For the cooks on the board


Literotica Guru
Apr 9, 2001
Kind of a dumb question.. and one, I'm sure I could find the answer to if I'd search the web for it..

but I'm lazy and thought I'd ask you guys instead.

I'm going to make a huge pot of chicken noodle soup (it's one of four soups that I'll be making tomorrow.. to tuck away in the freezer).

Now usually I take the easy way out and use canned chicken broth.. but this time I thought I'd make the stock myself.

I bought a whole chicken.. should I cut it into pieces or just boil it whole?
Either way's fine. The chicken will cool down faster and be easier to strip of his preciously tasty meat if you cut it before you put it into the pot. Plus it'll fit better.

If you chill the broth overnight, it's easier to de-fat, too.

large pieces.........each leg.......the wings.......split the's a surface area it fits in the pot better.........although I suspect it really doesn't matter.........

Yes.. the chicken is dead.. LOL

I am using a huge pot.. the chicken will fit whole. I thought I'd cook it tonight.. then de bone it tomorrow (would it be ok to refridgerate it or should I de bone tonight?)
I'm also making a pot of cream of potato.. a pot of beef vegetable with barley.. and split pea with ham.

I'm getting so fucking domesticated.. it isn't funny. LOL
If it's thoroughly cooked, it will de-bone just as easily cool as hot. (plus, it's easier on your fingers)
freakygurl said:
I'm also making a pot of cream of potato.. a pot of beef vegetable with barley.. and split pea with ham.

I'm getting so fucking domesticated.. it isn't funny. LOL

What time are you picking me up?


I love soup......................
freakygurl said:
Yes.. the chicken is dead.. LOL

I am using a huge pot.. the chicken will fit whole. I thought I'd cook it tonight.. then de bone it tomorrow (would it be ok to refridgerate it or should I de bone tonight?)

I'd strain it and refrigerate them separately. The reason is that you want it to cool down fast to inhibit the joyous microorganisms that could develop if you leave it at that in-between heat too long.

Plus the broth will be clearer if you strain it will hot.

And the fat will be easier to skim tomorrow if there's nothing marring the surface of the broth.
I don't know, but I just made ANOTHER killer juicy steak, and now I'm horny (I think it's from eating all this meat.:devil: )

Just thought you should know. :)
Ooops... sorry... I thought you said For The COCKS On The Board...

*backing out now*
You have to stop eating steak... every time I have one it seems you follow... and I've been having 40oz steaks each time
You can definately do it either way.

Beef & barley soup? Yummmy! You'll have to email or PM me, and ask me for a great oxtail & barley soup recipe that I make for everyone back in the states. It's really easy to make. Thinks I'll make some real soon, now that I think about it.

Noras' last answer is good advice too though.
lickerish said:
I don't know, but I just made ANOTHER killer juicy steak, and now I'm horny (I think it's from eating all this meat.:devil: )

Just thought you should know. :)

Holy Fuck...look at you!

Meat does you good...
Ok.. so I'm going to cook it whole (I'm lazy) and then seperate it and the broth... strain the broth and refridge them seperatly.. then I'll de bone tomorrow.

Thank you :)

Morgy, What kind do you want? I'll bring you some Saturday. Freezer ready.. If you have a microwave they would make great quick meals.. or late night snacks.

Lickerish.. I hate you. You know that right? I never eat steak.. and I'm never horny ;)

Dillinger.. speaking of cocks.. Any pictures I might like to see? ;)

Guru.. your answer was the best. Thank you :)

lobito.. ox tails? umm our grocery store doesn't carry those. I don't think I'll be making it any time soon.:p

Texan.. I have de boned them both ways.. I much prefer them cold. My fingers do to LOL

Umm.. ok.. now another question. How long do I cook it? LOL
Doesn't Lickerish look sexy?

My fav...I love all soups...I'm like the soup Nazi. Give it your best shot babe ;) I know i will love it.
'til it's done.

or, to be less snotty about it. You'll get more of the collegin (i think?) in the bones (the stuff gives broths/stocks that great mouth feel and thickness) if you cook it literally 'til it falls apart.

Probably 2 hours or so, depending on how much water, what else is in there, etc.
freakygurl said:
Lickerish.. I hate you. You know that right? I never eat steak.. and I'm never horny ;)

Well there's your problem babydoll! We can fix that, I've got another steak in the 'fridge... and an empty bed ;) :p
Nora said:
'til it's done.

or, to be less snotty about it. You'll get more of the collegin (i think?) in the bones (the stuff gives broths/stocks that great mouth feel and thickness) if you cook it literally 'til it falls apart.

Probably 2 hours or so, depending on how much water, what else is in there, etc.

Ok. that's what I figured. Thank you. Honestly.. I know how to cook. But I usually make stock from the bones.. not the whole thing. So this is new.. and I wanted to make sure the chicken was done. I would hate to kill my family. LOL

lickerish said:
Well there's your problem babydoll! We can fix that, I've got another steak in the 'fridge... and an empty bed ;) :p

I'll be there in 2 hours.
Not a problem, beloved. You know I live for this stuff.'re making me wanna make a big ol' pot of chicken soup this week, though.