Egypt now has its best chance ever to actually become a constitutional republic - the catch though, as old Ben warned 225 years ago, is if they can "keep it." And the latest liberty movement indicates at least a core group of Egyptians are willing, once more, to risk everything to stake their nation's future on reverence for the law instead of loyalty to religion and/or party.
The Muslim Brotherhood has grossly miscalculated the will of enough vigilant Egyptian people and it must now pay the political price for showing its tyrannical hand so early after prevailing in Egypt's historic democratic elections literally just months ago. Marx proclaimed democracy led to socialism; Lenin averred that socialism's goal is communism, and Morsi is clearly goosestepping down that same collective path, with a dash of Sharia to add some Islamic flavor to the standard statist recipe of all tyrants.
A democratic majority elected the jihadist Morsi into office and a majority of voting Egyptians still fly the Bro flag, but there are enough individual liberty-loving Egyptians standing up today and saying NO! to Morsi's tyrannical power grab and to the Brotherhood's intent of turning Egypt into Sharialand that it gives a far away freedom lover hope that there are those in Egypt who understand mob rule is no true political challenge to a body of vigilant people who revere constitutional law above all.
A couple of days ago pro-liberty protestors marched all the way to Morsi's office, which is protected and fortified by the strongest power in all of Egypt - the military. A protestor was quoted as saying that they could have stormed the military positions and overtaken them, but that their fight is not against the military and that, for now at least, they desire to legally protest in respect for the legal principles they stand for.
This latest liberty-loving uprising shows that enough Egyptian people are not going to go quietly into the dark, Middle Ages night the Brotherhood plan for them. And Morsi's days are numbered now, too - already there are calls to prosecute him for his illegal actions, prosecution akin to that which Mubarak still endures.
Through it all Egypt has been blessed with a military that refuses to turn on its own people, and that key of civil integrity is what will help nourish the liberty movement as it continues to grow in the days and weeks and years ahead.
When the Egyptians finally get the law entrenched atop their government where it naturally belongs, and when they finally get a government which reveres that law as much as the vigilant liberty-lovers of today do, they may just want to print a pound note with an image of old Ben instead of some of the Pharaonic images they now use to emphasize that they not only chose and fought for the righteous path that leads from democracy to individual liberty for all, but that once they actually established their constitutional republic...
...they kept it.
The Muslim Brotherhood has grossly miscalculated the will of enough vigilant Egyptian people and it must now pay the political price for showing its tyrannical hand so early after prevailing in Egypt's historic democratic elections literally just months ago. Marx proclaimed democracy led to socialism; Lenin averred that socialism's goal is communism, and Morsi is clearly goosestepping down that same collective path, with a dash of Sharia to add some Islamic flavor to the standard statist recipe of all tyrants.
A democratic majority elected the jihadist Morsi into office and a majority of voting Egyptians still fly the Bro flag, but there are enough individual liberty-loving Egyptians standing up today and saying NO! to Morsi's tyrannical power grab and to the Brotherhood's intent of turning Egypt into Sharialand that it gives a far away freedom lover hope that there are those in Egypt who understand mob rule is no true political challenge to a body of vigilant people who revere constitutional law above all.
A couple of days ago pro-liberty protestors marched all the way to Morsi's office, which is protected and fortified by the strongest power in all of Egypt - the military. A protestor was quoted as saying that they could have stormed the military positions and overtaken them, but that their fight is not against the military and that, for now at least, they desire to legally protest in respect for the legal principles they stand for.
This latest liberty-loving uprising shows that enough Egyptian people are not going to go quietly into the dark, Middle Ages night the Brotherhood plan for them. And Morsi's days are numbered now, too - already there are calls to prosecute him for his illegal actions, prosecution akin to that which Mubarak still endures.
Through it all Egypt has been blessed with a military that refuses to turn on its own people, and that key of civil integrity is what will help nourish the liberty movement as it continues to grow in the days and weeks and years ahead.
When the Egyptians finally get the law entrenched atop their government where it naturally belongs, and when they finally get a government which reveres that law as much as the vigilant liberty-lovers of today do, they may just want to print a pound note with an image of old Ben instead of some of the Pharaonic images they now use to emphasize that they not only chose and fought for the righteous path that leads from democracy to individual liberty for all, but that once they actually established their constitutional republic...
...they kept it.