Formal Apology


Aug 30, 2013
I'm here today to formally apologize to my Dom. I reached a personal milestone in the shower last night and instead of sharing it with him right away I waited until this morning to share it with him. I have accepted my punishment, but I am seeking advice from other Dom/Domme on how to repent. Thank you in advance for any suggestions you might have.

Any questions or comments from other Ds should be open no PMs please.
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I'm here today to formally apologize to my Dom. I reached a personal milestone in the shower last night and instead of sharing it with him right away I waited until this morning to share it with him. I have accepted my punishment, but I am seeking advice from other Dom/Domme on how to repent. Thank you in advance for any suggestions you might have.

Shouldn't you follow your Dom's directions about repenting too?
I am not a slut or a whore! I am a free willed sub, heavily guided, but free willed none the less. I am looking for ways to repent not to be punished. I do not want to know how you punish your "slut".

I have accepted my punishment but I am looking for something more to show my Dom that I am truly sorry. I want something I can do for him.
I am not a slut or a whore! I am a free willed sub, heavily guided, but free willed none the less. I am looking for ways to repent not to be punished. I do not want to know how you punish your "slut".

I have accepted my punishment but I am looking for something more to show my Dom that I am truly sorry. I want something I can do for him.

Uhm ... is this addressed to me? I did not think of you as a slut or whore, let alone write it
No it wasn't. It was directed to a D that decided he needed to tell me how he would punish me if I was his "slut".

My Dom has enough respect for me to never use those names for me.
No it wasn't. It was directed to a D that decided he needed to tell me how he would punish me if I was his "slut".

My Dom has enough respect for me to never use those names for me.

LOL ... okay sorry :)
Youchoose, it is up to your Dom on how to repent. If you do something that comes from here you are risking further punishment. Your Dom should tell you how and when to repent.
My punishment was his to give and mine to take, but my penance is mine to give and his to take if he wishes. There is a difference.
In my experience blowjobs solve every single problem in life, no exceptions. Just my two cents
Punishment is stemmed from learning; repentance is stemmed from the heart.

Whereas I have no actual advice for you, Youchoose, I do wish you the best of luck, and hope you please your Dom with your repetance.
Your showing your respect to your Dom & following his desires/wishes, should show enough repentance for your actions.
drag another chick home
give him wide open access while you watch
only participate if he directly request it
do not tell him this is your repentance unless he ask
No offence, but I think you totally missed the real point that Lrn_the_Ropes was trying to make, specifically,
If you do something that comes from here you are risking further punishment.
While I agree with your distinction between punishment and penance (although I would choose a different term), I think if you know your Dom well enough, you should be able to think of a unique reparation on your own.

That having been said, do you not think that your Dom will be disappointed upon discovering you chose to make amends by borrowing the ideas of others, some of which may or may not have a submissive bone in their bodies? If your Dom chooses to ask you how you came up with idea, would you lie to Him?

You might be a free willed sub, but speaking as another Dom, I suspect that your Dom's vision of "free will" does not include at best failure to disclose, or at worst, dishonesty/deception.

Every D/s relationship is unique, therefore I can not make any penative suggestions for you. Nor will I give you any argumentative ammunition such as Prince Albert did. It is ludicrous to believe that what satisfies one Dom, satisfies all, just as it is equally ludicrous to suggest that one sub's needs are equivalent to another.

I just ask you to consider how your Dom will value your gift knowing that it did not come from you, but rather you and a bunch of anonymous Internet friends. Personally, I would be disappointed.

It is not the actual gift that has value, but the desire to give it to Him, from you.

Best of luck,
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Pretty much the best answer you could get.
The issue is between you and your dom. He knows you did something wrong... you will earn more respect in his eyes (or should...) if you tell him how you feel and ask him what he wants to do or to make suggestions.
As PW said... It's the act of you WANTING to do something that helps, not the act itself.

No offence, but I think you totally missed the real point that Lrn_the_Ropes was trying to make, specifically,
While I agree with your distinction between punishment and penance (although I would choose a different term), I think if you know your Dom well enough, you should be able to think of a unique reparation on your own.

That having been said, do you not think that your Dom will be disappointed upon discovering you chose to make amends by borrowing the ideas of others, some of which may or may not have a submissive bone in their bodies? If your Dom chooses to ask you how you came up with idea, would you lie to Him?

You might be a free willed sub, but speaking as another Dom, I suspect that your Dom's vision of "free will" does not include at best failure to disclose, or at worst, dishonesty/deception.

Every D/s relationship is unique, therefore I can not make any penative suggestions for you. Nor will I give you any argumentative ammunition such as Prince Albert did. It is ludicrous to believe that what satisfies one Dom, satisfies all, just as it is equally ludicrous to suggest that one sub's needs are equivalent to another.

I just ask you to consider how your Dom will value your gift knowing that it did not come from you, but rather you and a bunch of anonymous Internet friends. Personally, I would be disappointed.

It is not the actual gift that has value, but the desire to give it to Him, from you.

Best of luck,
Thank you for the comments but I am not interested in your judgment or criticism for my action here. I am simply asking for advice on penance.
youchoose, I am not judging you. I think your idea to offer a gift to your Dom is very commendable.

However, I do take offence with you asking for "advice", a term which it seems you wish to use interchangeably with "suggestion", and then berating me when I do. The two terms are not equivalent.

In fact you specifically asked for advice from other Dom/Dommes on how to repent:

... I have accepted my punishment, but I am seeking advice from other Dom/Domme on how to repent.
My advice on how to repent, was to make your offering personal. I suspect what you really meant to say was, "I am seeking suggestions from other Dom/Dommes on what to do to repent". If that had been your request, I wouldn't have replied.

Then you asked for questions and comments in this thread:
Any questions or comments from other Ds should be open no PMs please.
Again, I obliged. I gave you my comments and offered a couple of questions. It was within your rights of course to discard/ignore them, but to then call me critical for offering you exactly what you asked for is at a minimum ungrateful. Most subs would call it disrespectful. I wonder what your Dom would call it?

Perhaps next time instead of making an open request , you should be much more specific, as in, "Only advice from those who share the same views on D/s as myself, should be reply." Or better yet, when what you want is actually "suggestions", ask for that, and that alone. I wouldn't have replied to your thread if you hadn't asked for advice, comments, or questions.

Best of luck to both you, and your Dom.
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