Fisting pussy/anal

Anyone into fisting? Anal or pussy.? I really think this is something not many people explore and i wonder why? Your take? Pics/gifs welcome
2/3 fingers feel great, four once I'm really getting going. But at the time when I'd probably be able to take a fist, I want SOMETHING ELSE inside. So just never get to a point where a fist would be something ideal. On the other hand if someone just tried to go in too soon I'd be like nope, I'm out.
As a practitioner of Fisting on submissives and women who enjoy the practice, I say that, not just Fisting, but any and all practices need to be done with great care, safety, sanity... and excitement. Mainly practices that involve introducing something into another person's vagina or anus.

It's one thing for a person to introduce something or fingers, hand... Another thing is for someone else to not feel whether or not the person is hurting themselves.
And it is at this time that a safe word must be respected!

Don't do anything that will hurt you:
- with people you don't know;
- without having read about the subject;
- without discussing how the practice will be carried out;
- without establishing the safe word;
- not knowing what to do if something goes wrong.