{ Frimost* } {{ Frimost* }} {{{ Frimost*}}}```

tendril said:
sigh...Gusty and Tendril......mmmmm...nice,
sweet giggly friends.

AAWW.. my sweet sexy...

What is the "sigh" about...

care to share... hehe.. maybe...



hope you feels better.

chat with me any time !:)


I posted this thread in the wrong Place..


I was wonder why didn't you see it.



Iwasn't lying when I said I made a thread for you :(


and I was wondering how come you are not here !!


And I did not know untill I found it.

It's took me this long to find this thread

and ...here I am . blinkblink**
Some how...I think yu might have the wrong person???? Now I'm really confused:rolleyes:

Hi my sexy sprite. :kiss: :heart:
Sorry I did not see this sooner. :(
Remember though we live on opposite sides of the globe so there are massive time differences between us.
Also I don't usullay check out the playground too often. :eek:
But for you I would be happy to play here, I would make an exception for my beautiful little flower. :rose:
Re: muahhhhhhh``h

Gusty Wind said:
That's wasn't a mistake sweet sexyyyy Lady;)

I just Lose the thread.

TOo far back... It was NOT in the Begining anymore:(

Well, Anyway You Are One sweet Sexyyyy Lady..

that I like . :):)

:rose::rose::rose: 4u

Well thanks....I think.....lol....but I'm still confused...:rolleyes: I'm glad ....I think::D Thank you for the nice compliments:rose:

told you i posted in the wrong place..

So.. sexyyyy* you got lots of threads youreslf ..heh !!

And this just another..

for you when you feels like talking to me...

my time now 7:4O AM... what's yours ?

miss you my sweet sexyyy Lover...muah

And when I found this thread .

I was very happy

It's 5:57 PM here right now honey, dark out already. :)
That early over there? Too early for a morning quickie with you?
Or do you like sex in the morning? :kiss: :devil: