~ Friday Night Dare Thread ~


Nov 27, 2002
Ok, this one is a little out there but what the heck...let's try it.

Many people here have only been with a certain type of person sexually. What I dare you to do is to go AGAINST your own personal norm and write a five sentences designed to arouse your partner.

That means...for example...sexy-girl would have to choose a man to turn on if she takes the dare or glam would have to choose a woman...or any regularly heterosexual person would turn on a person of the same gender.

No names need to be mentioned...ie Joe doesn't have to name Jack as the person he is working on...just name your regular gender of love and the one you are switching to in the title section.

example... Usually male but switching to female.

Have fun!!
Uhhhhhhh, I don't think so, hairy asses and five o'clock shadow don't do anything for me!
My lips warm and moist, just inches from your throbbing manhood....I exhale, you feel the warmth of my passion....Slowly watching your face my tongue teases....Down your hard shaft, up slowly as you moan....Licking my lips, moving to you enveloping you in my hot mouth....:p
april-wine said:
My lips warm and moist, just inches from your throbbing manhood....I exhale, you feel the warmth of my passion....Slowly watching your face my tongue teases....Down your hard shaft, up slowly as you moan....Licking my lips, moving to you enveloping you in my hot mouth....:p

Ohhh...good job!!

plasticman...take down the 3 foot no cock zone and just try it. You would be amazed at how hot man-man sex makes other women. ;)
J.B. said:
hey! what about the rest of us?

eh?? Oh, you mean those of you who go both ways already??

Hmm...choose the one that you don't do as often. How's that?
Ponch doesn't play that way. Ponch only worries about writing tickets and the safety of children.
Mia62 said:
Ohhh...good job!!

plasticman...take down the 3 foot no cock zone and just try it. You would be amazed at how hot man-man sex makes other women. ;)

April-Wine's a guy??:eek:

Hmmm, makes you hot, huh? Umm, let's see......Lancecastor? Nah! Hanns? yuck no way! Yayati? to furry! DCL? Mmmm, maybe! but.......no. Just can't do it!:(
plasticman33 said:
April-Wine's a guy??:eek:

Hmmm, makes you hot, huh? Umm, let's see......Lancecastor? Nah! Hanns? yuck no way! Yayati? to furry! DCL? Mmmm, maybe! but.......no. Just can't do it!:(

Ummmm no NOT a guy........:eek:
Been there Mia. You have to come up with something really creative for me.:)
plasticman33 said:
Uhhhhhhh, I don't think so, hairy asses and five o'clock shadow don't do anything for me!

LMFAO!! Sorry, but this one brought me out of my 'lurkdom'!:D Too fucking funny!

Hi April! :kiss:
Rhys said:
Been there Mia. You have to come up with something really creative for me.:)

Hmm...yes, so you have. What to do with you...hmm...let me get back to you on this one...

Hey Tina...whatcha doin' over in these parts?
RHYS!!! I've got the one for you!!

Rhys said:
Been there Mia. You have to come up with something really creative for me.:)

You need to be tied up and blindfolded...and then have to figure out whose mouth is touching you - a man's or a woman's...if you get it wrong...then there would have to be some sort of consequence...

What do you think? And can I watch?
Re: RHYS!!! I've got the one for you!!

Mia62 said:
You need to be tied up and blindfolded...and then have to figure out whose mouth is touching you - a man's or a woman's...if you get it wrong...then there would have to be some sort of consequence...

What do you think? And can I watch?

:rolleyes: now there's an original thought! Rhys, if you feel something scratchy, like sandpaper, it's either a woman who hasn't plucked her chin lately or a guy!:D
Re: RHYS!!! I've got the one for you!!

Mia62 said:
You need to be tied up and blindfolded...and then have to figure out whose mouth is touching you - a man's or a woman's...if you get it wrong...then there would have to be some sort of consequence...

What do you think? And can I watch?

Hmmm I haven't been a bottom in a long long long time so this could be interesting

what sort of consequence?
Re: Re: RHYS!!! I've got the one for you!!

plasticman33 said:
:rolleyes: now there's an original thought! Rhys, if you feel something scratchy, like sandpaper, it's either a woman who hasn't plucked her chin lately or a guy!:D

I dunno. If I shave really close you could not tell if it was me :)
Mia62 said:
Ok, this one is a little out there but what the heck...let's try it.

Many people here have only been with a certain type of person sexually. What I dare you to do is to go AGAINST your own personal norm and write a five sentences designed to arouse your partner.

That means...for example...sexy-girl would have to choose a man to turn on if she takes the dare or glam would have to choose a woman...or any regularly heterosexual person would turn on a person of the same gender.

No names need to be mentioned...ie Joe doesn't have to name Jack as the person he is working on...just name your regular gender of love and the one you are switching to in the title section.

example... Usually male but switching to female.

Have fun!!

you are a sick cunt!
Mia62 said:
Hmm...yes, so you have. What to do with you...hmm...let me get back to you on this one...

Hey Tina...whatcha doin' over in these parts?

WoooHooooo! *faints* Somebody noticed me! :D

Just lurking mostly. Playing a bit over in SRP... ;) How ya doin' chica?
its a writing exercise fill...get your knickers out of the twist you have them in

TinaG13 said:
LMFAO!! Sorry, but this one brought me out of my 'lurkdom'!:D Too fucking funny!

Hi April! :kiss:

Hi Tina!! Just as long as I didn't make you spit up or anything!:D