming war on Iraq is about oil, Rosie? I'm amazed you could even ask! Oh, just because Iraq has enormous reserves of oil and gas, as does much of the Middle East. Just because the world economy is oil-based, and heavily dependent upon oil to keep functioning. Just because Bush and Cheney have extensive ties to the oil industry. I could go on and on, but I think that's more than sufficient to make the point.

Why do I think the coming war on Iraq is about oil, Rosie? I'm amazed you could even ask! Oh, just because Iraq has enormous reserves of oil and gas, as does much of the Middle East. Just because the world economy is oil-based, and heavily dependent upon oil to keep functioning. Just because Bush and Cheney have extensive ties to the oil industry. I could go on and on, but I think that's more than sufficient to make the point.

Based soley upon your defective reasoning we should attack Russia, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, and Venezuela, pretty much in that order.