For Those Who Might Be Wondering Why We're Might Be In Ukraine
This is yet another example of American tax dollars being pissed away, yupper the Ukrainians are just plain smashing the Russians 🙄🙄. Last night/yesterday the "Ukrainians" launched 12 atacms missiles, of 12 launched only three were successful... yes, yes the Russians are taking hits (the nature of war) my question is how much longer will Moscow endure NATO's blatant involvement or more specifically the United States involvement before they (the Russians) respond with embedded 5th columns in this nation....
This is yet another example of American tax dollars being pissed away, yupper the Ukrainians are just plain smashing the Russians 🙄🙄. Last night/yesterday the "Ukrainians" launched 12 atacms missiles, of 12 launched only three were successful... yes, yes the Russians are taking hits (the nature of war) my question is how much longer will Moscow endure NATO's blatant involvement or more specifically the United States involvement before they (the Russians) respond with embedded 5th columns in this nation....
We're helping Ukranians defend themselves against invasion.

UKRAINE DARKNESS: Zelensky’s Mandate Expires Today – Streets Are Empty as Men Hide From New Conscription Law – MSM Questions the Power of Presidential Aide Andy Yermak – Power Outages All Over the Country​

By Paul Serran May. 20, 2024 9:15 am

In the context of the rapidly progressing Russian Federation forces, even deep-state aligned papers like WaPo feel compelled to report on the shitshow.

They are catching up to TGP’s report on the abnormal powers held by Zelensky’s top aide Andrey Yermak. So now, they’ve come as far as writing:

“If actor and comedian Volodymyr Zelensky’s top credential when he was elected in 2019 was that he’d played a president on TV, the top qualification of his all-powerful chief of staff, Andrey Yermak, was being Zelensky’s friend.”

Ouch. WaPo discusses how martial law, has concentrated extraordinary authority in the presidential administration, ‘making Yermak perhaps the most powerful chief of staff in the country’s history — virtually indistinguishable from his boss’.

More context here:

UKRAINE DARKNESS: Zelensky’s Mandate Expires Today – Streets Are Empty as Men Hide From New Conscription Law – MSM Questions the Power of Presidential Aide Andy Yermak – Power Outages All Over the Country​

By Paul Serran May. 20, 2024 9:15 am

In the context of the rapidly progressing Russian Federation forces, even deep-state aligned papers like WaPo feel compelled to report on the shitshow.

They are catching up to TGP’s report on the abnormal powers held by Zelensky’s top aide Andrey Yermak. So now, they’ve come as far as writing:

“If actor and comedian Volodymyr Zelensky’s top credential when he was elected in 2019 was that he’d played a president on TV, the top qualification of his all-powerful chief of staff, Andrey Yermak, was being Zelensky’s friend.”

Ouch. WaPo discusses how martial law, has concentrated extraordinary authority in the presidential administration, ‘making Yermak perhaps the most powerful chief of staff in the country’s history — virtually indistinguishable from his boss’.

More context here:
Did you celebrate?

UKRAINE DARKNESS: Zelensky’s Mandate Expires Today – Streets Are Empty as Men Hide From New Conscription Law – MSM Questions the Power of Presidential Aide Andy Yermak – Power Outages All Over the Country​

By Paul Serran May. 20, 2024 9:15 am

In the context of the rapidly progressing Russian Federation forces, even deep-state aligned papers like WaPo feel compelled to report on the shitshow.

They are catching up to TGP’s report on the abnormal powers held by Zelensky’s top aide Andrey Yermak. So now, they’ve come as far as writing:

“If actor and comedian Volodymyr Zelensky’s top credential when he was elected in 2019 was that he’d played a president on TV, the top qualification of his all-powerful chief of staff, Andrey Yermak, was being Zelensky’s friend.”

Ouch. WaPo discusses how martial law, has concentrated extraordinary authority in the presidential administration, ‘making Yermak perhaps the most powerful chief of staff in the country’s history — virtually indistinguishable from his boss’.

More context here:


Um, yeah, no…

Yermak has a bit more to his resume than just being Zelenskyy’s friend.


Russiaguide just can’t help but be a liar and a traitor.


👉 Russiaguide 🤣


Side notes:


Slava Ukraini!!!


Did you celebrate?
I don't celebrate our part in the entire loss of a generation of Ukrainian men. I don't celebrate a lying President or his administration. I don't celebrate his incompetence or how it has brought us to the brink of nuclear war with Russia. I don't celebrate how he has neglected our ability to be prepared for it if does arrive, nor do I celebrate the blind ignorance that enables him either.
I don't celebrate our part in the entire loss of a generation of Ukrainian men. I don't celebrate a lying President or his administration. I don't celebrate his incompetence or how it has brought us to the brink of nuclear war with Russia. I don't celebrate how he has neglected our ability to be prepared for it if does arrive, nor do I celebrate the blind ignorance that enables him either.
Lol, of course
Rightguide, apparently Armavir radar station was attacked and destroyed yesterday by a "Ukrainian" drone but most likely it was a US/UK supplied and managed missile.....this radar is Russian's over the horizon early warning system. Key to their nuclear weapons and national security.... they are essentially blind in a very large area including detection of missiles coming from the middle east.... it's my firm belief the Biden regime is planning a nuclear first strike on Russia, if the Russians don't launch first in a use them or loose them situation........ in addition now the Russians can't warn Iran of incoming missiles from Israel..... this ain't good.... the Russians know exactly who pulled this shit storm and it ain't the fucking ukies.... this just ain't good not one fucking bit.... f.m.t.t...... a wise person will prepare accordingly...... keep in mind that the Biden crime family needs this war.....
Rightguide, apparently Armavir radar station was attacked and destroyed yesterday by a "Ukrainian" drone but most likely it was a US/UK supplied and managed missile.....this radar is Russian's over the horizon early warning system. Key to their nuclear weapons and national security.... they are essentially blind in a very large area including detection of missiles coming from the middle east.... it's my firm belief the Biden regime is planning a nuclear first strike on Russia, if the Russians don't launch first in a use them or loose them situation........ in addition now the Russians can't warn Iran of incoming missiles from Israel..... this ain't good.... the Russians know exactly who pulled this shit storm and it ain't the fucking ukies.... this just ain't good not one fucking bit.... f.m.t.t...... a wise person will prepare accordingly...... keep in mind that the Biden crime family needs this war.....
lol.......whatever the reason that Ukraine felt to strike the base, blinding Russia for the US to launch a nuclear strike isn't one of them. I'd suspect Ukraine had two reasons, first to make the Russia re assign radar coverage equipment from the front to the far east. Second to cost Putin more money in replacement of hard to source parts....
lol.......whatever the reason that Ukraine felt to strike the base, blinding Russia for the US to launch a nuclear strike isn't one of them. I'd suspect Ukraine had two reasons, first to make the Russia re assign radar coverage equipment from the front to the far east. Second to cost Putin more money in replacement of hard to source parts....
Believe what you want I don't care.... this will end up in a nuke out/ ww3...... go on and stick your head in the sand, just remember while doing so your ass is up in the air.....just say'in....
Rightguide, apparently Armavir radar station was attacked and destroyed yesterday by a "Ukrainian" drone but most likely it was a US/UK supplied and managed missile.....this radar is Russian's over the horizon early warning system. Key to their nuclear weapons and national security.... they are essentially blind in a very large area including detection of missiles coming from the middle east.... it's my firm belief the Biden regime is planning a nuclear first strike on Russia, if the Russians don't launch first in a use them or loose them situation........ in addition now the Russians can't warn Iran of incoming missiles from Israel..... this ain't good.... the Russians know exactly who pulled this shit storm and it ain't the fucking ukies.... this just ain't good not one fucking bit.... f.m.t.t...... a wise person will prepare accordingly...... keep in mind that the Biden crime family needs this war.....
If Biden isn't careful, the Russians could consider American technology to be a legitimate target of war. I noticed a news report yesterday that the US has some evidence that Russia has launched a space weapon into orbit. It could be used to target and takedown one or more of our overhead surveillance satellites. They could also attack and destroy our weapons storage areas and personnel in Europe as well. We have to consider what a logistical problem an armed reply might look like with the US having a 6000-mile-long logistical supply line that can be interdicted in multiple ways. Putin just said recently, any American, French, or NATO troops who step foot in Ukraine will be targeted and destroyed. I think he'll use tactical nukes if he has to and I don't think we would respond in kind. We simply are not prepared for a ground war in Europe and the last thing Joe Biden wants is an attack on American soil.
If Biden isn't careful, the Russians could consider American technology to be a legitimate target of war. I noticed a news report yesterday that the US has some evidence that Russia has launched a space weapon into orbit. It could be used to target and takedown one or more of our overhead surveillance satellites. They could also attack and destroy our weapons storage areas and personnel in Europe as well. We have to consider what a logistical problem an armed reply might look like with the US having a 6000-mile-long logistical supply line that can be interdicted in multiple ways. Putin just said recently, any American, French, or NATO troops who step foot in Ukraine will be targeted and destroyed. I think he'll use tactical nukes if he has to and I don't think we would respond in kind. We simply are not prepared for a ground war in Europe and the last thing Joe Biden wants is an attack on American soil.


Russiaguide is a coward and a traitor.

Full stop.

Rightguide, apparently Armavir radar station was attacked and destroyed yesterday by a "Ukrainian" drone but most likely it was a US/UK supplied and managed missile.....this radar is Russian's over the horizon early warning system. Key to their nuclear weapons and national security.... they are essentially blind in a very large area including detection of missiles coming from the middle east.... it's my firm belief the Biden regime is planning a nuclear first strike on Russia, if the Russians don't launch first in a use them or loose them situation........ in addition now the Russians can't warn Iran of incoming missiles from Israel..... this ain't good.... the Russians know exactly who pulled this shit storm and it ain't the fucking ukies.... this just ain't good not one fucking bit.... f.m.t.t...... a wise person will prepare accordingly...... keep in mind that the Biden crime family needs this war.....
Yes, Russia's invasion is being defended against by Ukraine with weapons from their allies.

Putin is interested in a ceasefire.

If you are concerned about things outside Ukraine for Russia, perhaps support their cessation of their invasion
The Telegraph

Ukrainian strike on Russian nuclear radar system causes alarm in West​

James Kilner
Sun, May 26, 2024 at 9:38 AM PDT

The alarm is not adequately explained in the article so I'll just say what it is. This is the kind of attack that can cause Russia to attack the sources of weapons used in the attack. That is if those weapons were sourced from outside of Ukraine, those sources could be subject to Russian attack as legitimate targets of war. Whether they be in France, Britain, or Germany. If we start going after Russian nuclear defenses, all hell could break loose as a result.
The Telegraph

Ukrainian strike on Russian nuclear radar system causes alarm in West​

James Kilner
Sun, May 26, 2024 at 9:38 AM PDT

The alarm is not adequately explained in the article so I'll just say what it is. This is the kind of attack that can cause Russia to attack the sources of weapons used in the attack. That is if those weapons were sourced from outside of Ukraine, those sources could be subject to Russian attack as legitimate targets of war. Whether they be in France, Britain, or Germany. If we start going after Russian nuclear defenses, all hell could break loose as a result.
Putin has suggested a ceasefire. Wonder why
The Telegraph

Ukrainian strike on Russian nuclear radar system causes alarm in West​

James Kilner
Sun, May 26, 2024 at 9:38 AM PDT

The alarm is not adequately explained in the article so I'll just say what it is. This is the kind of attack that can cause Russia to attack the sources of weapons used in the attack. That is if those weapons were sourced from outside of Ukraine, those sources could be subject to Russian attack as legitimate targets of war. Whether they be in France, Britain, or Germany. If we start going after Russian nuclear defenses, all hell could break loose as a result.


Russiaguide is a coward and a traitor.

Full stop.

I don't celebrate our part in the entire loss of a generation of Ukrainian men. I don't celebrate a lying President or his administration. I don't celebrate his incompetence or how it has brought us to the brink of nuclear war with Russia. I don't celebrate how he has neglected our ability to be prepared for it if does arrive, nor do I celebrate the blind ignorance that enables him either.
Regarding the highlighted, how do you think trump would have responded to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, a sovereign nation?

Otherwise, from the second sentence on your words apply directly to trump. Funny how that works, eh?