Fox hunting


Really Experienced
Jan 30, 2003
I'm not too sure if Americans have anything similar to the British. But we have an ancient & traditional sport called Fox Hunting.

This is not only a sport, but a way to keep the fox population down. As you know the fox is a vermin creature who thinks nothing of killing 5 lambs just to eat one.

In England my sport is under threat from the government who claim this is a cruel act.

But thousands of jobs depend on fox hunting, it's a way of life for the countryside. Why should the city boys be able to dictate to us

The sport involves a good old chase for miles and miles with my team on horseback and our trusted hounds following the scent of the fox.

The fox is killed instantly with a bite to the neck.

What are your views about this?
Elitist said:

Anyone with a little bit more 'upstairs'?

Oh alright if you insist...

Tally ho! Yoiks was meant to express my support of fox-hunting...

The countryside is not the city, the fields are not the highways of urban living. I'd have more respect for the anti-hunting crowd if they all joined in for a bit and learnt what it was all about before screaming out the usual popularist slogans...

And what do you mean "your" sport?

What Hunt do you ride with?

And less of the "upstairs" jibe...

I've just saved your bacon on the "When dealing with Europeans" thread...


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Elitist said:
The fox is killed instantly with a bite to the neck.

What are your views about this?

My view is you wouldn't recognise the truth if it smacked you on the nose.

The fox is rarely killed instantly, it's often ripped to pieces.

The goverment is responding to the wishes of the overwhelming majority of the people in the UK.

And before you prattle on about townies, when the wind is in the right direction I can hear our local hounds in their kennels.

It is a barbaric medieval practice that should go the same way as the ducking stool and the iron maiden.

In a recent interview a master of hounds admitted that they catch very few foxes and that to use it as an argument for pest control was ludicrous.
Elitist said:
I'm not too sure if Americans have anything similar to the British. But we have an ancient & traditional sport called Fox Hunting.

This is not only a sport, but a way to keep the fox population down. As you know the fox is a vermin creature who thinks nothing of killing 5 lambs just to eat one.

In England my sport is under threat from the government who claim this is a cruel act.

But thousands of jobs depend on fox hunting, it's a way of life for the countryside. Why should the city boys be able to dictate to us

The sport involves a good old chase for miles and miles with my team on horseback and our trusted hounds following the scent of the fox.

The fox is killed instantly with a bite to the neck.

What are your views about this?

I'm not sure if the British have anything similar to the Americans, but we have an ancient and traditional sport called Fox Hunting.

This is not only a sport, but a way to keep the Fox population pre occupied. As you know the American Fox is a sexy creature who thinks nothing of dating five men, just to eat free meals.

In America, my sport is under threat from Husbands, lesbian and feminism.

The sport involves a good old chase for hours and hours with me on my back being the hound that I am and enjoying the scent of the fox.

The fox reaches her fifth orgasm with another bite to the clit.
The anti's

I really don't have a lot to add, other than it is mostly the same in that the anti's will pick on a small part of a whole. Yes it would affect lots of peoples lives and income, with fox hunting you have the people that participate as well as all of the support type people, not to mention how many harrier packs that woud go by, and the horses that would be out of a job or religated to pulling a wagon around, what a shame for a fine jumper to have to pull a cart for a living. I truly enjoy the driven shooting of Scotland and the UK. The anti's are alive and well in most countries.
Re: Re: Fox hunting

bluespoke said:

In a recent interview a master of hounds admitted that they catch very few foxes and that to use it as an argument for pest control was ludicrous.

As an avid fox hunter in the US, I agree. I think that if hunts in England and the rest of Europe want to continue, then they should seriously consider becoming 'no kill' hunts. It's not that much of a concession cince the whole point of hunting should be to meet with friends, follow the hounds and enjoy the hunt. The point shouldn't be to kill foxes.

It's ludicrous to assume that the one or two foxes caught and killed (usually with a pistol after being shredded by the hounds) each season even makes a dent in the population anyway. I've been hunting with my current hunt for 4 years, and in that time, we've caught one animal. We elected to put him down, because he was obviously extremely ill. That's the only kill (in fact, the only 'catch' we've made.
Re: Re: Re: Fox hunting

pagancowgirl said:
As an avid fox hunter in the US, I agree. I think that if hunts in England and the rest of Europe want to continue, then they should seriously consider becoming 'no kill' hunts. It's not that much of a concession cince the whole point of hunting should be to meet with friends, follow the hounds and enjoy the hunt. The point shouldn't be to kill foxes.

It's ludicrous to assume that the one or two foxes caught and killed (usually with a pistol after being shredded by the hounds) each season even makes a dent in the population anyway. I've been hunting with my current hunt for 4 years, and in that time, we've caught one animal. We elected to put him down, because he was obviously extremely ill. That's the only kill (in fact, the only 'catch' we've made.

Can I ask what the point of your hunt is? It's obvious you're not very successful huntsmen.

The vermin foxes are of no use to society.

Thank you p_p_man & sheaf for your support
Re: Re: Re: Re: Fox hunting

Elitist said:
Can I ask what the point of your hunt is? It's obvious you're not very successful huntsmen.

The vermin foxes are of no use to society.

Thank you p_p_man & sheaf for your support

LOL... I'll be sure to pass that info along to the next British hunt that sends bitches over to be bred to our dogs after hunting with us.

We're successful enough to know that the kill isn't the driving force of a successful hunt.

Enjoy hanging out with people of you're 'stature' like P_P. I'm sure you'll have more fun conversing with him than with riff raff like me.
With respect, the hunt is about the kill at the end.

Some huntsman will mince their words for the media to come across as more 'humane'

The simple fact is that foxes are vermin like rats and we enjoy the chase, the thrill and the kill.
In Toronto, urban Raccoons are hunted by kids in souped up Honda Civics with small calibre handguns.

It's great sport to watch!

Elitist said:
The simple fact is that foxes are vermin like rats and we enjoy the chase, the thrill and the kill.
yeah so do me and maw down at the dumps. Theys gots some big ole juicy rats thar. Maws makin one of them thar afghans fer the couch soes the vynils dont sticks to my arms when ise wearin my wifebeater teeshirt and drinkin my sum miller highlife....
Re: Re: Re: Fox hunting

pagancowgirl said:
I've been hunting with my current hunt for 4 years, and in that time, we've caught one animal. We elected to put him down, because he was obviously extremely ill. That's the only kill (in fact, the only 'catch' we've made.

Man are you guys lame. A bunch of traps would be a lot more effective and less expensive.

I shoot foxes,or should that be foxii.

Got some good ones with my 1000mm,lens that is.

As my paw said,"If you aint gonna eat it,why kill it?".
Elitist said:
With respect, the hunt is about the kill at the end.

Is this really about your self justification of premature ejaculation?

Try some fore play and enjoy the moment. It will really help you with these issues.
Foxhunting is for upperclass brainless fuckwits.

"it keeps the fox population under controll"
So does a 12 bore shotgun to the head and dont give it "but it can injure the fox and it can die in agony" I think it would be alot less painfull than being ripped to shreds by a pack of dogs. there are humane traps as well.
employing A nightwatchman with a shotgun is cheaper than employing a dogbreeder, paying for dogfood, and dozens and dozens of horses and the cost of their stables the price of their food.
Its not a sport. Its a ritualistic practice that is done by evil posh higherarchical fuckwits with no intelligence,

as for the jobs issue, 1000s of people wouldn't be out of work, and if they were then surely some of the rich plonkers with more money than sense could find them a job that pays the same?
mig said:
I shoot foxes,or should that be foxii.

Got some good ones with my 1000mm,lens that is.

As my paw said,"If you aint gonna eat it,why kill it?".

You can skin it with your big knife.
