

Very Experienced
May 24, 2002
The story was huge, or at least could have been -- President Bush's long-awaited proof that the Iraqis were manufacturing chemical weapons.

Huge, but for one glitch: It apparently wasn't true. Fox News Channel Monday had to back away from the story that it so widely reported on Sunday -- that coalition forces had found a "huge" chemical factory south of Baghdad in An Najaf -- because Gen. Tommy Franks, head of the coalition forces said Monday that he "wasn't entirely sure" it was a chemical factory after all.

Should American networks put a patriotic spin on the war?

Fox says: "There isn't anyone here who doesn't wake up every day and says to themselves, 'Wow, I'm an American and there are American troops over there ...' "
Nobody watches Fox?

Rush Limbaugh says he's pleased with the American news coverage of the war so far...
Yes they should. War coverage needs to be positive about what is happening. It needs to show support for the conflict if only to encourage the troops who are doing the fighting.

During the Falklands crisis all reports were screened by the home office. One reporter who said pretty much the same as another had her report pulled because it did not end on a positive note.
I agree, war coverage should be uplifting. We don't want any of our TV watching troops to get discouraged, as a matter of fact, Diane Sawyer was downright jubilant this morning. Isn't that nice?

:) :) :)
anyone that believes everything that is happening and being shown on tv is a moron :)

thats not to say that theres some conspiracy stuff going on just that propaganda go's on in war and you never know how much till sometimes a year after the war is finished
I think teh coverage should be facts, not spin. Patriotism has no place in reporting, because it too easily turns into nationalism, which then turns into the media becoming a de facto arm of the government.
Fox finally had on O'Reilly last night, I love it when he sticks it to the stink'n French!

Oh, forgot, I hate Dascle too! What a moron!
Yes, a McHappy War is the best kind of war!

That way, Coke and Mcdonalds can really get behind this thing...

"Collect All 3 Coalition Action Fighters with every SuperSize Freedom's Fried Meal and get a FREE B52 Bombs Away Sized Coke in a COLLECTABLE Plastic Cup With Pics of Your Favorite POW Heroes!"

I think you'll see the "embedded" journalists" whisked away soon ....for "Their Own Safety', of course.

Let the McRumsfeld Happy War promotion begin!
Why is the Billings Gazette adding opinion commentary about FOX News in what they are trying to pass off as a news story themselves? If they want to blast FOX News why aren't they doing it in the Op-Ed pages instead of in their news stories?

Hypocrisy reigns supreme...
caligula said:
Fox finally had on O'Reilly last night, I love it when he sticks it to the stink'n French!

Oh, forgot, I hate Dascle too! What a moron!

and speaking of morons ....
War coverage needs to be as impartial as it can be. By putting a "patriotic" spin on things, then it just turns into propeganda. Because Fox is controlled by a single person, they sway towards his ideas meaning, sensenationalism. That would make Fox the least reputable place for news imo.

There are a lot of facts that should be told to the public. Like a division of the company that Dick Cheney used to head has already won massive constructions bids from the government for the reconstruction (literally) of Iraq.

And what about the other people that Bush suckered into going to Iraq? Yeah we hear things about the Brittish troops a lot, but what about the Austrailians? I didn't know they had troops there except for a little line on the bottom scroll on CNN. And what about the submarine that Denmark sent to the Gulf?

In short, don't blindly trust the news just because it's what is spoon fed to the public. It may be true, but there are other truths out there. Don't blindly support Bush because it's the "right" thing to do and we just happen to be American. Support him if you will, that is your decision, but think about it first. I can respect a well thought out rationale, but not jingoism (blind patriotism for the sake of patriotism).

Bush is screwing up the world and i feel sorry for all the troops that had to be sent there. It wasn't thier decision to go to war.

Lancecastor said:
Yes, a McHappy War is the best kind of war!

That way, Coke and Mcdonalds can really get behind this thing...

"Collect All 3 Coalition Action Fighters with every SuperSize Freedom's Fried Meal and get a FREE B52 Bombs Away Sized Coke in a COLLECTABLE Plastic Cup With Pics of Your Favorite POW Heroes!"

I think you'll see the "embedded" journalists" whisked away soon ....for "Their Own Safety', of course.

Let the McRumsfeld Happy War promotion begin!
This is OUR country NOT yours .. soo FUCK OFF.

Though I do realize that so many Canadians would just love to be like us .. and wish they were us ...
Canadian coverage is somewhere between pro-American and neutral. I don’t mind it but I’d prefer it to be more neutral.
To have one-sided coverage would be like looking at the war through a straw. I want the whole view.
The Rooster said:
This is OUR country NOT yours .. soo FUCK OFF.

Though I do realize that so many Canadians would just love to be like us .. and wish they were us ...

Whoo hoo! You tell 'im, Rooster!

I mainly watch FOX, but I do switch back and forth between it, CNN and MSNBC.

I like to read a "warblog" I recently discovered....kind of like Bill O' spin, just an almost-minute-by-minute account of the news he has been able to uncover.

The corporate mass media (TV, especially) has openly become a shameless propaganda outlet of the state. FOX is the most glaring example of this, but it is equally true of CNN, MSNBC, CBS, etc. Similarly, the U.S. government is nothing but a front and a tool for big business interests. That is true more than ever now. Technically, on paper, government and big business are separate entities, and big business is divided into a number of major corporations. In reality, the two are welded indissolubly together into one massive complex of exploitation, oppression, injustice, propaganda, and official lies.

A two-headed monster, indeed.
People are happiest - and most likely to continue listening - if you tell them what they want to hear.

There's no need to posit a conspiracy.