French company busted

8ball said:
Nothing really new, however, it is rather interesting.


This was done just so they could fly their planes and helicopters to Iran again...
Hanns_Schmidt said:
The French scum never fail to disgust me more and more everyday

Damit! Why did you have to come up with something I can agree with you about.

(Here's your cue to bust up this budding friendship)
Typical of France. No, don't invade Iraq, you might find more illegal actions by the greatest nation in the world. They make me sick! But wait, I thought America was the evil of the world.
Just a reminder, The Washington Times is a generally discredited Paper run by Reverened Sun Myung Moon and the Moonies. I wouldn't wipe my ass with a story in the Washington Times unless I heard it confirmed from another source first.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Just a reminder, The Washington Times is a generally discredited Paper run by Reverened Sun Myung Moon and the Moonies. I wouldn't wipe my ass with a story in the Washington Times unless I heard it confirmed from another source first.

Besides that, I just hate getting that ink on my arse!
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Just a reminder, The Washington Times is a generally discredited Paper run by Reverened Sun Myung Moon and the Moonies. I wouldn't wipe my ass with a story in the Washington Times unless I heard it confirmed from another source first.

Dix- you make a good point, but I am predisposed to believing this.
The importation of military goods by Iraq is banned under U.N. Security Council resolutions passed since the 1991 Persian Gulf war.
If it violated these resolutions, this might provide a pretext for an invasion of France.

From a military standpoint, it would certainly be easier than invading Iraq.
Byron In Exile said:
If it violated these resolutions, this might provide a pretext for an invasion of France.

From a military standpoint, it would certainly be easier than invading Iraq.

That was funny.

Who to invade next? Listed in easiest to vanquish to hardest.

1. France
2. Belize
3. Iraq
4. N. Korea
5. Texas
Carp said:
Dix- you make a good point, but I am predisposed to believing this.

That's a dangerous thing, though, isn't it? Believing something because they have a pretty web site? They have a history of printing spurious "breaking stories" that are not supported by even the weirdo alternative media. This stody could be true, who knows, but I just checked and they have nothing on it, and I'm sure they'd love to print something nasty about the French.
Fox News brought this up and credited the story to the Times (Washington).

And, yes, the source is not best known for integrity. That being said, I really wouldn't be that surprised, though.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
That's a dangerous thing, though, isn't it? Believing something because they have a pretty web site? They have a history of printing spurious "breaking stories" that are not supported by even the weirdo alternative media. This stody could be true, who knows, but I just checked and they have nothing on it, and I'm sure they'd love to print something nasty about the French.

You are absolutly correct. I don' yet believe it, but would sure like to