For serious masturbators only...


Mother Earth Seduced
Jun 29, 2002
OK, I know what you're thinking. New thread, same old story, but wait, hear me out. And sure, it's a common act, we all do it, every one of us.... blah, blah, blah.... But,
to some of us masturbation becomes a fetish of sorts. Not just used to satisfy a fantasy when help isn't available, it IS the fantasy. I love to watch others play with themselves and others to watch me. I love the guilty pleasure I get at being caught. I love to see the excitement I cause in others when I watch them. If you are one of those people, you know what I mean.
There are a few other active masturbation threads out there, I know; been on one or two of them. They start out specifically enough, but, by say page 5, deteriorate to the point where one isn't sure what the theme was to begin with. I'm not complaining, really, but I'd like to try to keep this thread pure as long as possible. That's why I am calling for serious minded players...

Any and all fantasies, any and all true stories; Nothing will be taboo, moderate yourself. I want to hear it all. Even psychologies into why we do what we do. You know who you are... And I'm not so much looking for quanitity as quality. Slow and thoughtful, so beautiful...
Ginny you post fantastic pictures of men jerking off, I hope to see them here too. Blue Daisy and RedAthena I know you have some good stories just dying to be told. Feel free to let them spill out! And MrBates, you know you hold a special place in my twisted little heart. :kiss:
And that reminds me; how does one find passage onto Warpy's ship? (ie. Masturbation and conversation thread) I've been trying to figure out a way on board for awhile now. The 'no taboo, anything goes, let's just see how far into the deep recesses we can go deal you all have going on has really been hot! It frightens me in a most wonderful way and I want to play, badly! Shall I just row on up starboard side in a leaky life boat and beg for rescue? Or perhaps SC could spot me paddling off a little island somewhere nearby and send someone out to capture me? I'd like that....
Anyway, I know I'm new at this but we all have to start someplace and I am ready to get going....
Going pretty good right now,
bye... :devil:
you lost me with the warpy ship stuff ... but i do enjoy to watch my girlfriend masturbate and sometimes not touch her or myself at all and just enjoy seeing how she is feeling

laying next to someone in bed and being very close but not quite touching as she masturbates is very sensual and sexy
INterested in what youre saying here...I have experiences and stories to Ive been masturbating for over 30 years.......Wish I could find more sites on the Web dedicated to solo I did find is
the first time had a guy masturbate in front of me I was hooked. I met the man who is now my husband 9 days after I had my first baby. We couldn't have sex for 5 more weeks. After a we had been together for a few weeks he took me to a park late at night to look at the stars. We sat on a park table and started messing around. One thing led to another and he ended up masturbating for me. I loved it! It was a huge turn on for me. Since then we have made it a part of our sex lives. He is the only guy I have ever felt comfortable enough with to share that part of my life with.
Nowdays if one or the other of us is too tired to have sex, we just masturbate for the other one. Sometimes that is enough to get the other one more interested in having sex!
One of the most erotic experiences I have had was when the girl I was with tied me up, straddled my chest, and then fingered her self off to orgasm..aaahhhh...makes me hard just thinking of it!! The best part was that I couldn't do anything about...couldn't reach her with my tongue or touch her with my hands. Man, I wish I could find another girl willing to do that!!!
I absolutely love it when my man does this for me. It shows me that he is so comfortable with himself, and open about his sexuality. It makes me feel just as open as he is.

And doing it FOR him...he is never more mesmerized. He absolutely hangs on every moan and sigh. I never feel more powerful than when I am giving myself pleasure and it is turning him on so much he can hardly breathe. :D

And, wow...there are few things that compare.

Image said:

And that reminds me; how does one find passage onto Warpy's ship? (ie. Masturbation and conversation thread) I've been trying to figure out a way on board for awhile now. The 'no taboo, anything goes, let's just see how far into the deep recesses we can go deal you all have going on has really been hot! It frightens me in a most wonderful way and I want to play, badly! Shall I just row on up starboard side in a leaky life boat and beg for rescue? Or perhaps SC could spot me paddling off a little island somewhere nearby and send someone out to capture me? I'd like that....
Anyway, I know I'm new at this but we all have to start someplace and I am ready to get going....
Going pretty good right now,
bye... :devil:

Hi Image,
not trying to take Warpys place to answer your question..
but come on over. There's always room on board ;)
Just tell him what you're there for. By now you must know nothing is taboo there (except anything to do with minors) and we are all one big happy family.
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I love to masterbate ... I do it because I'm horny and it feel good.
I experience a lot of guilt after I finish because my religion says that it is wrong. I can't seem to stop. Is this a compulsive disorder?:confused:
;) Ummm......Mmmmmm......

Love it.....

I'll be right back.................

LMAO I can tell you being caught buy your mother is the worse thing that could happen well one of the worse things. LOL and I think when you masterbate to the point of... getting sores you have a problem LOL yeah.. it can become a "hobby"
I find it erotic to watch a woman masturbate. Had one do it for me friving 80 on an Interstate one time!

Edited because I can't type this morning!
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I suppose true. BF did it on camera a few times for me and when he was over hehe LOL he keeps insisting I have abit of voyeurism in me *Shrugs* I didnt ask. Crap everytime we talk on the phone hes horny and ends up umm masterbating LOL geez :| I kinda feel... used LOL he says everytime we talk on the phone it makes him horny.. he says its probably his want and urge to make love to me that does it *Rolls my eyes*
Quote from ManHunter
Hi Image,
not trying to take Warpys place to answer your question..
but come on over. There's always room on board
Just tell him what you're there for. By now you must know nothing is taboo there (except anything to do with minors) and we are all one big happy family.

Its not true. Everyone is trying to take my place.they lay below decks and plot to overthrow me and banish me to the Ol" Warpy home for ol warped wind walkers!!! I have spies everywhere.!! I am on alert constsntly. I can't even spell constantly!!
Or maybe not!!
if you want to sign on the Bimbo Brig, here is what you do. first, you have to kiss SC's ass so often that even I got good at it, and I'm the FRIGGIN' Captain, fer crissakes!!And what an ass!! oy gevalt!! so round, and meaty, tastes like .............................
then, you have to promise to be creative, honest about the things that are important, respectful of the feelings and sensibilities of others, and you can't have my 3 cornered hat or my meshuga sword, I stole it out of the Paramount studios prop room, and you really should read the thread, to see if you understand the levels on which the it attempts to work. you seem like a forward, positively motivated person, but jerking off and talkiing dirty are only 2 of the reasons for mas and con.
Know what I mean?? heave to and climb aboard, lets have flaggon and a natter, we 'll let the lads and the lasses give you the 2 ice over, and if theres anything left,{SC is AMAZING with a 9 tailed chingus, of the finest corinthian leather, of course} you can stick your mind, tounge, cock or any other digit you deem appropo
anywhere it fits!! Manhunter will meet you at the aft comp0anionway, can't miss her!!Tits the size of your wildest fantasy, heart like a wheel, and a smile that could only lead you down the road to whereever it is you want to go!!!

Love and Happiness
There are many facets to it... each with their own reason for the pleasure. Like some of you said, it shows someone who is comfortable with their sexuality. I like that level of maturity. You know, get past the kiddy crap and explore the darker and deeper recesses of the mind.
Then the guilty, shameful side. That's great too in it's proper perspective. It's a wonderful stimulator to feel dirty, naughty, etc. while you are masturbating. (It is not healthy to feel ashamed afterwards. To the person who said their religion makes them feel ashamed: Whether you were joking or not, it is a real issue. Many religions commonly control the masses with fear. Fortunately I was not raised in such an oppressive atmosphere. And this thread is not the place to address these issues anyway.)

There are many sides to it and I enjoy them all!

I thought it was fun once to orgasm in the middle of a group of people at the beach. It wasn't a mutual session, no one knew I was doing it. Since with me it can begin and expand (almost to climax) in my mind to the point where all it takes is a couple of strokes to acheive orgasm, no one suspected, at least I thought so. Trying to keep my facial expression and voice under control while looking someone directly in the eyes was kind of fun too.

So I can't wait for your stories! And don't underestimate the importance of details! :) Let me just get comfortable in front of the screen.....
bknight2602 said:
I find it erotic to watch a woman asturbate. Had one do it for me friving 80 on an Interstate one time!

I did that once on a long drive home from the city. Damn it was fun! :devil:
it often becomes the fantasy........

when masturbation has been my main outlet, those times turn into whole routines......long sessions......I so enjoy being erect.....taking myself right to that edge, over and over.......and doing that for a woman is glorious......and they are so appreciative......some of my better memories.................

Re: Re: For serious masturbators only...

Manhunter said:
Hi Image,
not trying to take Warpys place to answer your question..
but come on over. There's always room on board ;)
Just tell him what you're there for. By now you must know nothing is taboo there (except anything to do with minors) and we are all one big happy family.

Holy Tattoos Batman!!!!! Ruhroh George!!!!!!! and, but of course....... SCOOOOOOOBY DOOOOOOOOBY DOOOOOOO!!!!

What an AV Woman!!!!!!!!!

If ever a mastabatory fantasy....... your AV is definately "IT" in my book. And now for a bit of reality........ if'n that's you, and you're willing at that...... can I spill a few drops on that tatt just below bellybutton heaven?
warpedntwisted said:
Quote from ManHunter
Hi Image,
not trying to take Warpys place to answer your question..
but come on over. There's always room on board
Just tell him what you're there for. By now you must know nothing is taboo there (except anything to do with minors) and we are all one big happy family.

Its not true. Everyone is trying to take my place.they lay below decks and plot to overthrow me and banish me to the Ol" Warpy home for ol warped wind walkers!!! I have spies everywhere.!! I am on alert constsntly. I can't even spell constantly!!
Or maybe not!!
if you want to sign on the Bimbo Brig, here is what you do. first, you have to kiss SC's ass so often that even I got good at it, and I'm the FRIGGIN' Captain, fer crissakes!!And what an ass!! oy gevalt!! so round, and meaty, tastes like .............................
then, you have to promise to be creative, honest about the things that are important, respectful of the feelings and sensibilities of others, and you can't have my 3 cornered hat or my meshuga sword, I stole it out of the Paramount studios prop room, and you really should read the thread, to see if you understand the levels on which the it attempts to work. you seem like a forward, positively motivated person, but jerking off and talkiing dirty are only 2 of the reasons for mas and con.
Know what I mean?? heave to and climb aboard, lets have flaggon and a natter, we 'll let the lads and the lasses give you the 2 ice over, and if theres anything left,{SC is AMAZING with a 9 tailed chingus, of the finest corinthian leather, of course} you can stick your mind, tounge, cock or any other digit you deem appropo
anywhere it fits!! Manhunter will meet you at the aft comp0anionway, can't miss her!!Tits the size of your wildest fantasy, heart like a wheel, and a smile that could only lead you down the road to whereever it is you want to go!!!

Love and Happiness
Well, well, The Captain Himself! I have only the utmost admiration for you Sir! With all due respect however, the lyrics of an old song ,"everybody listen to me, and return me my ship, I'm your captain, I'm your captain, though I'm feelin mighty sick" come to mind... :)
I have read through the thread and am willing to take my, ahem, "licks". I am honest and respectful, almost to a fault; I can kiss and lick ass with the best of them and can't wait to prove it.
Manhunter, look for me soon.....
I'll be the one trembling with much expectancy and only a little fear