Freedom's New Guard Interest & Recruiting thread


Literotica Guru
Dec 1, 2009

Freedom's New Guard Interest & Recruiting thread

Welcome and Salutations!

I am Uatu, the Watcher... I have been charged with observing your world since before humanity was the dominate species. I have watched as your greatest explorers became your greatest heroes. I have watched as you turn accident into triumph. I have watched selfless acts define a lifetime, I have seen the flash of genius define the future. I have watched legends be born... and return when most needed. I have watched adversity turn into purpose.

Over and over again, I have watched all of this and so much more... since that is the task that has been bequeathed to me by the universe

Now then... we've gotten into the mood of super-heroes! As if all the really good super-hero movies that has been coming out (and that are coming up for our enjoyment), and the fact that Avengers: The Age of Ultron has been released today here in the United States! Ant-Man is coming a little bit later (and from the trailers and sneak peaks it looks as if Marvel has made Ant-Man actually look AWESOME), Batman vs. Superman is coming out much later (please Affleck don't screw this up like you did to Daredevil)!

We've got Agents of SHIELD on ABC (with a few spin offs coming next season), and we've got Daredevil on Netflix (My God they finally got Daredevil right) so we've got a great deal of super-heroes in the mainstream!

That's right all you football players and cheerleaders who bullied and beat us up in High School, it looks as we're the cool kids now!

er... sorry about that madman maniac laugh that would cause the Joker to wet himself... I have no idea where that came from.

Ahem... anyway, let's get down to brass tacks before another maniac laugh comes on...

As you can possibly tell I am here trying to exploit such amazing things as Super Heroes becoming so mainstream to create an online super-hero role-playing campaign... and since this is a super-hero campaign that is recruiting here on Lit, we are definitely going to have some Adult Themes. Because let's face it, Real Life is full of adult themes... be it substance abuse, bullying or alternate lifestyle choices! The world is full of things that we deal with every day that the old Comic Code Authority that many of us grew up with would never let get their approval for publishing!

But I really don't want this to be a game that is going to come across as a porn parody movie, but instead an attempt to have a superhero game that has real life issues popping up and be about how people who've gotten some kind of blessing/curse of the genetic lottery that made them a meta-human (or even someone whose determination has allowed them to train themselves to become the best they can possibly be) in a manner that proves that we are indeed all adults!

As you can see from this post, I've set up an Interest/Recruiting Thread on both the Online Role-Play boards as well as the Sexual Role Playing boards that will have as much background info for the campaign setting... because this is going to be something that i really want to do, and find players (well, co-writers really) who love the medium and would like to explore it in a manner that benefits our more mature tastes. Who knows, this might inspire a few of us to start writing on our own and self-publish our stories over on Kindle like I've seen others do in the past.

Tonight, I'll be posting on here details about the campaign setting and how it differs from the one published by Green Roinin Games in a few ways... but to get an idea of where we are starting from, we will be starting with the published Freedom City setting for their "Mutants & Masterminds" setting. But with a few things added that we've created or been inspired from Marvel or DC Comics.

Pretty much any superhero character archetypes are open. Even those mystic/magic user types (Doctor Strange, Zatanna, Doctor Fate, ect), since this is going to be a text RP where we'll be trusting each other not to take a piss out of each other and try and 'God Mod' everyone else... because where's the fun in that? But if there are those who want to use some kind of game system for the 'crunchie' parts to measure against each other incase of conflicts, we'll use the Mutants & Masterminds 2e RPG rules. I've got all the books on PDF, and can work with each player using my hero lab to build such characters if that's what everyone wants. :)

We've got room for virtually any kind of character that you'd find in a super-hero story.... hell, we've even got someone who will be playing the Voice (the head of TOTEM, and thus the head of SPIDER, DISCORD and HAVOC) who's a major puppet master of various multi-generational criminal and other influence networks that has spread all across the globe! To get an idea of how he'll operate, think of "The Light" from the Young Justice cartoon... no one knows what he looks like, since he uses middlemen & cloaking devices when he communicates to his operatives (hell, no one knows if he's a guy for that matter)!

We've also got a cyborg mercenary that's a lot like the original Deadlock character in Marvel Comics, called "Splint"!

My character is American Patriot (MSG Nathaniel Hale Spaight, US Army - Ret.), a costumed super-soldier... he's not Captain America, he's a grunt. a career sergeant who's southern heritage and plain spokenness contrast greatly with the more 'Boy Scout' image that most imagine when they hear "Super-Soldier"... in fact he's known to exclaim, "I ain't a damn hero... I'm a Super-Solider. Now git that frakking camera outta my face!" is his normal statement when a camera gets stuck in his face and the reporters start asking him why he became a super-hero!

So as you can see... the doors pretty wide open.


So far these are the wonderful people who've expressed interest in the game, and if anyone else is interested... please come on in!

BRIGHTWELL (The Voice, head of the various networks created/inspired by the ideals of TOTEM... the big bad that plays a massive Xanatos Gambit game of Chess with the world)
RhoEpsilonDelta (Splint, a Cybornetic Mercenary)
queenclaire (will update on her character when i get more information about their character)
SouthernBella13 (will update on her character when i get more information about their character)
silvertongue217 (will update on his character when i get more information about their character)
momadness (will update on hisr character when i get more information about their character)
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