Freshly pardoned Flynn commits sedition!


Literotica Guru
Jul 12, 2019
Sedition is a word that I usually avoid, as it can be used to trample free speech. Nevertheless, urging the President to flout the Constitution and make himself dictator under martial-law is nothing less than inciting treasonous behavior by a public official, thus committing sedition. This is an actual crime being carried out by a man who just barely got away with other crimes due to a full Presidential pardon, a man who violated his oath of enlistment many times over.

I typically give veterans in particular more of the benefit of the doubt, trusting that their intentions are honorable and patriotic at least, but this...this has no charitable interpretation for any reasonable man. Advocating the President of the United States commit high treason against his own country, that's just way beyond the Pale. Look, I got my doubts about Biden, despite having voted for him as a desperate measure to resolve this COVID crisis, but he was freely elected...and he's still a big improvement over Trump.

Though that's gotta one of the lowest bars in history to clear. The standards are now obscenely low for Presidents. But Biden is the duly elected President-Elect of the United States, and it's Trump's duty to leave office on schedule, as mandated by the Constitution. The very same crazy ideas that others alleged that Obama intended...they now urge Trump to do....

One rule for Republicans, another for Democrats (and I'm not even a Democrat..I'm well to the left of the Democrats)...typical GOP hypocrisy!
So if there was any doubt about Flynn's character it should be clear now.

He is a low character, Republican lying traitor like his ex-boss.
So if there was any doubt about Flynn's character it should be clear now.

He is a low character, Republican lying traitor like his ex-boss.

I usually avoid using the term "traitor" for political foes...but here, there can be no doubt. Where else does advocating treason place one, but in the camp of traitors? A man who has betrayed his oath of enlistment, an oath to the Constitution of the United States, by advocating the current President and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces to impose martial-law and suspend the very same Constitution, can only be called a traitor to the Union.

Like the Confederate generals, he sworn an oath to our Republic...and he broke it, plain and simple.
What was that bit about replacing key people at the Pentagon?

Planning ahead?
What was that bit about replacing key people at the Pentagon?

Planning ahead?

Could be. Granted, some of it was due to a legitimate need to pull our troops out of Afghanistan and some resistance by the brass for whatever reason to doing so. But, given Flynn's and Trump's own various statements, well, one cannot entirely trust their motives, can they?
I suggest all who signed this call for treason be held responsible and shot as traitors up against Trumps Wall!
I think that every time Flynn pops up his head, pulling down a big fee to talk to Trump holdouts, that media rerun his 2016 campaign rally segments where he chanted "Lock her up; lock her up" :)
Is that what your super secret decoder rings tells you?
New crime?
Will the next president pardon him?
Fuck him
Send him to Turkey

he is some kinda Lunatic if not crook.

Still, if they were Democrats we would hear very damned little about it usual.

he is some kinda Lunatic if not crook.

Still, if they were Democrats we would hear very damned little about it usual.

You obviously don't remember when Clinton left office and the brouhaha over a couple of his pardons. Look it up, I'm sure it's online somewhere.
Send Flynn to Afghanistan with no body armor and only a derringer for protection.
This definitely isn't sedition. If anybody of true importance had been proven involved with the crap that happened after the 2016 THAT would be sedition. Though you could probably twist it.

A traitor has to be working with an "enemy" and there are (on paper) almost no enemies of America. Like you can aid and abet a Chinese spy because we are not at war with them. Same techincally with Russia for most of the time. Cus they weren't at war with us, we were at war with the Vietcong. Ditto we weren't at war with them, that was what eventually became Al Qaeda and the Russians. They absolutely were not proxy wars.
So if there was any doubt about Flynn's character it should be clear now.

He is a low character, Republican lying traitor like his ex-boss.

The Republicans pissed off almost every voting block in America and they lost the election. So, what do they do now? Do they learn from their mistakes and try to do better in 2024?

NO! They lost the game, so now they're trying to flip the board over, smash the pieces and set fire to the game room.
This definitely isn't sedition. If anybody of true importance had been proven involved with the crap that happened after the 2016 THAT would be sedition. Though you could probably twist it.

A traitor has to be working with an "enemy" and there are (on paper) almost no enemies of America. Like you can aid and abet a Chinese spy because we are not at war with them. Same techincally with Russia for most of the time. Cus they weren't at war with us, we were at war with the Vietcong. Ditto we weren't at war with them, that was what eventually became Al Qaeda and the Russians. They absolutely were not proxy wars.

Well, no. Just no. What Trump and associates are doing now (under the direction of Vladimir Putin) is sedition--"incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority." A foreign entity needn't be involved at all, although in this case, I'm sure it is.
Isn't he a private citizen now?
Technically, he is not.

He still holds a commission as a Lieutenant General and is receiving pay. It is retired pay not a civilian pension. There are obligations that come with taking that pay. He can be involuntarily recalled to active duty if needed. He is still subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice and can be ordered back to active duty while the Army addresses violations. In practice, recall for disciplinary action is limited to extraordinary circumstances by regulation. It can happen, though.

US military retirees are afforded a lot of leeway. They are not ever truly civilians as long as they want the monthly paycheck and other benefits.
Technically, he is not.

He still holds a commission as a Lieutenant General and is receiving pay. It is retired pay not a civilian pension. There are obligations that come with taking that pay. He can be involuntarily recalled to active duty if needed. He is still subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice and can be ordered back to active duty while the Army addresses violations. In practice, recall for disciplinary action is limited to extraordinary circumstances by regulation. It can happen, though.

US military retirees are afforded a lot of leeway. They are not ever truly civilians as long as they want the monthly paycheck and other benefits.

Well, if that’s the case then why wasn’t he tried under UCMJ instead of federal court.
Technically, he is not.

He still holds a commission as a Lieutenant General and is receiving pay. It is retired pay not a civilian pension. There are obligations that come with taking that pay. He can be involuntarily recalled to active duty if needed. He is still subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice and can be ordered back to active duty while the Army addresses violations. In practice, recall for disciplinary action is limited to extraordinary circumstances by regulation. It can happen, though.

US military retirees are afforded a lot of leeway. They are not ever truly civilians as long as they want the monthly paycheck and other benefits.


On with the sedition charges then. Hang him from the yardarm at dawn.
Not even close to sedition. Funny. Probably just intended to tweak his adversaries (and apparently pretty effective at that).

Flynn shared a public advertisement by a political action group.

Here's the Federal Statue for sedition:

"If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both." (18 U.S.C. § 2384)

If anyone bothered to read the original ad that appeared in the Washington Examiner, it doesn't come anywhere close. But then, much of the media relies on people not actually reading stuff.

Retired military personnel are not subject to the UCMJ. Yes, if reactivated they would again be subject to the UCMJ - but the jurisdiction would begin at the re-activation date. Here's the relevant Article 94:

(a) "Any person subject to this chapter who—

(1) with intent to usurp or override lawful military authority, refuse, in concert with any other person, to obey orders or otherwise do his duty or creates any violence or disturbance is guilty of mutiny;

(2) with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of lawful civil authority, creates, in concert with any other person, revolt, violence, or other disturbance against that authority is guilty of sedition;
(3) fails to do his utmost to prevent and suppress a mutiny or sedition being committed in his presence, or fails to take all reasonable means to inform his superior commissioned officer or commanding officer of a mutiny or sedition which he knows or has reason to believe is taking place, is guilty of a failure to suppress or report a mutiny or sedition.

(b) A person who is found guilty of attempted mutiny, mutiny, sedition, or failure to suppress or report a mutiny or sedition shall be punished by death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct."
This definitely isn't sedition. If anybody of true importance had been proven involved with the crap that happened after the 2016 THAT would be sedition. Though you could probably twist it.

A traitor has to be working with an "enemy" and there are (on paper) almost no enemies of America. Like you can aid and abet a Chinese spy because we are not at war with them. Same techincally with Russia for most of the time. Cus they weren't at war with us, we were at war with the Vietcong. Ditto we weren't at war with them, that was what eventually became Al Qaeda and the Russians. They absolutely were not proxy wars.

I agree with you that we're not at war with any of the great powers, despite every effort by the intel community, the media, the military industrial complex, and the bipartisan warmongers' caucus in Congress to get us into war. That doesn't mean that this isn't sedition, though. It's actively inciting an illegal revolt against the duly elected Constitutional authorities, and to make it worse, it's a retired, decorated general advocating it, someone breaking his own oath of allegiance.

Foreigners need not be involved. Those who pushed for secession in 1861 in the Southern states after Lincoln was elected were guilty of sedition, with no foreign powers involved at all. The Southern secession was unconstitutional and open rebellion against the lawful, Constitutional authority by eleven states and an ad hoc "government" that they authorized to usurp federal powers.

Same principle here.

he is some kinda Lunatic if not crook.

Still, if they were Democrats we would hear very damned little about it usual.

Yeah.. cuz Obama said don’t hire this asshole!!
He already had a record of being a loose cannon
A Turkish cannon ..,