Friends seeing your wife's nude pictures.

When I got my first computer and had nude pictures of downloaded pictures, my wife ask, why her pictures weren't there.
I told her that if they were and one of my friends came over and we got on the computer they would see. All see said was so,
but she'd show the ones I could have there. Next day a friend wanted to look something up on the internet and seen her picture.
She was in the other room and he yelled that she could mow his lawn anytime. After that she just said she didn't want to know
who seen her pictures. Here is the pictures he seen.


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It looks like your wife is okay with it! Good for both of you!

All of the nude photos of my wife were taken with the understanding that they would never be shown to anyone else. She’s been very trusting and generous, and we have LOTS of priceless nude and explicit photos and videos that we’ve taken over the years. I feel so fortunate! There is no way that I would betray that trust. If I did share them and it was discovered, it would certainly damage our relationship and would also kill any possibility of future photos or videos. Aside from the risks involved, it just wouldn’t be that enjoyable for me to betray her that way. I’m sure that I’m not the only one. Some wives wouldn’t mind, but mine would.
Interesting that she doesn’t want to know. Every time she interacts with one of your friends, she has no idea if he seen her nude. Interesting approach on her part. Unsure, but if my wife was showing nudes of me to her friends, I would prob want the names.
Now thats a different story. The OP insinuated that "he" was showing pics of his wife. I commented on how I have done that. Now, as far as my wife sharing her nudes, bunches of times. Different story all together.
I have many pictures of my wife nude or semi nude.. some she knows about most she dosent know about.
I do have a guy friend who I have shared them with..
its exciting to show her over the years
Sounds super hot, knowing my friends are lusting after my wife.
I have on two occasions and in both cases it ended up in divorce. People just cannot hold back their sex drive, and fanaticize about something they cannot have. But some people struggle with fantasy and reality...

The first time was with a family friend, and he came to the house when I was not home and got very close to raping my wife, and would have, had she not pulled a gun on him. The second time he came back, she was done, scared to live at the house anymore, and left me, ultimately ending our marriage in divorce.

The second time was online, on this site, and the man fell in love with my wife and started reaching out to her via email and facebook privately. She too got scared and left me, ultimately ending in divorce.

I should have never shared her pictures, and while it was fun when I did; I never realized the compromising situation I was putting our family in. I say family because the thrill of sharing pictures of my wife, ultimately ended with our children in a divided home. That is not good as they paid the real price for me sharing pictures of my wife. But read the other disgusting words, "held the man at gun point", "almost rape".

Normally I type this out in private message, but the truth is, this is not something to play with and should be a cautionary tale to all. By all means, take pictures of your wife... just enjoy them privately. Lust is a powerful motivator, and you cannot control other people's actions or know their depravity. People always want what you have, and that includes your wife!
I would nothing more than if my sexy wifey were to allow me to take nude pics of her. I would love to to make videos of her having sex with her boyfriend. I would love for as many men as possible to see these. But not to any of my friends. Fami,y, friends, coworkers on my side of our marriage are a lifestyle boundary for me.
I would nothing more than if my sexy wifey were to allow me to take nude pics of her. I would love to to make videos of her having sex with her boyfriend. I would love for as many men as possible to see these. But not to any of my friends. Fami,y, friends, coworkers on my side of our marriage are a lifestyle boundary for me.
I'm sure you know this, but, for the record... we'd like that too! :)
We were staying someplace with a group of people on vacation. A good friend was in our room and my (soon-to-be) wife came out of the bathroom in a towel. There was good-natured joking about losing the towel, flashing him, etc. She gave him a quick flash (she was wearing panties). He was ready and surprised her with a quick flash of his own... a flash when he took a picture. She screamed and ran back in the bathroom saying "delete that!" but also laughing.

Later in lawyer-speak I said to him that I had an obligation to ask him to confirm that he had deleted that picture so I could report back that I had done so. He said, "Consider your obligation fulfilled. If asked I will confirm that we had this discussion."

I suspect, decades later, he STILL has that photo... he was always a big boob guy (much more so than me), and said my wife big boobs were wasted on me.
I have numerous photos and videos of my wife in various states of undress and pleasure. She loves sharing them and often shares them with her male friends as do I. It would be unwise to share them without consent or knowledge.
Wow I wish you could share some with me
Something about this idea is really hot. I think it’s the loss of control by the person whose nude pics are being shown.

Somebody is gonna see you nude and there’s nothing you can do about it.

I can think of a few creative hot additions to this fetish like showing nude pics of your mom or sister to your male friends.