French-canadian Child Abuse:


Literotica Guru
Jul 28, 2002

MONTREAL -- A peewee hockey tournament in Montreal became a trip into hostile territory for a busload of Americans who say they encountered such fierce anti-Americanism that they will think twice before returning.

During a four-day visit, boys travelling with their Massachusetts hockey team witnessed the burning of the Stars and Stripes and the booing of the U.S. national anthem. When travelling in their bus emblazoned with a red-white-and-blue "Coach USA" logo, they saw people on the street who extended their middle fingers or made other angry gestures.

On the ice, the Canadian players told their visiting counterparts that "the U.S. sucks" and dispensed other anti-American insults, the Americans said.

"It was a shock to go to a tournament and have kids saying this to us. These are our friends that are doing this," Brockton Boxers coach Ernest Nadeau said.

"We didn't expect Canadian players -- especially young boys -- would take things to that extreme," he said in an interview.

The 11- and 12-year-old boys from Brockton, 30 kilometres south of Boston, had been looking forward to the hockey tournament in Montreal. But parents who accompanied them said they were unprepared for the depth of anti-American sentiment over the U.S.-led war against Iraq.

One parent, Bill Carpenter, was so upset he cancelled his family's vacation to Quebec this summer.
those quebecers are complete assholes. Someone should shove a quebec flagg up their ass and light it.
Yup, sounds like a real ally. Maybe its time we reconsider nafta.

Lance was on top of this story hours ago bud. Don't know the link but it was hammered out pretty well.
So Busy, is their behavior any better than the way you treat Muslims and Arabs?
Those kids are from my town, a couple live near me.

They where all crushed by what happened. Some have said they want to quit playing hockey now. It was such a bad experence for the Team.

It's because of this that we cancled our trip to Montreal. We're renting a house on the Cape for a weekend instead.
I'm sorry that people from my country acted in such a disgraceful manner. Obviously this war has ignited feelings on both sides and emotions have been rubbed raw. These kids are obviously learning this from their parents.

Quebec has always been the most anti-American (and anti-Canadian) province in Canada so their actions don't necessarily come as a complete shock, but the age of these kids certainly does.
Re: Re: French-canadian Child Abuse:

Alvin Brickrock said:
Lance was on top of this story hours ago bud. Don't know the link but it was hammered out pretty well.

Torn from today's headlines...
I already stated my opinion when it comes to anthems and sporting events in Lance's thread.. Play the one home anthem and leave it at that.

I just can't believe how disrespectful and ingrateful some Canadians are and/or have become when it comes to the US. It's to the point where I'd rather be known as Albertan (The province of Alberta has been the most vocal in it's support of the US, right from the Premier Ralph Klien to the pro-American rallys held in a few of the cities) than be known as Canadian.
Liontamr said:
I already stated my opinion when it comes to anthems and sporting events in Lance's thread.. Play the one home anthem and leave it at that.

I just can't believe how disrespectful and ingrateful some Canadians are and/or have become when it comes to the US. It's to the point where I'd rather be known as Albertan (The province of Alberta has been the most vocal in it's support of the US, right from the Premier Ralph Klien to the pro-American rallys held in a few of the cities) than be known as Canadian.

Alberta has ALWAYS been very pro-American. Many of the earliest settlers were Americans and they maintained strong family ties with their US family.

I don't mind being respectful. I have no urge to be grateful. I work my ass off and earn every penny I make. I am grateful to NO ONE. I live in a good country, which I support through my taxes.

Major League Baseball dictated that America The Beautiful be played during the seventh inning stretch of all home openers. Even in Toronto. Of course it didnt go over very well. We are a soveriegn nation. We live next door to a superpower, but please dont shove their culture up my ass.