for those who smoke dope


Just me
Dec 26, 2002
Did you know that 4 joints is the same as 20 cigarettes. Yeppers this is the newest commercial I have seen to get people to stop smoking dope. What do you think will this news make you stop.;)
considering the infrequency with which I partake, not bloody likely.
tyme said:
Did you know that 4 joints is the same as 20 cigarettes. Yeppers this is the newest commercial I have seen to get people to stop smoking dope. What do you think will this news make you stop.;)
same what? nicotine? carcinogenes? i doubt that will stop anything...i quit when i got bored with it

i still like that chick in the commercial who throws all the pans and shit around in the kitchen becasuse of pot...if you're trying to pass on a serious message you shouldnt use a hot chick in a see-thru tee shirt!
tyme said:
Did you know that 4 joints is the same as 20 cigarettes. Yeppers this is the newest commercial I have seen to get people to stop smoking dope. What do you think will this news make you stop.;)

I don't know. I doubt if I smoked 20 cigarettes I'd get as high as if I smoked 4 joints.
Also consider than when rolling a joint that size you aren't smoking it alone. A single person joint or pinner, is usually a little more than a quater that size.

Also consider tabacco has NO health benefits, marajuanna has several.

Marajuanna has no chemicals (at least not the stuff I smoke).

And the commercial says one joint to FOUR cigarettes. That's why in the commercial you only see FOUR. So your math is right, but why change it?
sunstruck said:
Also consider than when rolling a joint that size you aren't smoking it alone. A single person joint or pinner, is usually a little more than a quater that size.

Also consider tabacco has NO health benefits, marajuanna has several.

Marajuanna has no chemicals (at least not the stuff I smoke).

And the commercial says one joint to FOUR cigarettes. That's why in the commercial you only see FOUR. So your math is right, but why change it?

I read somewhere that most of the harmful crap is in the rolling paper.

Tobacco brownies taste awful.
its all a bunch of bs. think about it who first did the test an said weed was bad? tha fucking gov. know people if you think they tell tha truth you need to pull your head out tha fuckin sand. non gov. test have been ran on mary jane an they proved it doenst not kill brain cells an it is not bad for you. the only reason cannibus is still illegal is becuase its so much on tha streets tha gov can tax it an if tha gov. cant get paid off it that means its a bad thing for them. an this does no good for the non belivers but God gave us weed. so how is man goin to tell me its wrong. so go right ahead blaze ya pinner smoke your phat J's but ima stick wit them Blunts. Berry blunts that is...
Lancecastor said:
I read somewhere that most of the harmful crap is in the rolling paper.

Tobacco brownies taste awful.

Well fuck a duck. There is something Lance and I agree on.
i still like that chick in the commercial who throws all the pans and shit around in the kitchen becasuse of pot...if you're trying to pass on a serious message you shouldnt use a hot chick in a see-thru tee shirt!

Heeheehee. I know.

Anybody who just smoked 4 joints doesn't have the motivation to walk to the kitchen, let alone throw pots and pans in it.
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tyme said:
Did you know that 4 joints is the same as 20 cigarettes.

but some cigarette smokers go through more than one pack a day, while all the people I know that smoke weed 1) use a bong and 2) don't smoke more than 5 joints a day.


don't you love that that's the worst thing they could think of?

ub6ibfine said:
its all a bunch of bs. think about it who first did the test an said weed was bad? tha fucking gov. know people if you think they tell tha truth you need to pull your head out tha fuckin sand. non gov. test have been ran on mary jane an they proved it doenst not kill brain cells an it is not bad for you. the only reason cannibus is still illegal is becuase its so much on tha streets tha gov can tax it an if tha gov. cant get paid off it that means its a bad thing for them. an this does no good for the non belivers but God gave us weed. so how is man goin to tell me its wrong. so go right ahead blaze ya pinner smoke your phat J's but ima stick wit them Blunts. Berry blunts that is...

Okay, you are sooooo not allowed to be our spokesperson....
Man I'm starved. I could eat some tripple marmallow and fudge ice cream with chocolate chip cookeis and oreos mashed in it and pizza and some chineese food and a cheese steak and ......hold on a sec.....pffffffffffffffffttttttt. Ahhhhhhhhhh!
Angeline said:

Anybody who just smoked 4 joints doesn't have the motivation to walk to the kitchen, let alone throw pots and pans in it.
though too often we tried to use the pots and pans and then forgot what we were making in the first place...

...unless it was Mac 'n Cheese!! (you're NEVER too stoned to make M&C)
Why did I just get a huge urge to eat an entire Entenmann's coffee cake? (oooh the kind with the extra big crumbly bits...mmmmmm....extra big crumbly bits....)
though too often we tried to use the pots and pans and then forgot what we were making in the first place...

The trick is to order pizza. Well, if you can a) find the phone book and b) keep talking about food long enough to remember why you wanted the phone book.

And that is how stoned people end up eating the three-month old Rice Krispies that got lost in the back of the cupboard.

I don't do grass ... but propaganda in war on drugs is expected :)
Angeline said:
keep talking about food long enough to remember why you wanted the phone book.
usually never a problem cause everyone is yelling PIZZA DUDE!! over and over until someone calls
peachykeen said:
Okay, you are sooooo not allowed to be our spokesperson....

i would not be a spokesperson for anything on this page by no means... dont worry about that.