Friday Night VS PMS

Is this like a Sophie's choice question?
I don't like either

But I love cinnamon and vanilla is very easy to use, quick clean up, and it lasts forever
When was the first time you had anal sex?

That could be you taking or giving, if you chose to answer.

three, unwilling.....
eleven, still not sure about that one
seventeen, willing
twenty-five, willing.....
My biggest fantasy right now is to meet a strange man....he is so uniquely kind and passionate that I find myself entranced by him

I drive with him at his request and we end up secluded in the forest...

He talks with me for hours, then we have the most lusty sex on the hood of his car.....
woodcarver said:
What is your most occuring fantasy? The one that turns you on the most often.

Eh, do I even have one? Hm....lately probably been the whole girl-girl thing. Or just finding my man nekkid in the kitchen wearing only an apron, then turning around grinning and take me on the kitchen table...:p