For the most part America has always has a two party system. Why?


Literotica Guru
Oct 7, 2008
America always had/has had a two party system? Over time the two parties have changed from (Federalist v Democratic – Republican), (Democrat v National Republican), (Democrat v Whig), (Democrat v Republican v American) 1856 was one of the few times we had a viable three party system, (National Union v Democrat), (Republican v Democrat v Progressive) Teddy Roosevelt and his progressive party 1912 was another time there were three viable parties.

While an occasionally third party my show up it usually gets less than 5% of the vote. However, for the vast majority of history America with two exceptions unlike most other counties has had a two party system.. Why?
Because the winner is the first person to get 50%+1 so its fundamentally a 2 player game. Getting 40% and the other two are 30 and 30 just hands it off to the house.
Besides the Right aren't incompetent. They are Saturday Morning Cartoon villains in a world where the bad guys can win.
Because the winner is the first person to get 50%+1 so its fundamentally a 2 player game. Getting 40% and the other two are 30 and 30 just hands it off to the house.
That explains how for the majority party will more easily win if the are more parties, but it doesn't fallow the losing parties would just fold. It would seem they would double down and try again next election cycle..
After a few experiments, we concluded that two packs of powerful, incompetent sociopaths is all we can handle.
That's probably the most sensible reason I'd heard so far.. I reminds me of the old Will Rodgers quote, "Be thankful we're not getting all the government we are paying for."
Pre-WW2 Germany had a multi-party system; it was by the alliances required for any government to be formed that allowed the National Socialist party to come to power.

It took another 80 years for US politics to reach a similar extremism in a two party system.
Pre-WW2 Germany had a multi-party system; it was by the alliances required for any government to be formed that allowed the National Socialist party to come to power.

It took another 80 years for US politics to reach a similar extremism in a two party system.
The Nazis came to power because at the time hyperinflation and a deep economic depression gripped the nation and the Nazis promised they would make Germany great again.. The fact Germany had a multiparty system I doubt was a key component in their raise to power. So far we are still far from Nazi style extremism..