Freyyyyyyyyya! Freyyyyyyyyyya!

/e joins the bandwagon

Jim, what the fuck are you doing? You're not supposed to start threads with my name in it. :)


Hey Cibo!

I'm so embarrassed - I'm not the kind of person that gets threads started about them.

Thanks for the smile though, I need as many as I can take these days.
Sooooo...should I make about umpteen threads with your name in them? :)
RawHumor said:
Just make a thread about your Cuntal Bleeding please.


That's so last week. Freaky and I bonded during our shared cramping time.
superlittlegirl said:
So is this like a general call for Freyas?

Oh now, see here's the one you should make threads about. Gorgeous, sexy, smart, interesting....let's let her have this thread.
Freya2 said:
Oh now, see here's the one you should make threads about. Gorgeous, sexy, smart, interesting....let's let her have this thread.

Again, you can never have too much beauty in one thread, or too many Freyas. But those two things are pretty similar.

This saying comes to mind right now...

Double the pleasure, double the fun. (hehe) :D
I like to share.

Freya2 said:
Oh now, see here's the one you should make threads about. Gorgeous, sexy, smart, interesting....let's let her have this thread.
You guys are all freaks. I'm going to make my sig lines a foot long to annoy everyone, then I can safely dive back into anonymity. :)
Freya2 said:
You guys are all freaks. I'm going to make my sig lines a foot long to annoy everyone, then I can safely dive back into anonymity. :)

Only if you change to a dolly or anime av.
Freya2 said:
Don't like my T&A avs?

I love them. I adore them. But they don't exactly let you claim anonymity.

And I'd much rather kiss one of the Freyas' asses, Cibo. No offense, bro.

I would too...but you know what I meant, you're just lucky Bella didn't hear you say that. :p

Ant T&A is gooooood. :)
RawHumor said:
I love them. I adore them. But they don't exactly let you claim anonymity.

And I'd much rather kiss one of the Freyas' asses, Cibo. No offense, bro.


Can I be quietly non-anonymous then?
Freya2 said:
Can I be quietly non-anonymous then?

As long as I can keep staring at your ass, you can be anything that you wanna be.

Just like on Blue's Clues.

Sorry, I have a 2 yo.