Free the "Portland Four"!


Urban Jungle Dweller
Aug 26, 2001
In the latest move in the drive to impose a fascist police state, fascist pig John Ashcroft (Asscross) announced that charges had been filed against six people, five of them U.S. citizens. Four of them have been arrested, three in Portland, one in Detroit. The obviously bogus and political charges include possession of firearms in furtherance of crimes of violence, and three counts of conspiracy: to levy war against the U.S., provide material support to foreign terrorist organizations, and contribute services to Al Qaeda and the Taliban. Conspiracy statutes are unconstitutional, in that they punish mere "thoughtcrime" and have been used as a means of persecuting union organizers and other leftist activists. Possession of firearms is protected by the Second Amendment. Factually, the only "crime" committed by these defendants is they attempted to travel to Afghanistan (it's unclear whether they even made it).

These arrests swell the already long list of political prisoners in the U.S. taken in the name of the "war on terror," which is really a war on our freedom.

Free the "Portland Four"! Free all political prisoners! Smash the police state drive!
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Oh gee another thread you started, moderate, and avoid when asked a direct question to.

btw the 4 are not terrorists but workers who planned on walking through the "lockout" of the longshoreman

John Walker Lindh, who was sentenced to twenty years today, is another political prisoner who should be freed immediately. He committed no crime. The only crimes were committed by the U.S. military, which bombed and invaded Afhanistan, tortured Lindh, and coerced a confession from him.
Re: Lindh

John Walker Lindh, who was sentenced to twenty years today, is another political prisoner who should be freed immediately. He committed no crime. The only crimes were committed by the U.S. military, which bombed and invaded Afhanistan, tortured Lindh, and coerced a confession from him.

the sentence was part of a plea bargain that Lindh agreed to.
Re: Lindh

John Walker Lindh, who was sentenced to twenty years today, is another political prisoner who should be freed immediately. He committed no crime. The only crimes were committed by the U.S. military, which bombed and invaded Afhanistan, tortured Lindh, and coerced a confession from him.

He got off lucky. I'm just sorry he will be getting out when he is still young enough to enjoy the rest of his life. He is a traitor. He got caught. Now he has to pay the price. Send him some kleenex and some anal lube if you want to make his life better.
The real criminals

Bush and all his top people should already have been charged in the International Criminal Court (ICC) for war crimes and crimes against humanity. They're the real criminals. That's why Bush doesn't want the U.S. to be subject to the court's jurisdiction.
Lindh will be lucky if he makes it a year in prison. I hope he gets raped so much he can poop out a basketball without straining.
So you don't believe in Santa Clause, Elves, the Tooth Fairy, or Terrorists do you RED?
What makes you think the Afghanis didn't do it first...

All tribal societies have THOSE sorts of traditions...
Hearing redwave defend the Second Amendment and rant against "thought crimes" proves once again what a total phony he is.

This as the same putz who favors hate crime legislation and gun control.
The obviously bogus and political charges...

Where do you get this shit? Why not have a trial and examine the evidence before we proclaim them guilty or innocent?

You are being a nutball. You know better than to believe this stuff you are putting forth.

You know no one will agree with you. You make it hard to endear yourself to anyone.......
Oh shit, I forgot.... you don't want to endear yourself. Silly me.

None of those people you mentioned are being held improperly. I feel safer knowing they are not walking the streets.

In your opinion, what did they do that should be a crime?
I do not know any more of the facts in the case than you do to be able to go outr on a limb and proclaim them to be railroaded. Hell, RED, wake up, most of them confess readily and are proud to be warriors for Osama. Didn't you see or read or hear today's news?
Babydoll, you said it all in your opening thread statement. They are being charged with crimes, you enumerated them. They have yet to be found guilty. Perhaps they will not be. They are indeed innocent until the state proves otherwise. (I was very attentive in Civics class.)

If you think that conspiracy is not a crime......mmmm I can't even counter that.
SINthysist said:
Didn't you see or read or hear today's news?

Christ pal, don't bring the "news" into this. You know it's biased and propaganda filled and owned by the Jews. ~shaking my head~ (that was sarcasm by the way. I am not anti-semetic by any means.)
Re: Lindh

John Walker Lindh, who was sentenced to twenty years today, is another political prisoner who should be freed immediately. He committed no crime. The only crimes were committed by the U.S. military, which bombed and invaded Afhanistan, tortured Lindh, and coerced a confession from him.

Ya know red, just when I'm about to agree with part of your original rant, you go and spout shit like this. No wonder you're not a 'practicing' attorney.

Back to the original point of you thread though. Conspiracy is a bullshit charge. It far to reminiscent of the days when Kings would behead people for alleged palace intrigue.

There has to be a better way and a VERY high standard of proof for this to be anything other than a political tool.

But I must remind everyone, these 'conspiracy' laws were rammed through a Democrat controled Senate and House after the rash of assinations and attempts back in the 60's and early 70's. The liberal wing of the electorate thought that it was a GREAT idea then. I wonder how they feel now? Probably feel that it's being abused.

Kinda reminds you of the 'Special Prosecutor' fiascos, doesn't it?

Free the "Portland Four"

Your inane rhetoric is reminiscent of a bygone era. The same rhetoric was used by the Symbionese Liberation Army between bank robberies and the Black Panthers in between the 60's equivalent of drive by shootings.
At least be original. Having spent several years in the business of criminal defense law, it is humorous to see the old adages revived to express misguided and uninformed opinions.
Re: Free the "Portland Four"

bobman936 said:
Your inane rhetoric is reminiscent of a bygone era. The same rhetoric was used by the Symbionese Liberation Army between bank robberies and the Black Panthers in between the 60's equivalent of drive by shootings.
At least be original. Having spent several years in the business of criminal defense law, it is humorous to see the old adages revived to express misguided and uninformed opinions.

Most of these people aren't old enough to know what you are talking about. And Lord knows, they never learned any of this in American history class.

The refrain will always remain the same, no matter what the decade is. Same ole shit. No one learns anything new.
Re: Re: Free the "Portland Four"

A Desert Rose said:

Most of these people aren't old enough to know what you are talking about. And Lord knows, they never learned any of this in American history class.

The refrain will always remain the same, no matter what the decade is. Same ole shit. No one learns anything new.

Thank you, I was gonna say this to bobman's comments.

History repeats itself over and over. Humans repeat things over and over. Just cause it's been said once and not heeded, doesn't make it untrue.

Doesn't make it true either, but saying it's been said before and to 'be original' would assume that humans don't make the same mistake twice...or three times....or four thousand.....
BTW, that Portland Maine? I didn't hear this report. Left the news off today. Heard to much bad shit yesterday, just trying to keep up on the Hurricane.
