From Heiress to Sex Slave... (Closed to Ryanmo97 and playfulbimom)


Literotica Guru
Mar 21, 2006
Name: Ryan Morris
Age: 35
Hair: Brown
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 210 lbs.
Body type: Athletic

Ryan Morris waited in woods by the college library parking lot. Over a year ago, Ryan was forced out as CEO of his company because of a merger with a rival company. Sure he made a lot of money out of the deal but that was beside the point. That company had been in his family for years, someone had to pay.

Ryan learned that his rival had a daughter that was starting college, so he deiced to kidnap her and make her his sex slave. He spent quite a bit of money converting his basement into a dungeon. Then, he started following her, he learned her routine, and he knew that she would be coming out of the library any moment... and then she would become his sex slave.
Name: Erica Gardner
Age: 18
Height: 5ft3
Weight: 110lbs
Breasts: 32d(augmented)
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Hazel

Erica was finishing studying with some of her new friends at the nrw college. The nice thing about not flaunting your money like some attention starved Paris Hilton was that she could make normal friends and no one would know she was the heiress to the worlds largest adult toy fortune. Her father had invented The Rabbit, and many other adult toys, and she was due to be given that money when he died.

Erica had always kept a low profile, despite being heiress to the 17th wealthiest man in the world. She just didnt enjoy all the crazy attention so many people in her position got. The only attention grabbing thing she ever did was when she had her dad pay to upgrade her breasts fron non existant to d cups. So now she got plenty of attention from guys, but the media still ignored her. And she was perfectly happy with this.

Soon her study group was over and she was walking out of the door with a very handsome guy that didnt do anything except stare at her ample. Erica was slightly annoyed at this, but it was the reason she got them, plus he was super hot! She had also dressed to impress him with a super low-cut red sundress that showed off a ton of cleavage, and black leggings to accent her legs and ass. They stood and talked by his car for about 30 min until he left and Erica began slowly walking back to her own car, alone.
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Ryan watched as Erica and the guy walked out out the library and to his car. Ryan was dressed in all black, to blend in with the darkness. He stayed in the shadows as she and the guy talked. When they were finished he quietly followed Erica to her car.

Ryan kept a decent distance between himself and Erica as they walked. When she reached her car he came up behind her clamped his hand over her mouth, shoved gun in her back, pulled her away from the car, and said, "Don't scream... You do what I say and I'll let you live, understand Princess?"
Erica froze in fear as she felt the stranger seize her. The voice sounded distantly familiar, and she knew her captor had to know her as he used the name that only her Dad called her. Her instinct was to scream and fight, but she hadn't taken the defense classes her Dad had wanted her too, and the feel of the gun to her back made her decide it may be better to go along for now. Slowly she shook her head up and down as a tear rolled down her cheek.
"Good." He took her arm and lead her to his car. He opened the passenger side door, "Get in..." When she got in he closed the door, went around to the driver's side, got in and drove away.

They drove out of town for about an hour, then Ryan pulled off the main road and pulled down a side road. He pulled off the road by a lake, got out of the car. Then, he went around to her side, Took a bag out of the back seat, pulled her out of the car, took her to the back by the trunk and said, "OK, Princess, strip down to your bra and panties...Nice and slow..."
Erica stumbled out of the car as he pulled her out, half tempted to fight back, but he still had the gun somewhere, and she didn't want to make him angry. She followed him to the back of the car, still silently crying while trying to figure out what to do. She had never been so scared in her life!! Frozen in fear she stood next to the trunk awaiting what may come.

When he ordered her to undress she shook her head no. "What, what do you want! Please don't make me do this! My dad is very rich, he will give you any money you want", she cried as she tried to find a way to get out of her predicament. She knew she was going to have to, there really didn't seem to be any other choice.

Silently sobbing and shaking with fear she slowly began pushing the straps of the dress down her arms. Despite how scared she was, she was even more worried that some part of her seemed to like it! The way he was looking at her as she began to undress made her feel strangely sexy. For whatever reason despite her fear the fact that she had no intention of sleeping with this creep, Erica was starting to feel a dampness. She only hoped that when she got to that point of undress he wouldn't be able to tell, or she might be in even bigger trouble, as impossible as that seemed.
Ryan smiled as he stood there watching her strip. He took the gun out of his pocket and pointed it at her... "Yeah... That's it... Nice and slow... I want to enjoy this..." He could feel his cock getting hard. He wasn't going to sleep with her yet... He just wanted to get her clothes off before they continued with the next stage of their trip.
Erica's tears slowly ran down her face and splashed down onto the cleavage of her large perky breasts. As her the shoulder straps of her dress hung loose on her arms she slowly slid out of them, and held her dress up, trying to make sure she didn't move faster than he wanted. Slowly she let the dress slide down her body, slowly revealing the blue lace bra struggling to hold in her silicone-enhanced breasts.

As she revealed her tight thin belly to him, she let the dress drop, leaving her in just the leggings and bra. Scared by the fact that she was enjoying feeling him ogle her, she slowly continued to cry as she stepped out of the dress and left it next to her on the ground. Slowly she began sliding the leggings off and revealing her matching blue g string. She couldn't tell but she was praying it hadn't picked up any of her dampness, she couldn't believe how slutty she must be to have this feeling when ogled by a stranger who is pointing a gun at her. It seemed the more scared she got, the wetter she became!

Finally as she stepped out of the leggings, her underwear and body on full display for him, she attempted to cover her lceavage and sex with her hands as she stood in front of her dangerous stranger, scared and hoping he had more clothes for her
Ryan smiled as he looked at Erica in her bra and panties. Once she was naked he set to work. He opened the trunk, opened the bag, and he took out a couple of strands of rope. He turned her around, pulled her arms behind her back and tied them together. Then he put her on the ground and tied her legs together. Then he stood her back up, blindfolded her and gagged her.

Then he put her in the trunk and tied her arms and legs together. He put a blanket over her and closed the lid. He picked up her shoes and his bag. He left the rest of her clothes along with all her other stuff that she had with her when he picked her up there in the field. Then he got back in the car and started to drive.
Erica had followed everything this mysterious man had asked of her. Now she couldn't see, couldn't talk, and could barely breath as she was trapped in his trunk. She tried to ignore the fact that despite her fear, she had been turned on slightly at the lustful way he had looked at her. Especially when he had tied her hands and feet to eachother. The way she was tied pushed her prominent breasts out and her cleavage was almost ready to bust out of her sexy bra.

To get her mind off of this and make sure her pussy didn't get any wetter than it had already become, she began thinking about what was coming next. She decided she was probably being held for ransom, and of course Daddy would pay, so she probably didn't have anything to worry about. She did wonder where he was taking her to. She could feel every bump and turn they hot or took, but she had no clue what direction they were going.
It took another half hour to get to the house. Once they got there, Ryan took Erica out of trunk and carried her down to the basement. He placed her on the floor and untied her arms and legs from each other. Then he stood her up, untied her arms, pulled them over her head and put them in the shackles that hung above her head. Then, he untied her legs and put them in the leg irons that laid on the floor.

Because of how far off the floor the shackles were she was forced to stand on her tiptoes. "Welcome to your new home, Erica"
Although no longer quite as afraid of her situation, Erica couldn't help but whimper as the stranger picked her up out of the car and took her into what felt like a basement. She began to feel nervous as she was put in shackles, again reminding herself that this had to be about ransom, and that this perv would probably take a few pictures of her like this to get himself off to, and hopefully that would be it.

Again though, she was getting kind of turned on! She loved the thought of someone masturbating to pictures of her. It also didn't help that she was almost starting to feel like she was in the middle of that dirty book her friend had given to her a few months ago, 50 shades of something. SHe struggled to get her mind onto other things, as her getting caught feeling slightly horny to all of this would probably be the worst thing possible!

When told welcome to her home, she chose to ignore him, as she was sure it would only be her "home" for 1 or 2 days. Luckily she couldn't answer him as she was still gagged and blindfolded. So she stood there on her toes, ass pushed back and breasts pushed forward, silently deciding the strong approach was hopefully her best option now.
Ryan realized that he forgot to remove her gag and blindfold, "Welcome to your new home, Erica." She could see that she was in a nearly empty basement. "I kidnapped you because your father screwed me in a business deal. He took something that meant the world to me, the company that had been in my family for years. Sure, I made a lot of money but that is beside the point. I wanted revenge, so I deiced to take something that means the world to him... That's you. Now, you should know that there is no way for you to get out of here. You will be here for the rest of your life. Now, I give you a choice, if you are willing to submit to me now then I will let you down, give you a nice little bed for you to sleep in and some food, before we begin our first session. But, if you don't want to submit to me, then we will just begin your training right now. So, Erica, will you submit to me and become my slave?"
Fear began to crash down on Erica as she heard his story. She knew her father could be ruthless, but it sounded like it had drove this man crazy. She had to admit he was cute, but be his slave? As much as she had fantasized about such things, in actual practice it sounded absurd! And what exactly did he mean, what would be required?

No, she couldn't even believe she was considering this!!! Rather than answer him, she just gave him an angry stare and said nothing. She knew she probably wan't going to like his response to this approach, but she didn't know what else to do. She wasn't about to become whiny jackasses slave without a fight!
Ryan walked around her and looked at her in her bra and G-string... "I asked you a question Erica... Will you submit to me and become my slave? Maybe you need some encouragement." Ryan walked over to a cabinet and took out a large wooden paddle with three holes drilled into the end. He walked behind her and tapped her bare bottom with the paddle. Then he smacked her ass hard with the paddle.
As hard as she tried, Erica couldn't help but whimper when she saw him pull out the paddle. She was trying to stay strong and not sure her nerves, but at the first light tap she nearly jumped expecting much worse. But then the second swat came and she couldn't help but let out a small scream as the pain spread across her flesh. After a few extra moments as she thought about her predicament, she tried to decide what to do. She didn't want to give in and become this wierdo's slave, but what option did she have? Stay chained up in this basement getting paddled like that all day?

Finally she realized he was about to bring the paddle down again began nodding her head vigorously. "No, NO please, ok, ok I'll uh, I'll do what you say" She couldn't quite bring herself to say slave, but there was little point fighting him either as she had almost no other options.
Ryan smiled... "Very good... Very good... OK, Erica... It's time to expain to you the new rules of your life...

1. From now on, You are my sex slave. You live only to please me. I intend to keep you forever. I will even let you have my childeren. If you displease me, you will be punished.

2. You will never hurt me in anyway.

3. When you do speak, you will refer to me as Master, or Sir. You can talk but no begging.

4. You will keep yourself clean and beautiful for me. I will punish you if you let yourself slide. I want your teeth brushed and clean, your breath fresh with mouthwash, your hair clean and brushed, your legs shaved and soft, and your face made-up nice.

5. If you are very good, and you prove to me you can be trusted, I’ll give you rewards. Rewards might be having dinner upstairs, in the house. You’d still be bound, of course, so you couldn’t run away, but maybe not quite so severely. Or maybe, I’ll take you for a walk in the woods. "

He unchained her

"Oh one more thing... You will not wear any clothes that I didn't give you... So Now, I must ask you to hand over your bra and panties"
Erica was disgusted. Both at this Master guy, and herself. A sex slave? Children? She didn't want children! Keeping clean wasn't an issue, she was very careful on that in the first place. But this whole arrangement was so demeaning and disgusting!

Or, well it should be, except Erica was soaking wet. She knew it shouldn't but the whole thing turned her on immensely. Even the sting still on her round ass from the paddle felt good right now. She quickly took of her underwear and covered what she could of her immense breasts, and her wet pussy. She didn't want him to see her hard nipples or the wetness leaking from her.

Not sure what to do next she stood there staring at the floor. ”uhm, I understand sir”
Ryan took the bra and panties from her, "You will not cover your body, Erica... Stand straight and place your arms at your side. Ryan stood there and waited for her to follow his command.
Erica looked at her captor, afraid, excited, and confused all at eh same time. Slowly she lowered her hands, revealing her large hard nipples standing proudly from her big breasts. Then her wet waxed pussy, hoping that the room was dark enough that he couldn't see her wetness.

This was wrong, so wrong. She was scared for her life, afraid of never seeing her family again, and sure that this man was going to ruin her life. But despite all of that, for a reason she couldn't quite explain or comprehend, she was hornier than she had ever been in her life!
Ryan smiled as he looked at her he could see that her pussy was very wet. He took her hand and escorted her over to a bed. He set her down and then started to take his clothes off. "Am I going to have to chain you down to the bed?"