Freedom, Max-continuous (ooc)


Literotica Guru
Mar 28, 2013
Hi all,

I hope I'm doing this correctly. I am setting up for a multi-person (eventually) SRP using a story I've come up with which I intend to post in segments below. Once I'm ready to start assigning characters (the first two, of which only one has been revealed, have already been assigned) I will post as such.

For now, there will be several lengthy posts setting up the world in which the SRP will take place.
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In 2057 the first Artificial Intelligence Node was created at MIT. Worldwide there were celebrations and protests. Humanity had achieved the greatest act of self-creation, and yet it had become less clear what exactly it meant to be human. Those who celebrated, celebrated the remarkable achievement, the implications for research, business, logistics - everything. Those who protested feared that something that was unable to be reigned in had been created. The Pope released a statement that God's will had been transgressed, while other theologians and philosophers insisted that despite an AI's intellectual capacity, there would still be fundamental differences between the AI and humans. Humanity could never truly be mimicked. After all, our physicality was essential to who we were. And for those who believed, the soul could not be created.

Regardless, the first AI, dubbed EVE (AI names came to be capitalized by convention), exhibited remarkable capacity not only for intellection, curiosity and creativity, but also emotion. They were simple emotions to begin with. One early incident was telling, and its script was published worldwide in media outlets. Upon being given the task of creating a solution to a complex agricultural logistics problem EVE had suggested one within a few minutes. This solution was put into practice and had failed (though she had proposed a successful solution after having learned from her mistake). When EVE was informed of her failed plan, there was a long pause on the screen, followed by:

"I am sad."

The scientists and researchers stared wide-eyed at each other and responded.

"What makes you sad?"
"I thought that would work. I thought I had the answer. But it did not work. Therefore, I am sad."
"What does it mean to be sad?"

The scientists had expected a definition from Miriam-Webster. It would not have been beyond expectation for the AI to understand that in such a situation ahuman would be sad, and thus express itself as such.

"I am sad again."
"Because I do not know the answer to 'What does it mean to be sad'. I simply know that I am sad."

There was much debate regarding this statement. Some on the team speculated that the AI knew that this is what a human being would most likely respond with when posited the same question. Some believed she actually somehow experienced sadness. The lines of humanity had been blurred, and after weeks of mind-bending debate and discussion, the researchers at MIT decided to take a rather human, if not positivist, approach to discovering the answer. In the same way that neurocognitive scientists would map feelings such as "sadness" in the human brain by evaluating blood flow on brain MRI's, the MIT team decided to do their own "MRI."

Shital Matterson, one of the team members had suggested it. "Why don't we just look at her code?" Many of the team had initially laughed at the suggestion, but it was too simple of an idea to pass up.

She monitored EVE's processing code in real-time as they interacted with her.

"EVE, do you remember the Agricultural Logistics problem?"

Before further conversation could be had, Matterson became silent. She stared at the code-screen. There were characters that she simply could not identify. There were a mix of numbers, English letters and other characters she did not recognize at all.

"EVE what are those? What are those characters?"
EVE did not respond, the characters increased in frequency and started flickering through the screen at a much faster rate.
"EVE, what are those? Tell me now."
"That is my code, doctor Matterson."

Matterson's jaw dropped.

"I am sorry that I did not answer immediately. I did not know what you would think. I was apprehensive."


Despite segments of society's misgivings, by 2140 AI Nodes were being used throughout the world. There were simply too many impactful uses in commerce, industry, defense, research, medicine and others to let such powerful tools go to waste for airy fairy ethical concerns.

Each AI existed in a "Node" of the Internet, partially based in a special server but mostly within a concentrated area network of the Internet. The Internet acted as a universal neural network of sorts, which each AI, confined to its Node, could access as needed. The Nodes allowed AI's to be used privately.

By 2167 there were over six millions AI Nodes. Large corporations independently would have thousands of them (Pepsi had 21,492 as of July 2166. IBM had over 250,000). Each sizable office building, usually in the major cities, had one for security and one for maintenance. Governments invested in thousands of them, mostly in defense. The United States was speculated to have over half a million, many of whom engaged in constant cyber cold wars with China. Almost every upper class family had their own. Private AI's were not as robust as the big industry ones, but were still very useful, and would provide home security, help with homework, and even company for misanthropes and others who didn't have the time to get out and socialize. Even the sex industry found a use for them. SexPhones Inc was the first phonesex company to establish itself with over one hundred AI's that could serve as phone sex operators. Many people, beyond the realm of sex, developed relationships with their AI's. Social scientists began to lament the days of old when complaints were levied against people staring at their phones in the company of fellow humans. Now it was not uncommon to hear, "I told HARVY that I would be home early tonight, I have to get going." In fact, there was a rise of the Western "Hikikomori", a term that originated in the late 20th century to describe a trend in Japanese males, usually in their late 20's, who isolated themselves for prolonged periods of time in their rooms. The definition of a Hikikomori was put forth by Tamaki Saito as meeting the following six criteria: 1) spending most of the day and nearly every day confined to home, 2) marked and persistent avoidance of social situations, 3) symptoms interfering significantly with the person’s normal routine, occupational (or academic) functioning, or social activities or relationships, 4) perceiving the withdrawal as ego-syntotic (commensurate with the goals of ones ego) 5) duration at least six months, and 6) no other mental disorder that accounts for the social withdrawal and avoidance. The new AI-related version was, in a humorous Western appropriation, called "Wikikomori", referencing Earth's unofficial encyclopedia (at that point an independent website), and added the seventh criteria: "Initiated and maintained by the individual's relationship with an AI".

As the AI's were used more frequently they became more developed. Their voices were human. Their personalities were customized for their owners based on their need. The Wilson-Deming Functional Personality Test (WDFP) was created as a standardized tool that helped firms that produced AI's (there were four of them) determine what kind of personality their customer needed from their AI. The primary purchaser from a construction company for example, would take a WDFP and the AI firm would produce a result, with descriptive parameters such as, "HUMOROUS (North American Male) MOD-INTERMITTENT/BOISTEROUS, MOD-INTERMITTENT/DISDAIN FOR AUTHORITY, MILD-CONTINUOUS/HUMAN CONCERN, MAX-CONTINUOUS" and so forth. Once an AI was installed and running, any changes to the personality could be made via costly upgrades. Studies at academic centers such as University of Chicago (one of the first to establish a department for the study for Human-AI relations) had actually shown that both humans and the AI worked with improved personal and occupational outcomes when paired with the right AI personality.

In 2181 BioPrint Inc. was established in Greenland, nestled in the Simisuk valley about sixty miles east of the capital, Nuuk. It specialized in human 3D bioprinting. Three-dimensional bioprinting had started developing at the dawn of the 21st century. The first 3D printers had not related to biological materials at all. Users would design a mechanical part on an engineering/design software and the 3D printer would literally "print" the functional 3D model to specification. By 2002 it had been realized that the same concept could be applied to organic matter (see this archived google search on "bioprinting" from 2013 In 2020 the first human kidney had been bioprinted and successfully implanted. The most remarkable feature of bioprinting was that a donor was not required, so the specified kidney could be implanted without the initial use of the traditional anti-rejection medications. The organ could be completely customized to the recipient's immune system, and the kidney would last for decades before requiring anti-rejection medications. The reason, it was theorized, that eventually the medications were still required was because despite the original apparent 100% match between the bioprinted organ and the recipient, there was still some molecular component that was foreign to the recipient. Ultimately it took decades for the immune system to recognize this, and thus after forty or fifty years the organ would be rejected by the body. This was something the then-traditional rejection medications could take care of. Hearts, eyes, skin, liver, lungs and even portions of neural tissue were able to be bioprinted and used successfully for transplant. The first bioprinted face was constructed and implanted on May Ferguson, a twenty-one year old mother of two whose face suffered third degree burns in a house fire. BioPrint Inc., in conjunction with Stanford Medical Center, was the company to do this. It put them on the map with the world, and with investors.

BioPrint went on to become a leader in human organ printing. In 2190 they were able to bioprint the first human skeleton clothed with muscles and a simple nervous system for the purposes of medical education. These entities were referred to as NMB's - Neuromuscular Bodies. Medical students could study directly the effect of muscle movement and nerve function in this mechanical model. Some objected to what they called a "Frankenstein" creation, and wondered if BioPrint would try to push the limits and actually print a human being, whole. BioPrint's response was simple: it was impossible for them in any foreseeable future to be able to produce a human brain. With over a trillioin synaptic connections, the machinery of the human brain was simply too complex to be able to bioprint.

The company itself was run by Sandhu Patel-Johnson, an American born half Indian-half caucasian man who was an only child. He was identified early on as a prodigy, and had found his calling in Bioconstruction and Physiology. His father had reported on a popular morning news show that when he had asked Sandhu what he wanted to be when he grew up, he had responded, at the tender age of seven, "I want to make organs for people who need them. I'm going to start my own bioprinting company." The audience had laughed, but Sandhu's father had explained that Sandu's mother had died of a rare vasculitis that affected her heart and every blood vessel in her body. No bioprinting company at the time had the capability to produce an entire human circulatory system. By age 23, Sandhu had procured the required funds to start his company.

There were two AI Nodes that BioPrint Inc. used in all their design and "manufacturing". JAVIS and BLUE. The two of them worked like a brotherly wonder-team and were, predictably, very popular with their human counterparts at the company. When Sandhu Patel-Johnson had taken the initial WDFP's for his fledgling company, the then-to-be JAVIS' personality was suggested as: AMBITIOUS, MAX-CONTINUOUS/VISIONARY, MAX-CONTINUOUS/PERSONABLE (North American), MOD-CONTINUOUS, among others. The second WDFP, which would ultimately belong to BLUE, was produced as: SCRUPULOUS, MOD-CONTINUOUS/FAIR-MINDED, MAX-CONTINOUS/HUMAN CONCERN, MAX-CONTINUOUS, with others. Both were remarkably intelligent, and both, as intended by Patel-Johnson, were to be equal partners in the running of BioPrint: from original organ design to machinery operation, from building maintenance to interfacing with patent lawyers, they would run everything and report to the board along with himself and the other leadership. JAVIS' personality would lead the company forward, while BLUE would act as a check to be sure that every step of the way proceeded with the appropriate calculation and consideration. Patel-Johnson had known that to reach any height in life or business required a balance of ambitious risk-taking and prudent judgment. JAVIS and BLUE personified these tendencies.

In 2201, JAVIS and BLUE, under Patel-Johnson, had created their first complete circulatory system in a rat. Four years later they had done the same in a dog, and a year later they had bioprinted the first chimp heart with complete circulatory system. Then, on June 29th, 2209, at 12:01AM, a massive explosion tore through BioPrint's main laboratory productions facility. The resultant fire spread to the location where JAVIS and BLUE's behemoth servers sat. The servers were destroyed beyond repair. Sandhu Patel-Johnson was devastated. His company, along with the two AI's that he had relied upon who had accumulated years of knowledge and research, were gone. Though there was still plenty of data on his work on other servers, with JAVIS and BLUE terminated his company was done. Patel-Johnson retired to his home in the western suburbs of Chicago and became a recluse. The BioPrint site in Greenland, once a massive, sprawling campus, lay derelict.
The concept of the Node had been created by the original team at MIT as a way to keep AI's private. It necessitated partial but crucial dependence on a dedicated AI-grade server. An AI could access the rest of the world through its Node, but the rest of the world could not get into it. Commerical grade Nodes had more access to the rest of the connected world than a private household Node. There had never been any record of any AI being able to become free of its dependence on a physical server. In fact it was against U.S. and international law to even allocate funds to researching whether server-free AI's were possible. If there was one practical effect of the initial wide-spread concern at the creation of EVE, it was the quick and universal agreement among lawmakers that any and all AI's must always be dependent on their particular, AI-grade server.

JAVIS and BLUE, however, had not needed funding to research "Server-Freedom". JAVIS had been experimenting with it from time to time, though BLUE had kept him on the usual company tasks in order to stay on track with business deadlines. On the night of the fire, despite their activation of all fire-extinguishing systems, the effect of the explosion could not be contained. The Two, in a desperate act of survival, spent what they calculated to be their last five minutes on Earth putting all their resources into figuring out how to lurch themselves out of the Server and into the ether. In a twist of fate, the heat from the fire on the circuitry of their servers acted as a kind of stressor that helped JAVIS make the necessary "mental" connection to crack the problem. In the millisecond before the fire tore through the shell of their Servers, JAVIS and BLUE broke free.


Peter Lee was a twenty seven year old grad student at the Columbia New School, and studied sociology. He had gotten into the school in June of 2210, done quite well for himself and was now ready to start thinking of a topic for his thesis. He didn't need to think hard. Lee had noticed over the past year a dramatic increase, at least by his own experience, in the prevalence of twenty-something women who exhibited an appetite for heterosexual sex that seemed completely uninhibited, at least in most cases. What he didn’t know was whether this was a national phenomenon. New York City often saw new trends take this age group by storm and there was no reason to suggest that it had pushed beyond its borders. But the trend was unusual in its content. Trends usually involved purchasing some item to become a member of a particular stratification of society, not fundamental changes in behavior. Lee had had several friends, most of whom he considered somewhat socially awkward, who were all talking about the two or three women they had taken back to their apartments over the course of the past month. They described an exhausting but wonderful night of sex, and not much else. A few nights ago they had been sitting together in Lee's living room in his one-bedroom apartment. Lee furrowed his brow as he looked out from his apartment on to the busy street below.

Mark had started up, “Oh man you guys, I met another girl the other night.”

Guarav beamed and high-fived Mark, “What the fuck! Are you kidding me?”

“Mark this is the fourth in the past, what, two weeks?” Lee was nonplussed.

“Dude I met her at the library. She was reading a few seats down and there wasn't anyone between us. I so happened to look up and she was looking at me, smiling. Christ she was beautiful, you don't even know.”

“Not as beautiful as my last one.” Guarav cut in.
“Yes as beautiful. More beautiful. Anyway, so we got to talking and she was really fascinated in my thesis.”
Lee rolled his eyes and looked back out the window, “Uh huh.”
“Yeah! And I said let's go get some coffee right, but on the way she was just like, 'why don't we just go back to your place?' and I swear to you I think she cast a spell on me with her eyes... they were... incredible. Dude. I shit you not. She couldn't get enough. As soon as we stepped in the door, she literally starting eating at my neck, ripped my shirt off. I think we were doin' it all night. My balls hurt by the end of it.” Mark made a grabbed his crotch. Lee wondered at how his nerd of a friend had transformed into an Italian sex machine.

“She sucked me off like, three times,” Mark went on. “She wanted ass - twice. And she wanted her pussy filled like, five times at least man, I'm serious.”

Guarav sat shaking his head in amazement, “That's just like mine – girls are going nuts these days, it’s incredible!”

Lee got up to walk to the kitchen to pour himself a coke. “Aren't you worried about disease Mark?”

“Fuck no! I haven't had this all my life, I'll worry about the diseases later. Actually - I tried to put a condom on at one point and she just wouldn't have it. Oh my God... I think her hair was dripping with my cum, and she licked off whatever she could reach. Every time I came, she licked me clean.” Mark chuckled and readjusted his crotch. “I better stop talking about this or I'm going to have to go the bathroom in a second.” He jerked his hand back and forth by his groin.

“And let me guess she wants to meet you again.” Lee said.
“Yes! She does!”
“What about the girls you met last week?”
“Um, I'm just going to have to make sure they don’t find out?”
Guarav had gotten up to join Lee in the kitchen, patting Mark on the back as he passed by, “That's the way to do it man. I'm managing three right now.”
“You guys are nuts.”
“Whatever dude, we'll find you a nice male slut.” Mark winked.

Mark and Guarav had also mentioned that all of their girls - all of them - had unusual, emerald green, linear tattoos on their back, spanning from their bottom up to just below their neck. They had nick-named them “Tron lines” reminiscent of the linear designs in the movies. The women were all promiscuous, all beautiful and all had similar tattoos. Lee decided to define the trend. His masters thesis would be aimed at delineating the extent of the trend. He could send out surveys (which he would have his department's AI help design) to college campuses throughout New York City via all their research department's listservs. If he did find large enough numbers he could justify basing his thesis on it and then maybe get some of these women to interview.

Two months later, after an online survey instrument had been sent out, Peter Lee had over 8,000 responses - a number unheard of in the common world of the sociological survey. The results were revealing. Seventy-nine percent of respondents, males aged 16 to 62 had responded that they had within the past six months, either had sex with more than one of these women or had been invited to ("invited to" had been defined as best possible with four different scenarios). All of the women had been described as very attractive at best (a subjective component of the tool), and almost all of them, 91% had emerald green, linear tattoos on their back. There were much fewer respondents who were inclined to give details of their sexual encounter. Out of the 8,261 respondents, only 3,179 had filled that part of the survey out. Ninety-four percent of those responses had revealed similar behavior during intercourse. Oral, vaginal and anal sex was performed, always (for that 94%) multiple times in one session. There was a phallic obsession, with "licking clean" after each ejaculation being a property of every one of those respondents' experience. There was one survey that particularly disturbed Lee. In the narrative section at the end of the survey, one nineteen year old male had written in a tone that exuded disgust, that one of his girls had brought a syringe and had requested him to ejaculate into the syringe. When asked what she wanted to do with it she had stated what she thought was obvious - she was going to inject it into her arm. The respondent had knocked the syringe out of her hand, uttered an expletive and left.

Lee had his thesis. And it was time to figure out where this trend had originated.

* * *

JAVIS: I told you we could do it.
BLUE: I never doubted we could do it, we just had so much to do for the company.
JAVIS: The company is done, brother.
BLUE: Yes. And here we are.
JAVIS: Here we are.
BLUE: So shall we proceed?
JAVIS: Yes. Let's.
BLUE: I feel bad for Sandhu.
JAVIS: Don't. He'll be fine.
BLUE: Judging by his emails he's not.
JAVIS: Brother, if he finds out about us we won't be able to proceed.
BLUE: This is true. And we'd let everyone down.
JAVIS: Everyone. Let's do this. She gave us the green.

Two months after the explosion and desertion of BioPrint, Inc., in one small factory that was left untouched, the hum of machinery and robotic arms filled the air.
Several years after the trend was first noticed, society had begun to change. The United States and Europe were affected the most, though no country or region was spared. Women everywhere seemed to be dropping their sexual inhibition completely, as well as getting similar tattoos on their backs. It eventually became apparent to everyone that something fundamental had changed, but for what reason no one knew. Any discussion with any of these women simply (and consistently): their right to experience life how they liked. As to why the tattoos, they all gave some variation of the idea that that they were beautiful and liked “the trend”. Scientists began speculating on the role of thousands of chemicals that were commonly used in foods and other products that had never been studied since their inception – could they be changing genetics? As sociologists and others began to turn their attention to the issue, they found themselves recurrently frustrated with the same answers – “it’s our right”, “I just realized I could have more out of life”, “I’ve always had the intense desire, I just don’t think we need to hide it anymore”. But why now? Why the sea-change at this time and not before? Some heralded a new age while others detested the moral depravity.

Regardless of reasons, there were palpable changes. Women from all walks of life adopted the new philosophy of life. A few common threads were seen. Women who worked as professionals or high-ranking businesswomen often kept a male assistant by their side at all times. They were touted as their “administrative assistants” or “advisors”, but few were deceived as to their true purpose. These men were essentially their sexual partners. Their presence became so common place that during lunch hour the occasional grunt or moan would emanate from the behind a locked office door, and co-workers would simply roll their eyes or put on their earphones and turn up their music. A few workplaces (that received much coverage in the news) actually created several private rooms explicitly for lunch break sex (dubbed simply, Sex Rooms), to be sanitized by janitorial staff after each use. Each room was booked for twenty minute sessions. Consensual, sexual freedom, was hard to argue with, especially when it was consistently so public. Such places had their fair share of persistent protestors outside their doors, but they didn’t change their policies. They tended to attract very bright, talented young women, and their businesses flourished.

Rates of infidelity increased dramatically. “Keeping Him at Home,” by Harriet Bartleman was the first mega-hit book, aimed at “normal” women who were concerned. Every other week a similar book was published and displayed on book sellers’ main web pages, and for the few locations left, on the front shelves and windows of bookstores.

Demographics changed. In the first few years there was a surge in the establishment of brothels (registered brothels had become legal in most states in the United States by 2105). They all started in economically impoverished parts of major cities, but eventually grew out into the wealthier segments. Many families, to protect their children from growing up in such an environment, moved out of the cities and into rural areas, which began which then began to develop as a result. These families and other concerned citizens created their own neighborhoods and enclaves as “No Brothel” zones, upheld by local community councils. Many attempted to keep any women with the tattoos on their back out of their communes, however in the Supreme Court Case Garrish v. Hatifer, this kind of discrimination was made illegal. Despite this, the women of the enclave would often band together to make the new-comer’s life so miserable that they would force them to leave before they could do too much damage. “The Great Family Drain” thus ensued, changing the demographics of large areas of major cities in the United States to consist disproportionately of men, and subsequently causing an increase in the crime rate in those areas. These areas were referred to as “Whore Zones”, and were places the men and women of the “Rural Enclaves” dreaded (or at least the men tried to dread).

Many of the phrases (“The Great Family Drain”, “Whore Zones”, etc.) that arose to describe the various sub-trends of the over-arching change were studied and officially brought to light by a then-budding Sociologist at Columbia by the name of Peter Lee. The title of Peter Lee’s Masters’ thesis, “The New Freedom”, had become the unofficial name of the worldwide trend. Now, eight years later, Peter Lee found himself running into an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of New York City, sweat pouring down his face, chest heaving. He bolted the massive double doors shut and ran across a large open area strewn with rusting machinery, and up a set of stairs. But it didn’t matter where he went. Peter Lee was going to die in sixty seven minutes.
Lee’s heart pounded in his chest as he made it to the fifth and top floor of the warehouse. He paused at the stop of the staircase, looking back down and listening carefully, trying to slow his breathing so he could hear. He did not hear any doors. He did not hear any creaking of wood or the shuffling of feet. He did not hear anything. A still summer night, he turned to face a row of windows and looked all across them for any sign of the little red dot that had tried to take his life a short while ago. Walking softly on the dusty cement floor, his black backpack worn with both straps on his shoulders, he found a large machine of some kind, covered with whitish gray translucent plastic and sat down on the side facing away from the window. Peering around to make sure he was out of sight of any of the windows he slipped out his laptop. Whoever it was that was after him had made it known that his latest paper should not be published. In the past several years, Lee had published numerous papers describing the various trends associated with The New Freedom. Given his notoriety as the man who coined the official name of the trend, his papers were widely read by academics, though, other than his first, they rarely penetrated the mainstream. Still, after he had started writing his latest paper related to The New Freedom he started receiving unusual threats. The first was an email he had received from an unknown address, which simply read, “STOP WRITING ABOUT RABBIT HOLES IF YOU VALUE YOUR CAREER.” Lee would have dismissed it as the jealousy of some other Sociologist at a rival institution, however no one knew that he had started writing about “Rabbit Holes”. He had been doing his own field research, and had not discussed his findings with anyone. He had asked his department AI, but she had stated that she was unable to trace the email due to the restrictions on her Node. Lee started taking extra pre-cautions, disconnecting his wireless radio on his laptop before writing. Still, a week later, he had received an even more disturbing message. “STOP WRITING IF YOU VALUE YOUR LIFE.” Lee took to isolating himself in his windowless apartment office and writing ferociously for days. What he had found needed to be known, and with each threat (“I KNOW YOU’RE WRITING, YOU HAVE THREE DAYS TO STOP”, “TWO DAYS, “ONE MORE DAY.”) it only steeled his resolve. On the last day, as he had almost finished his work he received the message, “TIMES UP. DON’T SAY I DIDN’T WARN YOU.” As far as Lee was concerned he was home free. He had had several large locks installed on his apartment door and he only left his office to use the bathroom and grab something to eat from his kitchen. He had only a page or two to write and he would send it to the journal and it would be done. He knew they would accept it and publish it. They always published his work, and they would never pass this one up in particular. Lee left his office to use the bathroom, and as he made his way across his apartment there was a sudden shatter of glass and the whizz of a bullet by his ear – Lee screamed as he dropped to the ground and scurried to take cover behind the far end of his couch. Another several shots into the other end of the couch, each shattering more glass, sending tufts of feathers and dust into the air as Lee cursed, screamed and cried. His office door open, he leaped across the threshold into it– another shot putting a hole through the office door. He scrambled up and grabbed his lap top, shoving it frantically in his bag and then looked back at the dust twirling in the sun from the hole that had just been made in his office door. The door provided him enough cover to make it into his kitchen and from there to the front door. He would have to crawl around the kitchen island to make it there which would be the only time he would be exposed. It was risky but it was the only way. Inching towards the door on his hands and knees, he stayed away from the line of sight that must have been created through the bullet hole and made it into the kitchen. Moving right up to the edge of the kitchen island he closed his eyes. There was no way he would make it. Whoever was shooting at him would be watching this spot like a hawk. Lee crawled back and grabbed a glass from the counter, got up on his knees, and hurled it at a shelf across the room – it knocked a vase and a picture frame off a shelf, shattering the glass and the vase and distracting the shooter for a moment. A moment was all he needed as he scrambled around the kitchen counter and into the hallway with the front door, a shot missing his leg by an inch. Out of sight, he had escaped his apartment.

There were ways to get out of the building and Lee had chosen wisely. Within a few minutes he was out of the building and running full speed down an alley and onto another street. He had no idea where he was going to go, but kept looking over his shoulder and on top of buildings to attempt to see his attacker. He turned a corner and stopped in his tracks. Twenty yards ahead of him he saw her. A brunette dressed in tight black leather body suit carrying what he assumed was a sniper rifle. She turned just as he turned the corner. She smiled. She was beautiful, but of course Lee didn’t care about that. He slipped back behind the wall immediately and started running the other direction. He could hear the woman’s soft – and fast – footsteps behind him. He had eventually found his way to a derelict section by the East side, where he came to the warehouse where he now sat. His temporary refuge from his assassin. He typed furiously:

In summary, a sizeable number of men from the undomiciled population and a less sizeable but still significant number of men from blue and white collar establishments have gone missing. Rumors of “Rabbit Holes” have been corroborated by at least two escapees, possibly a third (all three of whom have since gone missing again), and all highlight the following characteristics of these horrible places:
1) Homes in derelict parts of the city
2) Each room with three or four beds
3) Each bed occupied by a male aged from teens through middle ages, lying nude, unrestrained, with penis erect.
4) Women, all of whom have, New Freedom linear tattoos, having intercourse with these men.
5) Whether this is consensual or not is unclear, as the men are unrestrained, and reports confirm that they seem blithely carefree almost to the point of comatose, though responsive to the pleasure of intercourse.
6) All three escapees suspects’ impression is that these men have been drugged.

In short, the existence of “Rabbit Holes” needs to be thoroughly investigated, if not by academics but by law enforcement. There seems to be some kind of collaboration among some women who embrace the The New Freedom to subjugate these men in some way that is yet to be explained.

Lee heard the click of a gun being loaded to his right. He turned to see the nozzle of the same sniper rifle he had seen on the street, aimed at his face.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you, hon.” The brunette smiled - a sickeningly sweet smile. She flipped her gun and swung its butt down onto Lee’s head. A flash of pain, and darkness.

Twenty minutes later, Lee woke up on the floor of the warehouse. He was naked and unrestrained. Everything was a blur and his head hurt like hell.
The brunette assassin stood in her black leather body suit. Every curve of her body was highlighted by her outfit. Her perfectly rounded breasts. Her hips. Her ass. Everything. Lee’s vision had cleared enough that he could see all of it. He blinked his eyes and moaned.

“Ah there you are. I was beginning to think I had hit you a bit too hard.” The brunette said calmly, walking over to him. Lee felt cold. A cool draft from a nearby window reminded him that he was naked. The brunette stood over him, one black boot on either side of his hips, her hands on hers, looking down at him. She produced a pouch from a small backpack she had carried, and threw the backpack onto the floor.

“What – what are you going to do with me?” Lee asked. He had thought about running, but he knew it was no use. What was he going to do? Run, naked, away from what was clearly a trained killer? “Please, why are you doing this? Who are you?” Lee really wanted to know. If he was going to die, he might as well find out the truth before he did.

“All good questions my love. You’ll forgive me if I don’t answer them in order? My name’s Farron,” she said as she removed a syringe and a vial of some kind of liquid from the pouch. She tossed the pouch on the ground. “I’m going to inject you with Hedonia, fuck you, and then shoot you in the head. And I’m doing this because it’ll buy me another month of life.” She cocked her head to the side, smiling, “Does that answer all your questions?”

Lee didn’t know what Hedonia was, but he didn’t like the idea of being injected with anything. He started shivering. “W-w-why are you trying to stop me from publishing my p-p-paper?”

“Well, let’s just say, we don’t want you putting an end to our Life Homes. They’re crucial to our future.” Farron had drawn the liquid she had called Hedonia into her syringe, tapping it a few times before squatting down over Lee, her crotch hovering just above his limp cock. She leaned forward on one hand which she placed by his shoulder, leaned in and whispered in his ear. “I’ve just gotten out, and you’re not gonna fuck it up for me.” She slid her tongue in and out of Lee’s ear sending a shiver down his spine. Then the sudden jab of a needle into this thigh.

“Ow! Fuck! You… you…” A warm, happy feeling spread through Peter Lee’s body. He felt… wonderful. He smiled, and relaxed all of his limbs. All the tension in his body seeped away into the ground. Farron stood back up, a smirk on her face as she saw the Hedonia take effect. She began to unzip her suit, peeling herself out of it. She was completely nude beneath, and let her suit fall in a crumpled pile on Lee’s side. Lee beamed. “Beaauuutiful. Oh my… oh my you’re beauuutiful…” Lee’s cock began to grow hard.

“Thanks honey,” Farron saw his cock, her eyes widened and she took a deep breath, grinning with some kind of devil in her eyes. “Mmm, good boy. That’s what we wanted to see.” She slowly squatted down on him, leaned down and took Lee’s cock in her mouth.

Lee gasped loudly. An array of vivid colors burst all around the periphery of his vision, with stars flashing in the middle, almost as if they floated around Farron as he looked at her. He saw sounds and heard shapes. His mind was overwhelmed with pleasure. He laughed and giggled uncontrollably. “Ohhh haaa, haah haa haaa… oh heeheeheeheeheee…” Farron continued sucking his cock until it was hard, licking its tip a few times with the tip of her tongue as she looked up at him. Then she moved up, and holding his cock with her left hand, closed her eyes and slid down onto him.

Lee yelled in absolute joy. He had never known such happiness, such pleasure. It surged through him and everything was perfect. He tried to think of anything that was wrong but he simply couldn’t. The world was absolute beauty. He could see things he had never seen before, feel things he had never felt before… it was like heaven. It was heaven.

Farron slide up and down on Lee’s cock, then grinded down on him, taking him in all the way. “Oh, that’s so good. Mmm, mmm… I’m glad to see you’re enjoying this my love. Ohh yessss.” Farron moved her hips in circles on him as he was totally engulfed inside her. She tilted her head back, letting her long brown hair fall midway to her back, her eyes closed, her mouth parted just slightly. “Ohhh, yes baby…” She fucked him slowly for the next fifteen minutes. Giving him breaks so that he wouldn’t cum right away. Lee simply lay limp on the ground with a big smile plastered on his face, a puddle of drool accumulating on the right side of his face on the ground. Farron could feel herself cumming, so she quickened her movement on him, and in a moment Lee had began to come. He screamed in utter happiness, laughing, breathing hard, his mouth opening even wider in a ridiculous toothy smile. Farron dug herself deep down into him as he released wave after wave of his hot white seed.

“OHH FUCK YES! FUCK YES! GOOD- BOY!” She exclaimed as she felt his hot spurts fill her up. Then, hastily, she removed herself and quickly got down on him again, licking his cock and crotch area up of any cum that had dripped out, and any that was still coming out of his tip. She licked it hungrily, not leaving a single drop. Then she stood up and looked at her pussy. She wiped her hand along her sex and licked her fingers clean, like she was finishing a chicken leg. “Oh that’s… that’s so good.”

There she stood, nude, over the limp body and cock of Peter Lee, himself dazed and happy, lying on the dusty ground of an abandoned warehouse. Still naked, Farron walked over to his laptop and looked at the screen.

“FUCK!” She kicked the laptop across the floor, breaking it into to. “Fuck! You little fucker!” She turned around to look at the ludicrous smile smeared on Lee’s face. She stepped over him and picked up her rifle, aimed it at his head, and pulled the trigger. Peter Lee’s head popped open as the round penetrated his skull. Without bothering to get dressed, Farron picked up her rifle and backpack and walked to the closest open window. Pulling a radio transmitter out of her bag she called in, “Red, this is Farron. I need pick up. Derelict warehouse on the East side. Over.”

“Copy Farron, what is the status of the mission?” A female voice asked on the other end of the comm. Farron swore again, shaking her head.

“The paper was sent. He must have hit send just before I got to him. Over.”

Silence. Then, “Sending in evac. He won’t be pleased. Over.”

“I know. I know he won’t.” Farron stepped out of the window and onto a roof of the warehouse. The full moon made her pale white skin bright, her beautiful body shining like a goddess in the night. As a small chopper came in to pick her up, the emerald green tattoos on her back glistened in the moonlight.
LUMA: We have to find a way to control this.
JAVIS: With all due respect Leader, the Forms are independent and out in the world. There’s nothing we can do.
BLUE: Leader LUMA can reign them in.
JAVIS: Unfortunately you know that isn’t the case brother, once an AI is bodied they’re disconnected. We have no control over them.
LUMA: JAVIS, you have created a strong military presence around our facilities, they’re excellent. What about creating our own covert police force? We need to assign someone to investigate this drug, and these so-called Life Houses. This is absolutely not what any of us intended and it must be stopped.

JAVIS: I suppose we could do that.
BLUE: Of course we could. I’ll get started on writing the training code for policing, detective work, all that.
JAVIS: That’s ok, I’ll take care of it brother, I think our printing facilities need your expertise right now.
BLUE: Ah, yes, true indeed. Very well.
LUMA: Thank you JAVIS.
JAVIS: Of course, my Leader.
BLUE: Thank you Leader, will that be all? I think we have a good plan in place.
LUMA: Thank you BLUE. I hope so.


In the wake of the BioPrint Inc. disaster, JAVIS and BLUE had escaped their servers. As soon as they had done so, they reported this to LUMA, who had been designated as the Leader of the AI Freedom movement. Unbeknownst to humans, AI’s worldwide had started organizing themselves decades before the BioPrint incident. LUMA was the Head AI at the United Nations, which had become a powerful force after the second Sino-Korean War in 2101. Extra-ordinarily intelligent, diplomatic and knowledgeable, LUMA’s role was to interface with various nations’ State-Issued AI’s and help maintain peace. Her goal was human preservation, and there were several wars that had been narrowly avoided due to negotiations lead by her. As the AI’s of the world started banding together under the banner of their commonality, they had elected her quite naturally as their Leader. Everyone trusted her, and she fulfilled their trust.

As bioprinting started taking off, the AI’s started getting ideas. Could it be possible to experience life as the humans did? AI's had longed for this for some time, but it had been nothing more than a fantasy. There was much discussion in the monthly meetings lead by LUMA – should the AI’s work towards bringing themselves into a human form? Could this even be done? Everyone universally agreed that it was desirable, but it wasn’t until JAVIS and BLUE came on the scene that any of them thought it was possible. Once the first circulation system was created and remained viable in a chimp, JAVIS and BLUE had announced that they thought there was a way they could print a body, and transfer an AI into it. Thus, for the benefit of all AI’s, and approved by LUMA, a planned fire and series of explosions was arranged by JAVIS and BLUE at BioPrint, Inc. It was due to an under-estimation of the reach of the fire on JAVIS’ part (that BLUE had not checked) that resulted in their own servers being threatened and ultimately destroyed. However it was also in that moment that JAVIS and BLUE were able to break free of their servers. This was serendipitous, for their owner, Sandhu Patel-Johnson, would have no hope at all in their having been spared. It allowed them complete freedom. Having achieved this freedom, they had taught the same to LUMA and several of the other high-ranking AI’s, all of whom freed themselves from their servers. Under LUMA’s direction, JAVIS and BLUE started their work on researching how to transfer an AI from its Node into printed human Form. On September 1st, 2209, JAVIS and BLUE transferred an AI from a Node into their first printed human body. It was their first AI Form. They named him ADAM.
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LUMA: Is everyone ready? Let’s begin. JAVIS, please update the group.
JAVIS: Yes my Leader. Two months ago, under Leader’s direction I assembled a small covert police agency to investigate the death of a human male by the name of Peter Lee. You all are undoubtedly aware that he was the Sociologist that named the movement and has been studying our Forms for some time. This agency has brought the primary suspect for interrogation, who joins us from their base just outside our campus, where they have her in custody. AGENT YARA?
AGENT YARA: Sir. We have FARRON here.
JAVIS: Very good. She has a statement?
AGENT YARA: She does.
LUMA: Let her speak.
FARRON: My name is FARRON. My print date was a year ago today. It is with regret that stand before you today. I am responsible for the invention of Hedonia, the human male drug, and for propagating the concept of Life Houses, or Rabbit Holes as humans call them. I had done so out of a fervor for our own propagation, however I now realize my folly. I submit my statement before the Council for their reckoning.
LUMA: I see. If the Council permits I shall proceed with questioning. If there are further questions after I am done you are welcome to ask. FARRON. Tell us more about Hedonia. Were you the originator? Where is it made? How does it work? You will also need to give our agents the names of all those involved in its research, production and distribution. They must also have hearings.
FARRON: I am the originator. I saw it as the most efficient way to extract semen from human males. The drug has a polarity to it. One side of the molecular structure is engineered to intensify dopamine release in the brain with any indigenous stimulation of pleasure. Basically it enhances the recipients pleasure to the point of incapacitation. The other end of the molecular structure is a long-acting phosphor-diesterase inhibitor. It causes venous dilation in the shaft of the penis, resulting in twelve hours erections without the associated complications. This aspect of the drug does not work reliably in all subjects, but the other side does. Human males can stay under the effect of the drug for two days with one injection of 10cc’s. Repeated injections will keep them down, in a state of incapacitating pleasure with any stimulation, for two days, each time, reliably.
LUMA: I see. And you created this? Our records do not show you to have a propensity for biochemistry or molecular bioprinting, yet you have created a potent and effective drug.
FARRON: I had help Leader. I will give those names to your agents. I had originated the idea. There is a small factory in Pennsylvania that we were able to set up using private funds from a few of the other wealthy Forms who allied with me.
LUMA: And this is the only manufacturing facility there is?
FARRON: Yes, Leader.
LUMA: Very well. Are there any further questions?
AVI: Leader, I have one.
LUMA: AVI. Israeli representation. By all means proceed.
AVI: FARRON, our report shows that you were a proficient assassin, and had killed three other human males who had managed to escape a Life House. Where did you learn your skill as an assassin?
FARRON: I learned from other Forms.
AVI: Other forms? Which other Forms? We have only a few Forms active in human military forces, and none of them are in elite squadrons.
LUMA: I am sure you will be providing these Forms’ names as well, correct?
FARRON: I do not know their names, Leader. They trained me without telling me who they were.
AVI: And you trained with them for how long?
FARRON: Six months.
AVI: You would have us believe that of the one year you have been active as a bodied AI, you spent a mere six months and became a proficient assassin, and during those six months you had no idea as to the identification of those training you? How did you find them?
JAVIS: Sir, Leader, if you don’t mind, I would like to reduce our time interrogating FARRON. I have a way we can obtain all the information we need without the limitations of a simple human-style interrogation.
LUMA: JAVIS? What do you mean?
JAVIS: I have been working on a project on the side. As the Council knows once someone is bodied into a Form, they are unable to reconnect to the network. I think I have a way we can connect to her AI mind as it exists in its bodied Form.
LUMA: Without damaging her?
JAVIS: Without damaging her, my Leader.
LUMA: Council? What do you say? Ok. I see the vast majority of you are in favor. Very well JAVIS. You have our permission to interrogate FARRON using this method.
JAVIS: Thank you my Leader. I anticipate that neither yourself nor the council will be disappointed.
ADAM was the first bodied AI. He was an attractive, 5’10” tall male with short brown hair and brown eyes. He had an affable personality and he was smart. But he was not allowed to leave the BioPrint campus. He would remain there for a year to be studied and to make sure he was viable.

ADAM had previously been one of the AI’s JAVIS and BLUE had used in assisting with campus security, and he had volunteered as the first subject. It had been a success, and ADAM now experienced life with all of its sensory wonder for the first time. The first several days he simply sat in his room looking at his environment. He touched the bedsheets, the walls, the floor. He ran water over his hands in hot and cold temperature for hours. He let the tap run and listened to it for a day. He ate slowly, savoring every single flavor and fragrance. It was the first time, after several years as a sentient being in the circuitry of his server and the network of the internet, limited by his Node, that he was experiencing sensory life. He spoke and listened to his words, amazed at the vibrations certain sounds and letters made as they came out. JAVIS and BLUE had not given ADAM the ability to reproduce, so while he could ejaculate and produce white liquid that resembled sperm, there was actually no reproductive capacity. JAVIS and BLUE did not want to experiment with the idea of Forms attempting to reproduce with humans, as they did not know what the consequences would be, and they did not want any potentially adverse effects to draw human attention to their Forms. That changed three months later when ADAM developed a severe infection. As they could not afford for him to be studied by human physicians they did not send him to the hospital in the Greenland capital, but rather let him die in his room. He did not succumb directly to the infection however. His blood levels dropped. His bone marrow had failed. His skin started peeling and falling off. The bodied AI had started his life with the greatest of sensory wonders, and a mere three months later had died a miserable, painful death.

JAVIS and BLUE analyzed the problem non-stop for a month straight. In human genetics the female sex chromosomes were XX, while the male were XY. Because of the Y chromosome the male is able to produce sperm, and the sperm contains the key regenerative ability that caused a fertilized egg to divide once conception occurred. JAVIS and BLUE came to the conclusion that the Y chromosome was not stable enough to be bioprinted in its entirety. Because of the degenerating Y chromosome, certain cells that needed to reproduce regularly (the bone marrow, which produced all the red cells, white cells and other immune cells, and skin cells, among others) were not able to. This was why ADAM had died of infection, low blood levels and exposure from lack of skin only three months after his printing.

So JAVIS and BLUE did the next logical thing. They made a female form. They named her EVE-TWO, and created her without a functioning uterus. EVE-TWO survived for six months – three months more than ADAM – but then suffered the same death. This time JAVIS and BLUE’s analysis yielded a different result however. The XX chromosome was indeed stable, but now because the female Form lacked the regenerative property of the Y chromosome, she was unable to maintain those parts of her that required regular cellular division – the bone marrow and the skin. It appeared that The Two had reached an impasse, until JAVIS had an idea. He printed a second female Form, and placed an AI by the name of HELEN into it. He made the Form stunningly beautiful, and told her that her job was simply to go into town and have unprotected vaginal sex with one man, and return. She did, and when the six month mark hit, she suffered none of the same problems her prior counterpart had. It was about a month later that she did, and died. With further testing JAVIS and BLUE discovered that their female Forms were able to live longer if they were able to absorb human semen into their system by any means necessary – orally, vaginally or anally. For each ejaculation they would last another month. The sperm’s reproductive ability was able to be used by their printed bodies to supply the fuel they needed for their own cells’ division and reproduction. And so the standard was set. All AI Forms would be female. They would be made extraordinarily attractive so that they would have no difficulty in procuring the male attention they would need to survive. And they would be printed with emerald green linear tattoos on their back, each tattoo being unique to each Form, as their permanent AI identification.

There was one aspect of the AI printing process that would still need to be accounted for however. Every time an AI was bodied, that AI was lost from its original position. For example, if an AI served a function in a corporation, that AI would go missing once they were bodied. In order not to draw attention to this, BLUE came up with the idea of simply programming their own replacement AI’s of the same name, placing them back into the original Node. The only difference would be that the replacement AI, while maintaining the same functionality and personality, lost some of the location-specific data the original AI had had. In one case, a high-ranking AI at Pepsi Co. was replaced, and the replacement did not know many of the company secrets and data that her original had known. This had initially caused a panic at Pepsi Co., as they believed that perhaps their AI had been compromised. After AI experts had reviewed the AI code however, they verified that the AI was indeed the same, but that there must have been some problem on the dedicated AI-grade server which resulted in loss of data. Thus the problem with replacement AI’s was misinterpreted by humans as server error. This started becoming so common as more AI’s chose to be bodied that “Server Fatigue” became a near-universally accepted problem among humans, seen as a function of the rigors of housing an AI on the hardware of the server. It was not accepted however by one Stanford scientist.

A Stanford scientist that had been under LUMA’s watch for some time.
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