For the thrill of it (Closed for M4bloke)


Jul 20, 2022
Sally Watson dashed out of the shower, conscious of the time.

“We’re going to be late, and it’s all your fault.” she told Jack, giggling as she said it. Then she added, “I should never have agreed to showering with you. What was I thinking?”

The two of them had never been able to keep their hands off each other and in truth the delay had hardly been Jack’s fault. After soaping each other down, Sally had turned around to face the shower wall, sticking her bottom out provocatively for him. Neither of them had been surprised at what had happened next.

Sally and Jack had been living together for just over a year now. She was twenty seven, he was twenty nine, They’d met at the Motorcycle Live expo at the NEC in Birmingham in 2021. She’d been a model on one of the stands and he’d walked up to her and asked for her number.

There must have been a dozen or so guys who’d tried their luck with her that day, but after talking to the tall ruggedly handsome guy for fifteen minutes or so she took his phone off him and typed in her number. He’d sent her a text five minutes after leaving the stand that simply said ’Thanks for your number. Great body by the way!”

Sally did have a great body, if you liked tall, big breasted women that was. One thing that had gone in Jack's favour was his height. Sally was five ten herself and refused to date anyone she was taller than in heels. The other thing going for Jack had been his rugged looks. At the time she hadn’t realised how well off he was for his age. Not super rich, but doing well enough to afford a nice apartment in Battersea. Sally had never fully understood what Jack did for a living though, other than that he worked for a commercial bank and managed 'trading strategy', or something like that.

They’d dated for six months, after which Jack had asked her to move in with him. She’d already been spending a lot of her time at his place but she’d never forget the excitement she felt when he’d made it official. It had marked a turning point for her in many ways. Since then she’d started her own talent agency, supplying people like herself for events and expo’s, mainly in London. She couldn’t have done it without Jack though. He’d supported her and provided the seed money for the new venture. It was still early days, but post Covid there was a need for models again and Sally was able to use her contacts to supply them.

She’d also learned to ride a motorbike, which she’d found out had been essential if she wanted to see her boyfriend on weekends in the summer. For a while she’d ridden pillion on his bike, but neither of them had really enjoyed that and so she’d taken a week long 'direct access’ course, surprising herself with a pass and a full license by the end of it. As a reward Jack had bought her a beautiful Ducati v4 Multistrada. He’d also bought her two sets of riding gear. A skin tight leather race style suit, which she knew turned Jack on and which she wore to go to places like the bike shed in Shoreditch with him. Then there was the more practical but still stylish textile touring suit, for if they were going any distance.

Things were going well with Jack. So well in fact that if he'd asked her to marry him, she'd have said yes.

It took Sally half an hour or so to get ready that evening. She wanted to look good for Jack, she knew how much he liked her looking sexy for him and when Sally emerged from the bedroom she hoped she didn't disappoint.

Jack was playing GTA, eyes firmly fixed on the oversized TV screen in front of him.

How do I look?” she asked.
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“We’re going to be late, and it’s all your fault.” Sally told Jack, giggling as she said it. Then she added, “I should never have agreed to showering with you. What was I thinking?”

Jack Peters laughed at his girlfriend's comments. He for one was glad they'd had sex. He'd be able to think more clearly now, for a couple of hours at least.

Jack wrapped Sally up in his arms and gave her a kiss. Her breasts pressed against him and he pushed his leg between her thighs .Since she'd moved in, they'd had sex most days and there was no sign of the honeymoon period ending any time soon. Sally had a great body and Jack couldn't get enough of her, but he knew that if they were going to make the wine bar by eight that evening he was going to have to let her get ready.

It was easier for guys. All that was needed for an evening of smart casual was a shirt, trousers and a decent pair of shoes. He knew Sally always wanted to look her best and he didn't want to interfere with the process, so he gave her space.

"I'll let you get ready," he said.

Jack had led a relatively charmed life. He'd grown up on a working class estate on the outskirts of London, the only son of a greengocer and his wife. He'd attended the local state school where, fortunately for him, a teacher had spotted his natural talent for mathematics. He won a scholarship to Cambridge University to study mathematics and computing and when he graduated, without having had to apply for a single job, he found he wasn't short of options. The university had offered him a postgraduate position and there'd been a number of other offers, including one from GCHQ, the government's communication surveilance agency. In the end he'd gone with the money, taking a job analysing trading risk and arbitrage for a major financial instituation. He'd thrived there and four years later he'd been poached by another bank for an eye-watering package.

Now at the age of twenty nine Jack had pretty much everything. He had the apartment, the car (an AMG mercedes) a couple of bikes, more money than he knew what to do with. And now he was pretty sure he had the girl too. He was ready to commit. He'd already bought the ring, he was just waiting for the right time to ask.

“How do I look?” Sally asked, displaying herself for him as he finished playing on the games console.

"Good enough to fuck," he replied.
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“How do I look?”

"Good enough to fuck," Jack replied.

"Well that is the idea," Sally giggled. Then she added, "I hope they're a nice couple. And I hope they like us too."

It had been a couple of months since they'd decided to dip their toes into the world of swinging. Their sex life had been fairly adventurous but up to that point it had been kept between the two of them.

Then, one night, they'd been watching a porno after having sex. The porno showed two couples wife swapping and Jack had asked Sally, "Do you fancy doing that?"

Sally had no problem having sex with other people. The idea excited her, although she hadn't actually done it before. In the past she'd been offered work on low budget pornos and she'd have accepted it too if she hadn't been afraid that her parents might find out.

She couldn't figure Jack out though. She didn't know his past experience and didn't really feel as though she could ask. She wanted to tell Jack that she was perfectly happy screwing other guys but didn't want him to get the wrong idea about her so she played it safe.

"As long as they're a nice couple," she'd replied.

And that had been it. The decision had been made.

Their first venture into the world of swinging had been at a club on the outskirts of London. It was a bit of a squalid, low budget, affair but they'd met a nice couple and swapped. It had been fun and they'd proved to each other that they could do it but the whole environment felt cheap and had put them off clubs a bit.

So then they turned to the internet.

They chose one of the bigger swinging sites that operated across multiple countries and, after paying the subscription, set themselves up with a profile and waited for the offers to flood in. The offers did flood in but most were from single guys and although neither of them was prepared to rule out singles, for now they were interested in couples.

The first couple they met was a disaster however. The couple looked nothing like their photos, which must have been taken at least fifteen years ago. Sally was glad when Jack told them they weren't interested. It got a bit heated after that though, with the other couple accusing them of being time wasters. This resulted in Jack telling the couple that if their profile pics had been more accurate they'd have never met them in the first place. They laughed about it afterwards on the way home but it was a disappointment all the same.

Then, out of the blue, they had received a message from a couple living in Paris, explaining that they were coming to London for a long weekend and that meeting up with a couple would really make the weekend special. Their profile looked nice and after a couple of mails back and forth they'd agreed to meet at a winebar in central London, not far from their hotel the couple were staying at. Sally had a good feeling about things this time.

"Let's have one last look at their profile," Sally asked. "Just so i know who to look out for."
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"Let's have one last look at their profile," Sally asked. "Just so i know who to look out for."

Jack brought up the French couple’s profile on the laptop. As with most profiles on the site, their bodies were shown but their faces were obscured. So then he clicked on the mail containing the facial pic the couple had followed up with.

It was standard practise to send a clothed pic when showing faces. The sort of pic that if necessary you could argue had been stolen off Facebook or Insta. The couple’s names were Eva and Marc and they’d sent an arty picture of the two of them staring into each other’s eyes, in what Jack presumed was a French metro station. Eva was dark haired and petite, the polar opposite of Sally, which for Jack was one of her attractions. Variety was the spice of life.

When he’d asked Sally if she’d consider swinging, he hadn’t expected she’d be so enthusiastic. Since leaving university his previous girlfriends hadn’t been interested.

At Cambridge things had been different though. While he had little in common with the sons and daughters of the privileged he’d been befriended by a girl in his year who was the daughter of an earl. She didn’t want a relationship. She already knew who she was going to marry when she graduated but she wanted male company and she didn’t want to miss out on what Cambridge had to offer. Beneath the surface the university was a hotbed of depravity and Jack and Lady Emilia immersed themselves in everything it had to offer. Jack hadn’t seen Lady Emilia since graduation but every now and then he googled her just catch up on what she was doing.

Jack’s phone pinged to say that the taxi was close.

“We’d better get going,” he told Sally. “The taxi will be here in a moment.”
Sally took one last look at Marc and Eva's profile pic then closed the laptop. Grabbing a short summer mac she put it on over her dress then followed Jack down to the waiting taxi.

She felt butterflies in her stomach as the taxi crossed the river. It wasn't in fear, so much as excitement. She was looking forward to the touch of another man, but it was also about showing Jack the sort of girlfriend that she could be for him. She grabbed Jack's hand and gave it a squeeze and he squeezed hers back reassuringly.

Jack had chosen a winebar in Chelsea. It seemed like a good place to meet another couple. The four of them could have a drink and a light meal then, if everything was going well, Marc and Eva could come back with them or they could go to their hotel room. If everything went badly then either couple could bail out without any awkwardness, like they'd had to do the previous time. Sally hoped Marc and Eva's pics were recent but that was only one of a handful of things that could go wrong it seemed. They may not like each other. One partner may be more keen than the other. Finding four compatible people wasn't easy when you thought about it. In fact it was a wonder that couples swung at all Sally worried.

The taxi pulled up outside 28 50 and the two of them got out. They opened the door to the wine bar and thankfully spotted Marc and Eva instantly from their photos.
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Jack whispered a little prayer of thanks under his breath when he saw Marc and Eva at the bar. Eva looked hot in a little black dress and he just hoped that Sally liked Marc.

You could see from their faces that the
couple had recognised them when they walked in which made introductions easier.

Jack shook Marc’s hand then embraced Eva who he was sure let out a little sigh as they touched.

“When did you arrive in London?” he asked.

“We got here Friday afternoon and we go back on Monday,” Marc replied.

“And your hotel’s ok?”

“The room’s a little small,” Eva laughed. “But we can’t complain, Marc was given the trip as a thank you by his company for some work he did on a project.”

Jack and Sally chose from the extensive wine list and then a waiter took them to their table. To begin with the conversation was light hearted and like any other between two couples who’d just met. It turned out that Marc worked for an on line retailer, while Eva was a receptionist in a veterinarians.

Eventually though the conversation turned to the reason they were meeting.

“We were glad that you replied to our message,” Marc told them.

“Yes we were,” Eva added.
Within seconds of meeting them Sally knew she'd be having sex with Marc. She loved his hunky looks and although he wasn't quite as tall as Jack, he was tall enough. Eva looked like a good match for Jack too, she had that coquetish look about her which was a contrast to Sally's more obvious charms.

“We were glad that you replied to our message,” Marc told them as they ate.

“Yes we were,” Eva added.

"Have you had much experience?" Sally asked in a hushed voice.

"Of meeting people in foreign countries, no. But we go to clubs every now and then and we've made a few friends along the way. It's been fun," Eva said reaching over and squeezing Marc's leg, adding, "hasn't it!"

"Oh definitely," Marc agreed. "For us its just about fun. How about you. Have you met many people?" Marc asked.

"We've played at a club before but this is the first time we've met a couple like this," Sally admitted. "Well the second time but the first was a non starter."

"We've had a few of those," Marc admitted.

"But we're glad you chose us," Eva said chirpily. "The main thing is just to enjoy yourselves and don't do anything you don't want to."

It was reassuring to hear Eva say this but at that moment Sally couldn't think of anything she wouldn't want Marc to do to her.

"I guess we just might need you to take the lead a bit," Sally explained.

"We can do that," Eva agreed. "You know we usually start with a bit of flirting with each other. Would you both be ok with that?"

Sally looked over at Jack, who smiled

"Definitely," Sally agreed.
Things seemed to be going well between the four of them and when Eva suggested a bit of flirting, Jack was only too happy to play along. Although he didn't quite know what the couple had in mind.

"Marc likes me flirting with guys," Eva disclosed. "I think it has something to do with posession. The idea of letting another man play with what society has told you is your property becomes taboo and exciting. Whereas for us girls its different. We just do it for the thrill of it!.

Eva stopped for a moment the asked

"What about you Jack do you like the idea of Sally flirting with another man."

Eva and Jack were sitting opposite each other and next to one of the walls of the restaurant. Obscured by Marc and Sally's legs, only the most avid observer would have noticed Eva's foot rubbing against the inside of Jack's leg, starting with his calf but working its way up.

Jack had thought a lot about watching Sally with other guys. It was one of the things he'd enjoyed about evenings with Lady Emilia, she'd loved putting on a show for him. He thought about making some sort of ambiguous answer but felt that he probably owed Sally a bit more honesty.

"It's one of the things I'm looking forward to," he replied looking at Sally and placing his hand at the top of her thigh.

"Marc, why don't you invite Sally out for a cigarette then," Eva suggested.
"Marc, why don't you invite Sally out for a cigarette then?" Eva suggested.

“Well, what do you say?” Marc asked.

“I’m up for it,” Sally laughed, touching Jack’s hand as it rested on her thigh.

“You have to go through with it, no matter who’s outside,” Eva added.

“Ok, but you two are going to have to do something when we come back,” Sally pointed out.

Jack and Eva both laughed as Marc stood up and offered Sally his hand.

At the rear of the wine bar was an outdoor smoking area. Being Chelsea it was more up-market than the average pub smoking area. It had a Caribbean beach shack feel to it with a large gazebo to keep the rain off that was festooned in fairy lights.

Sally had hoped that they might have the area to themselves There was a solitary smoker enjoying a cigarette. They nodded to him and stood as far away as possible

“You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” Marc said as if he felt he needed to make one last check.

“I want to,” she told him as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him

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Jack watched Sally and Marc walk out of the wine bar in the direction of the smoking area.

"Do you think she'll be ok?" Eva asked.

"I'm pretty sure of it. Once Sally decides she's going to do something then its pretty hard to stop her," he laughed."

"Have you been together long?" Eva asked.

"Eighteen months. We've been living together for a year now. How about you and Marc?"

"We've known each other since we were kids. We got married when we were both twenty one. After about four years we found that our sex life was getting a bit stale. So we started doing this and our relationship's never been better."

"Listen, when they get back, how do you both fancy coming back to our place?"

"We were hoping you'd suggest that. Our hotel's really not that great. I hope you don't think we were being presumptuous but we packed an overnight bag and left it with the waiter just in case."

"Absolutely no problem."

"You know i wish it was us who'd gone outside," Eva laughed. "I'm so horny right now"

"Me too," Jack laughed. "I tell you what. Why don't i get the bill then we are good to leave when they get back."

Jack and Eva chatted over a glass of wine while they waited for their partners . Marc and Sally were longer than expected and when they came back Sally looked flushed, but she and Marc had big grins on their faces.

"You won't believe what happened," Sally said laughing
Marc responded to the kiss from Sally by putting his arms around her and grabbing her backside. Sally pressed herself against him, her breasts squashed against his chest as their mouths devoured each other. Then she felt Marc’s hands reach under her dress and pull her cheeks apart.

“Steady on you two,”’came a very cultured voice that belonged to the lone smoker who’d had a ringside view of their flirting. He was an older gentleman perhaps mid forties but exceptionally well dressed.

“Sorry,” Jane offered. “We were challenged to come out and flirt.”

“Hmmm,” the gentleman responded. “Does that mean anyone can join in?”

Sally looked at Marc with a devilish grin then looked back at the gentleman. “I guess it does. But flirting only, you understand.”

“You have my word,” he chuckled.

Sally turned away from Marc and backed herself up against him as the gentleman took up his place in front of her. She could feel Marc pressing his erection along the crease of buttocks then felt his hands reach around to play with her breasts as he kissed the back of her neck.

The gentleman moved in for a kiss and she could taste the nicotine in his mouth. At the same time she felt a hand against her pussy and she swooned at the touch. She reached down with both hands and felt for both men’s erections then massaged them through their trousers as they massaged her.

The two men could have done pretty much anything they wanted with her but then the gentleman pulled back.

“Thank you,” he said to both of them before walking back into the wine bar.

Sally turned back to Marc and kissed him again. When they came up for air they both thought it was time to go back though.

“I really want you to fuck me,” she told Marc. “Just so you know.”

They made their way back to the restaurant where Eva and Jack were waiting.

"You won't believe what happened," Sally said laughing
Jack listened to Sally tell them about what had happened in the smoking area. He was surprised by how she could let a complete stranger play with her like that but perhaps he shouldn't have been. If she could stand all day in a skintight lycra suit on some exhibition stand then she must have been pretty used to random guys taking an interest in her.

“So it must be our turn now,” Eva said keenly.

“Well, we're all paid up so why don’t we get a taxi back to our place,” Jack suggested.

Although the deal to go back to the apartment had been done with Eva, there was no objection from Marc or Sally.

"In that case the flirting starts the moment you get out of the door," Marc told Eva.

Eva could hardly wait and the moment they were out of the wine bar she was kissing Jack. Proper tongue in mouth kisses and all the while she was making purring noises like a contented cat. He saw that Sally and Marc were walking along arm in arm, being the responsible adults.

They found a London taxi cab and Jack and Eva took the main seat while Marc and Sally took the pull down ones.

"Now let's see Jack play with you," Marc instructed.

Eva reached over to him and they began to kiss while Jack pushed his hands between Eva's legs.


"Open your legs and let's see him finger you," Marc continued.

Eva open her legs while Jack pulled down her dress and sucked on a nipple. The taxi driver must have been able to see what was happening in his rear view mirror but if he could he didn't say anything though.


All too soon they were back in Battersea however. Jack paid the taxi driver who gave him a knowing look and then the four of them made their way into the apartment.
When they got into the apartment. Jack asked everyone what drinks they wanted then went to the kitchen to fix them. Eva followed him leaving Marc and Sally alone in the lounge.

When they began to kiss Marc’s hands were all over Sally and although Sally felt she should wait for Jack and Eva to return, she couldn’t help herself. In no time at all Marc had removed her dress, revealing her bright red underwear. He was about to remove the bra and panties but Sally had other ideas.

She stripped him of his clothes then pushed Marc onto the sofa before sinking to her knees in front of him and working his cock. She gave him the full porn star treatment, staring into his eyes as she seductively played with him. Then when she’d got him nice and hard she took off her bra and wrapped her breasts around his cock then began wank him between them.

It was something the small breasted Eva couldn’t do for her husband and she could see the look of pleasure written all over Marc’s face.
Jack and Eva took their time in the kitchen. There was a lot of kissing and groping to be done as well as mixing drinks. But they were surprised at how far Marc and Sally had progressed by the time they returned to the living room. Sally was on her knees between Marc’s legs and sucking him enthusiastically.

“Let’s leave them to it,”’he suggested to Eva, leading her to the guest bedroom instead.

“How do you want me?” Eva asked when they were alone.

“Well you could start by taking the dress off,” he suggested.

Eva took the dress off for Marc’s pleasure then gave him a twirl to show off her underwear

“Now where would you like me? Eva giggled.

“Take your bra off and lie on the bed.”

Marc watched as the lithe young brunette did as she was told. She took her bra off then climbed onto the bed and, resting against the headboard spread her thighs for him.

“Now on all fours,”he told her “and let me take those panties off”

Eva got onto her elbows and knees and Jack began to pull down her panties. He loved it that she was so compliant and stood back to admire her

Sitting on the bed next to her he began to finger Eva’s pussy until he felt her juices begin to seep out. He was about to stop and get her to suck him when she spoke.

“Don’t forget the other hole too,” she giggled.

Jack started with two fingers in Eva’s pussy and one in her ass and Eva squirmed her bottom against his hand purring like a cat again.
Marc was enjoying his titty fuck but Sally was ready for more. She led him through to the master bedroom and told Marc to lie on the bed then she straddled him and let her pussy slide onto his cock.

“That feels so good,” she sighed as she sank down all the way onto him. “I’ve been waiting for this all day.

She bent over so that they could kiss and lifted her hips slightly so that he could fuck her . Marc soon established a rhythm and began to stroke his cock in and out of her while their tongues explored each other’s mouths.

Sally was so horny that it wasn’t long before her first orgasm began to approach. She gripped Marc’s shoulders tightly and, sensing she was about to cum he upped his tempo and fucked her more forcefully

When the orgasm came Sally lost control. She started to bounce her pussy on his cock to make the sensations stronger as her body began to shake. Marc kept going through all of this until her orgasm passed. But, sensing he didn’t have too long left himself, he threw her onto her back then mounted her and fucked Sally missionary style. He fucked her for all he was worth but then Sally saw the signs of his approaching orgasm. He began to slow, then with one final massive thrust into her, he came. Sally lay under Marc, pinned to the bed by his cock as she felt it spasm, emptying his cum into her.

Afterwards Marc lay on top of her until his erection began to soften. Then pulled out and climbed off her. She felt a trickle of his cum run down his thigh but Sally didn’t care, she felt like she was in heaven.
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Jack moved over and lay down on the bed. Eva knew what he wanted and was glad to oblige. Staying on all fours she took his cock in her hand, wanked it a few times then descended on on him. Jack was so ready for some attention and he let her take him all in.

But Eva was keen and as soon as she felt she could move things along she urged him to fuck her. He took up his position behind her and gently slipped in. Eva sighed as he began to work her.

"Finger my ass," she told him and Jack slipped his thumb into her rectum. It seemed to send her into overdrive.

"Now fuck me in it," she begged.

"I don't have any lube," he protested

"Just use my pussy juice."

Jack pulled out and used fingered Eva in both holes trying to transfer as much lubricant as possible. But Eva was getting impatient and urged him to fuck her. So he pushed himself in .

'Now do me hard."

Jack had always been gentle whenever he'd had anal sex, which hadn't been that often, but Eva was very specific. He fucked her on all fours then tuned her onto her side and fucked her some more while he toyed with her clitoris. It sent Eva into a screaming orgasm which spurred Jack on until he felt himself about to cum. And so he pulled out, and positioning himself next to her face spattered her with cum which was something he'd always wanted to do but never had.

"Mmmm," Eva said afterwards licking her lips. "That was fantastic."

And Jack had to agree that it had been.

"I saw you looking at me when i was undressing," she said after a while. "You like to watch, don't you?"

Again Jack had to agree.

"Well perhaps before we go tomorrow we can arrange a treat for you then," Eva teased
After they'd tidied themselves up, Marc and Sally came back to the living room to find their drinks. They kissed and cuddled on the sofa for a bit until Eva and Jack emerged from the other bedroom and joined them. Eva looked like the cat who'd got the cream and Jack looked pretty pleased with himself too.

Sally felt relaxed and was enjoying lying against Marc on the sofa, letting him fondle her breasts while the four of them chatted. It had been over two years since another man had touched her like this and she was enjoying it.

When it was time to go to bed they reverted to their own couples however. Sally showed Eva and Marc to the spare room then kissed them both goodnight. Eva's kiss was was more than Sally had been expecting. Sally had never really been kissed by a girl like that before.

When she got back to her own bed, Jack was keen to know how it had gone with Marc, just as she wanted to know how Jack had got on with Eva. Sally told Jack enthusiastically all about how Marc had fucked her and how much she'd enjoyed it. Then she listened as Jack told her how it had gone with Eva.
Jack and Eva heard the sound of voices in the living room and came in to join Sally and Marc. As the four of them sat, casually chatting, Jack watched the way that Sally rested on Marc and let him fondle her. He found himself excited by it and almost wanted to tell Sally to open her legs for him so that he could watch Marc finger her, but Jack thought better of it.

After Sally had shown Marc and Eva the spare bedroom she came back and got into bed with him. He asked her how it had gone with Marc and she told him enthusaistically all about it.

"What about you and Eva?" Sally asked afterwards.

"Eva wanted me to fuck her in the ass," Jack admitted, not sure how Sally would feel about that.

"And did you?" Sally asked.


"And did you both enjoy it?"


"Good. We should try anal sex. Especially now I know you enjoy it," Sally suggested. "We should probably get some lube though."
Sunday morning was a slow start after the night before but when Jack and Sally got up, Eva and Mark joined them in the kitchen. They offered to leave and let Sally and Jack get on with their day but Sally and Jack were in no hurry.

“We could always play again,” Eva suggested provocatively, as they ate breakfast.

Sally looked at Jack hoping he would agree and Jack seemed as keen as she did.

“What did you have in mind?” Sally asked.

“Well, we wondered if the two of you might enjoy a bit of mild bondage?” Eva said provocatively. “Putting yourselves in our hands.”

Sally was excited by the idea and agreed on both of their behalfs. “But we don’t have any hand cuffs or anything like that,” she told them.

“Don’t worry.” Marc replied. “Eva and I don’t ever leave home without a roll of bondage tape.”

“If you’re ready then why don’t we go into the bedroom?” Eva giggled.
Jack followed the three others into the bedroom. He was slightly nervous. Not quite sure what they were letting themselves in for.

"Now we want you both naked," Eva told Jack and Sally. "Marc's going to get Sally ready and I'll prepare you."

It didn't take much for Jack to get naked since all he'd been wearing was a dressing gown. He slipped it off to reveal the beginning of an erection.

"Someone's excited," Eva giggled, giving his cock a quick stroke. "Now sit down on this chair,"

Eva pulled out the chair from under the dressing table and placed it at the side of the bed so that Jack had a good view of what was about to happen on it. Jack sat down while eva searched in her bag for the bondage tape. When she found it she taped his ankles to the front legs of the chair and his arms behind to its back. Then she delved into her bag again and pulled out a ball gag.

"We've only got one of these," Eva explained. "But I think you can wear it this time as I'm guessing Marc's going to be wanting to put something in Sally's mouth," she giggled.

Jack opened his mouth to allow Eva to put the ball gag over his mouth then she tied the straps around the back of his head.

"There now. You're ready," she told him.
Sally sat on the bed with Marc and watched transfixed as Eva tied Jack to the chair. When she'd finished, Sally thought she was going to be next but Eva looked over and said,

"Why don't we put on a show for your boyfriend,"

"That sounds fun," Sally agreed.

Eva got up and joined Marc and Sally on the bed. The two girls began to peel each other's clothes off while Marc stripped, ready for action. In no time at all the Sally was naked and Eva was pushing her down onto the bed. The first kiss was electrifying and like nothing she'd ever experienced before. At the same time Marc pushed himself into his wife's vagina causing Eva to focus her efforts on Sally's clitoris.

Sally was in heaven and was ready to give herself completely to Eva but Before she could cum, Eva stopped and turned to her husband.

"She's ready for you now," Eva told Marc moving out of the way.

Marc parted Sally's legs then wasted no time inserting his cock into her
Jack watched as his girlfriend give herself to Marc and Eva willingly. It was the most arousing thing he’d ever seen. He was transfixed with the way Marc’s cock shuttled in and out of Sally, her breasts bouncing every time he pushed himself in to the hilt. Jack sat tied to the chair with a gag in his mouth, sporting an erection which was plain for everyone to see, but which he was unable to do anything about.

Eva noticed Jack’s situation and, with Marc dominating the action with Sally now, took pity on him. She got off the bed and walked over.

“Someone’s excited,” she told him, delicately touching the tip of his cock with her fingertips. “Do you like watching your. Girlfriend get fucked?”

Jack nodded slightly guiltily.

“Do you like watching my husband’s cock disappearing into her?”

Jack nodded again.

Eva turned to Marc and said, “Tie her up darling and come and give me a hand.”
For a while Sally had been pretty much oblivious to Jack's plight. She was just focussing on the attention that Eva and Marc had been giving her. When Eva left to play with Jack it hadn't made much difference to Sally because Marc had been fucking her by then. But when Eva had told her husband to tie Sally up and give her a hand with Jack that had been unexpected.

Sally got the impression that it was Eva who called the shots in these situations and Marc did pretty much as he was told. A little reluctantly, Marc withdrew and began to tie the tape around her ankles.

Rather that lie her on her back, Marc put Sally in a doggystyle position giving her an excellent view of Jack, who looked at her with a slightly bewildered expression. Neither of them knew what was coming next. Eva took the ball gag from Jack's head then offered it up to Sally.

"You can wear it now," she said and strapped it around Sally's face.

Eva stood back and look at Sally who wa now tied and gagged

"Perfect," she said
Eva took the tie from Jack’s dressing gown and covered his eyes with it. Jack could still see light at the periphery of his vision but everything else was obscured.

The room went silent.

Then he felt a hand take the shaft of his penis. His cock jerked in surprise then he felt a mouth descend on it. There were hands on his body, more than two but Jack couldn’t tell which belonged to who.

The mouth now took all of him, until it had swallowed almost all of his shaft. Then it pulled away and was replaced by another, different, mouth. This one was bigger, hut it was keen and Jack couldn’t resist fucking it, jerking his hips upwards into the willing orifice. He knew it had to be Marc. Who else could it be?

The next thing he felt were Eva’s lips on his. He opened his mouth and her tongue darted in out of it. Tied and blindfolded Jack was experiencing something approaching sensory overload then he felt the mouth pull away from his cock and Eva straddle him.

Jack could sense there was just the two them now. A fact emphasised by Sally’s whimpering and the sound of Marc slapping his cock into her doggy style.

Jack knew he wasn’t going to last long inside Eva. He wanted to but the foreplay had been too intense and within a few minutes he was shooting his cum into her.

“That’s a good boy,” Eva whispered.
Sally watched in amazement as Jack pumped his cock into Marc’s mouth. With Eva kissing him, he must have known who was sucking it. Perhaps the blindfold made it anonymous, perhaps Jack just enjoyed it anyway. She thought the two men might go further but then Eva straddled Jack and began to fuck him.

Marc returned to the bed where Sally remained tied in the doggy position and took his place behind her. Marc made a few slow lubricating strokes to begin with then fucked her hard as they both watch Eva fuck, then milk, Jack’s cock.

When Jack had no more cum to give. Eva stood up and removed his blindfold then inserted herself under Sally so that the two girls could sixty nine while Marc fucked Sally.

Marc pushed Sally’s head into Eva’s pussy making it very clear what was expected and Sally began to lap at the cum seeping from Eva, while Eva tongued both Sally’s clitoris and Marc’s shaft as he fucked her.

Marc didn’t last long and soon he shot his load into Sally who was in the middle of her own orgasm. No sooner had he emptied himself into her than Eva was trying to suck the cum out of her again. She collapsed onto Eva and let her do whatever she wanted.