Flat fees for lawyers

P. B. Walker

Literotica Guru
Nov 21, 2001
I got into a rather long discussion with some buddies at work today regarding lawyers and lawsuits. One person put for the theory that frivilous lawsuits would be cut down by a factor of 10 if lawyers were only allowed to charge a flat rate (e.g., $200/hr plus expenses) for a lawsuit instead of taking home a percentage of the suit. Now, I know this would never happen but what do ya'll think about an idea like this? Do you think more suits would be settled out of court?

P. B. Walker said:
I got into a rather long discussion with some buddies at work today regarding lawyers and lawsuits. Fuck it...let's talk about raping women.


Me thinks you are talking about class-action suits. The Govt is currently reshaping the standard to make such suites somewhat more difficult to mount and thus hopefully eliminate some frivilous suites.

I think you've mixed up injury type cases and class action suits.

In injury type cases, malpractice, etc I am opposed to flat fees. Some of the more unusual cases would never see a court room and those are often the cases which bring to light something of importance. Of course many cases are shit but I would feel more comfortable in ensuring cases of the poor are heard, and if percentage fees helps then Im for it.

Of course this is all shit I know jack about so...
Insurance companies and the government did it to Doctors. I am sure they could come up with something that would work for lawyers, too.
PB..........whatever you decide I'm right with you. I know I burned my lips a couple of times and never thought about any kind of a Lawsuit.
Fuck lawyers...I want electricians, plumbers and mechanics that'll fix anything for $200.