For the Truly Bored


Falling Farther In
Oct 6, 2001
I am going to post some of my artwork. If you are bored enough, you will look at it. :catroar:
MissVictoria said:
Lets play "guess the medium"

pastels? it's hard to see the texture ...

not bored just procrastinating
and --Damn you're good!

Thats it for now :) Thanks for the comments. Oh, and the second "guess the medium" was done completely on the computer, on ulead photo. I used the fill tool to make a black background, then used the airbrush tool to "paint" and the smudge tool to make it soft.

I really need to give in and buy some real art programs :p
You and I both love women but

You can capture them in art. Bravo. Beautiful work.
wow those are so amazing that they are annoying

everyone is creative and talented except me :p

they were really cool thanks for sharing
not bad at all .. the 1st was the best ... even though I am more into oriental I think you have a real good eye .. Do you do color as well
I paint quite a bit in color, yes. But my paintings are generally too big to scan.
I do have a few vampire pics, yes, but none that look like that one :) I'm out of town right now, but when I get back home I'll post them for you :)