Five finger discount (Chicago style)


Literotica Guru
Dec 6, 2012
The Chicago suburb of Oak Brook has been beset with an increase in retail theft and burglaries over the last year, and police say the leading culprits have been recently arrived illegal border crossers who have filtered out to the suburb from Chicago.

The Oak Brook Police Department reports that 47 recently arrived illegal aliens have been arrested in connection with retail thefts and home and car burglaries just since October and more than 175 since last year, according to Newsbreak.

Officials of the suburb — which is only about 25 minutes west of downtown Chicago and only minutes south of O’Hare International Airport where hundreds of illegals have been sheltering for months — noted that the thieves often use bags lined with sheets of tinfoil in an attempt to thwart store anti-theft protection devices at entrances, the New York Post reported.

Also in November, DuPage County officials warned of a five-man group made up of illegal immigrants from Venezuela who were arrested for dash-and-grab robberies in a Kohl’s store as well as the Oak Brook Macy’s, State’s Attorney Bob Berlin reported.