Frenulum breve - best DIY method's

Honestly, I would say go see your doctor, they will likely refer you to a urologist for further advice/treatment.

This link might be some help (but you've probably seen plenty of information resources like it already!).
Definitely talk to a doctor or three who specializes in issues such as this. If it's causing a problem with function, focus on that and talk about all of your options for an optimal result. If it's a cosmetic issue, it likely won't be covered by insurance and/or you may just want to leave well enough alone. Run away from any doctor who suggests circumcision or anything that will risk major nerve function. Circumcision is certainly a valid option when there's severe impairment and everything else has been tried, but any good doctor should start with the least invasive options first and work up from there.
Thanks for the overwhelming "don't be stupid. Go see a doctor" advice :d

I have seen my doctor about the phimosis issue. As there was no functioning problems, he simply suggested stretching and prescribed steroid cream.

I think i might try the stretching thing again.

It didn't occur to me you were seeking to solve the FB issue yourself until I saw the thread title again, but I'm glad you've jettisoned the idea of performing a medical procedure on your own cock. :)

Yeah, the stretching and steroid cream is going to be your best bet for a DIY solution. I'm guessing it can take some time for the cream to thin the tissue and the stretching to really work. Give it, say, three months of doing the prescribed treatment, then see where you're at.

After that, if the phimosis of FB is still really bothering you, consult with a doctor who treats both effectively on a regular basis. You might be able to say the FB impacts function, or just be honest that it's an aesthetic issue and see how much it'd cost to have the knotting procedure or whatever done. It sounds pretty simple, so you may be able to have the knotting method done inexpensively. I can't imagine local anesthetic and a quick suturing technique would cost very much at all. I'm not sure how things work over there, but here an initial consult with a cosmetic surgeon (obviously you'd want to see someone who does this procedure on a regular basis) is usually free; if it's the same there, there's no harm in exploring your options, right?

Best of luck, and I hope you'll pop back in to let us know how everything goes for you! Threads like this are great resources for our community and beyond. :)