Forget this war, what about the next?


Literotica Guru
Nov 28, 2002
I hate to be the bringing of bad news, but I am well aware of exactly what the Coalition forces haven't even contemplated yet.

Operation Iraqi Freedom is hitting many hurdles daily. The US administration along with Britian seem to be now painting this picture that they always expected this campaign to not be an easy one. Somehow, the confidence displayed by Bush, Blair, Rumsfeld, Powell and others seem to suggest that Iraq would be hit hard, the people would rise up, and Saddam would be gone.

They tried the tactic of making us all believe Saddam was killed along with his sons in the hope the people would dance in the streets and start attacking the regime's forces and taking power. As always, this was unconfirmed. What happened to that reliable source with that information? Much like Umm Qsar being under control yet battles raged on and there were casualties. Nasiryah was another example. The convoy to Baghdad has slowed. The sandstorms have grounded helicopters. Imperative to their advance as they can easily knock out opposing tanks and Republican guard positions. They are now trying to coerce the guard out of Iraq so they don't cause heavy civilian casualties. Saddam's tactic will be to show the world the severe civilian casualties that will happen once the allied forces lay seige on Baghdad. But will they? Will George W Bush make the bold and risky move to send in the forces to take the capital, and place them in grave danger of being vexed by chemical warfare? The world is watching. And the world is well aware of what Saddam has threatened? The world was also aware that by placing Saddam into a corner, the US and Britian would more than likely create this situation and what they have rammed down our throats for months will finally come to fruit. Yet, it seems to me they have gone out of the way to end up being on the end of what it is they wanted to get rid of. Weapons of mass destruction.

The US had threatened the dire consequences if Iraqi's used these weapons. But by stating to the Iraqi people that they would not be targeted, and the regime was the only thing they wished to bomb and kill, they now face the daunting task of how to retaliate if Saddam uses chemical weapons. Let's not forget, they are there to liberate the Iraqi people. If they in turn kill innocent civilians and on a large scale, not only will it fuel the already anti-US sentiment within Iraq and the region, it will send a broad message around the world of their blatant disregard to the Geneva Convention itself. They were pretty clear cut in their statements to Iraq to do with POW's. What if they are placed in a position whereby they need to break the convention to topple the regime? Fact is, they had already broken the rules when they invaded, and then when they captured Iraqi's and beamed pictures back home in violation of the Geneva Convention themselves.

But this is not the war I am talking about, this is just the beginning of a war that will go on for years.

Any occupation in Iraq will be a catastrophe. Bush and Blair have seriously miscalculated their planning, their overall objectives, and also haven't taken into account these points:

1/ Turkey will not allow the Kurds to build their own independant state within Iraq. They do. Turkey invades. How does the US counteract this? They are in alliance with the Kurds. Part of the new government proposed in Iraq consists of Kurdish leaders in exile and within Northern Iraq. Turkey is part of NATO and also more of important to the US being their ally than there enemy in this case.

2/ Ayatollah Hakim has his forces in Northern Iraq and Southern Iraq. He is the leader of the Shite's in exile. He fled to Iran at the start of the Gulf War along with others. He detests Saddam and believe it is his right to rule Iraq. The Shites rose up against Saddam under the pretext US forces would stay and help them form a new government. They didn't. They were massacred and also their Holy Shrine in Karmala was destroyed and thousands perished from chemical weapons and Saddam's brutality. The Ayatollah is heavily backed and supported by Iran. They have wanted to see the back of Saddam for years, and they are also pro-Hakim for a future President within Iraq. This however is not in the interests of the US, and there is great hatred amongst the Shites towards the US. If the US decides to occupy and not allow the Shites to play a major role in a new government, then the Ayatollah has vowed to start a guerilla war 5 times the scale of what we are seeing now.

3/ Those in Iraq oppose any form of new government that is introduced based on the interests of the US and Britian. They also are well aware of those in exile that wish to gain power. There will be a major civil war within Iraq if there is a US presence in the region, and the respective leaders that wish to rule cannot form a coalition government that is supported through the Arab League. The US and Britian has not even formally dealt with the Arab League prior to this invasion, because they already had a blue print post-Saddam plan worked out. Contracts for rebuilding and also monitoring and controlling of Iraqi oil has alreeady been decided, well before the March deadline for Iraq to comply with UN resolutions.

4/ It is a well know fact that George W Bush labelled Iran as one of the countries in his 'axis' of evil. Based on the plans the US has already outlined in the removal of Saddam's regime, and the proposed government waiting in exile, it is already on the cards that Iraq was be plunged into civil unrest, furious anti-American sentiment will linger on, until they leave the region. This I feel was not be the case as Tony Blair believes that they will remain possibly in Iraqq for around 8 years. Osama bin Laden rose up and struck the US in it's heart based around their occupation of Saudi Arabia, and from that grew al-Qaeda and other terrorist organisations. The new presence in this region will prevoke more terrorist organisations to grow, and with the extreme Islamic fundamentalism throughout terrorist backing Iran, there are dire consequences that seem imminent if indeed the US and Britian remain and control an new pro-Western Iraqi government. The West is revered throughout the middle east, and America's side by side stance with Israel on their blatant oppression against the Palestinians seems to be a forgotten issue. I believe that Iraq will become a deadly eruption of terrorism that will spread throughout the middle east and onto further frontiers.

5/ Iran's support of the Shite's will give the US enough reason to start the war rhetoric in their direction. Any verbal or at least support of a new government being in control of the Ayatollah in exile will be seen as an opposition of a pro-Western democractic Iraq. Bush stated Iraq will become a free country for the Iraqi people. Yet, the cost of this war demonstrates that in no uncertain terms, would the likes of Bush and Blair conduct such a war without alterior motives on a whole, and a short stay in the country will only spell a humanitarian disaster and a distabilised country, vulnerable to a power struggle by none other than possibly 100 other Saddam's waiting in the wings.

We have so much to look forward to in the future. Our children will grow into a world that once seemed peaceful until imperial nations began to flex their muscles until one man stood up and struck them back. Instead of learning a lesson by it, one other man has stood up to strike back at the heart of those he sees as responsible for it.

From Osama's strike at the US, to George Bush's strike at Osama, and his quest for revenge based on his father's failure, the world will now significantly be plunged into an abyss of uncertainity, fear and above all, keeping our eyes fixed on a dictator who is now hoping to stand in the middle of the muslim world and stick his fingers up to them.

Thanking you George W Bush! :)

Hi ho! Hi ho! It's off to Iran he goes!