Fly High-- Air Force!


Urban Jungle Dweller
Aug 26, 2001
Young men-- looking for a challenging life of adventure? Then consider today's Air Farce-- I mean Force, where we let you fly high in more ways than one. Yes, not only will you be whooshing around at supersonic speeds in a state of the art, high tech military jet, you'll be buzzing on the finest methamphetamine our nation's laboratories can produce! And that's some pretty damn good shit, yessiree! Good old fashioned American know-how and ingenuity is not wasted here, that's for sure. If you're really a thrill seeker, you can even blow away Canadians in Afghanistan! Hey, what the hell, they're just Canucks. Eh? But be careful with that shit-- if there's too much bad publicity, we'll have to put you before a court martial and slap your wrist just for show. But just between you and me *nod wink*-- that's the spirit, boy! You might make general someday!
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lol As someone who has been in the Air Force you have it just about right!
that's the spirit, boy! You might make general someday!

Clear proof that Redrave is sexist. He won't even consider it possible for a woman to be a general.
you would be surprised at how many calls I get about my home loan which is a VA and they want to only talk to my husband because they think it is him who was in the military.
Hi, Tyme!

So what did you do in the Air Force? Were you a pilot?
lol ya right
no I was a EMT and a medical tec for 4 years
So because the defendant's lawyer spouts some crazy, whacked out statement, automatically it's true? Yeah, right. :rolleyes:

Tyme, I mean no personal disrespect, but first-termers are still trying to figure out what's going on. I've yet to find one that can see beyond their own situation.
I was also discharged for having seizures so I got to even have the joy of the boot in the ass. I do understand what you mean I am sure I do not know as much as someone who was in alot longer. But you would be surprised of what I saw.
But wait-- there's more!

As an Air Farce pilot, you'll get to fly over poor countries all around the world, and bomb darker-skinned (mostly) people into oblivion. Some of our best pilots come from the South! Best of all, you'll be able to do this with little or no risk to yourself, thus attaining the very pinnacle of cowardly mass murder. You can even assuage your conscience later, by telling yourself you were just following orders and serving your country.

Uncle Sam wants YOU-- to snuff towelheads for him!