Free Association thread 6

Mainstream media over here seldom quotes his use of those words.
Most reckon he's a bit child-like.

"Child-like" reminds me of a long discussion I had with some friends over drinks a while back.

If you could go back in time to when you were a lot younger--say, 12 or 13 years old--knowing what you know now, what would you do differently? For me, there was almost nothing I would have done the same. In retrospect, most of my major life decisions seem terrible.

It isn't like I'm writing this from prison, but I'm certainly not living the life I imagined I would be when I was a teenager.
"Child-like" reminds me of a long discussion I had with some friends over drinks a while back.

If you could go back in time to when you were a lot younger--say, 12 or 13 years old--knowing what you know now, what would you do differently? For me, there was almost nothing I would have done the same. In retrospect, most of my major life decisions seem terrible.

It isn't like I'm writing this from prison, but I'm certainly not living the life I imagined I would be when I was a teenager.

Can you be sure that, had you made different choices then, you life now wouldn't be just as far away from what you imagined then, save for a different direction?
If you could go back in time to when you were a lot younger--say, 12 or 13 years old--knowing what you know now, what would you do differently?

I'm not sure I'd be that different; at 12 I was wafted along life's line, understanding not-a-lot.
There's a certain existential/post-modern satisfaction in never having become what you didn't want to be.

At 13 I wanted to follow Neil Armstrong into the history books by becoming an astronaut and being the first man on Mars. Had I pursued that dream I would have been the perfect age to have been a member of the ill-fated Challenger crew.

At 13 I wanted to follow Neil Armstrong into the history books by becoming an astronaut and being the first man on Mars. Had I pursued that dream I would have been the perfect age to have been a member of the ill-fated Challenger crew.


The choir teacher at my high school was the alternate for Christa Mcauliffe. If she had gotten ill and hadn't been cleared to fly, he would have been on that flight.
There's a certain existential/post-modern satisfaction in never having become what you didn't want to be.

When I was a kid, being an Engine Driver" was the equivalent of being an Astronaut.
Then my family moved location and I did not have a railway track at the bottom of the garden.

The choir teacher at my high school was the alternate for Christa Mcauliffe. If she had gotten ill and hadn't been cleared to fly, he would have been on that flight.

And he's been blessing his Luck (and his God) ever since.
In an infinite multiverse, somewhere there is an alternate universe in which I am the President of the United States. And I'm made entirely of gummi bears...
Seek and ye shall find - although what you find might not be what you were seeking

To paraphrase Dirk Gently:

if you don't know where you're going, follow someone who seems to know where they're going. You may not get where you wanted to go, but you'll be someplace you need to be.
To paraphrase Dirk Gently:

if you don't know where you're going, follow someone who seems to know where they're going. You may not get where you wanted to go, but you'll be someplace you need to be.

I've wandered around in ignorance most of my life. . . .