Fisting or fingering


Really Experienced
Dec 20, 2002
Well heres the thing....

I always wonder if the lady's feel that fisting is a good thing, I mean if you take it to the extreme....and fisting does seem to me to be would eventually be fucking a watermelon or sticking a wine bottle up your ass. Some lady's say size does matter and some say size does not matter.

Also do you do fisting in the ass or the twat...this is such a hot subject the way I see it. I have always loved to finger my lady both in the ass and the cunt and she seems to like that, I mean a good trickle of warm baby oil at the top of her crack and letting my finger and thumb work into her rose bud and then on down to the pussy and up to the clit has always been fun for both of us. So I have been thinkin about going a little larger and seeing what results I get for her and for me.

Did you have good results the first time you tried this type of thing or is this something that was not fun for the receiver of such attention. I hear that some of the girls like to get fucked in the ass so I can not help but wonder if this is the next step on the road to a bedroom break thru.....

Does having a fist in your pussy make you cum harder or faster or more often or is it just a totally different thing and it has it's own set of pleasures...and what about when the old fist is in your ass does that change or improve things?

Last fisting more of a thing for the gay guys and their boyfriends? If so then You can rule me out I am looking to please the lady.

Thanks for your thoughts :eek: :confused: :nana:
All I can think of to say is *ouch* I really don't want anything larger than say...6-8 inches of dick anywhere inside me.

Fingers and tongues are always good, but fists, nuh uh.
It seems it would be rather uncomfortable, and even possibly painful.
Soblue said:
All I can think of to say is *ouch* I really don't want anything larger than say...6-8 inches of dick anywhere inside me.

Fingers and tongues are always good, but fists, nuh uh.

fingers_larue said:
Well heres the thing....

I always wonder if the lady's feel that fisting is a good thing, I mean if you take it to the extreme....and fisting does seem to me to be would eventually be fucking a watermelon or sticking a wine bottle up your ass. Some lady's say size does matter and some say size does not matter.

Did you have good results the first time you tried this type of thing or is this something that was not fun for the receiver of such attention. I hear that some of the girls like to get fucked in the ass so I can not help but wonder if this is the next step on the road to a bedroom break thru.....

Does having a fist in your pussy make you cum harder or faster or more often or is it just a totally different thing and it has it's own set of pleasures...and what about when the old fist is in your ass does that change or improve things?

Last fisting more of a thing for the gay guys and their boyfriends? If so then You can rule me out I am looking to please the lady.

Thanks for your thoughts :eek: :confused: :nana:

I am wide open sexually, but I have never been fisted, and have no desire to be fisted. It kinda reminds me of childbirth, without the baby.
I do want to make a couple comments about other things you mentioned.

Yes, size does matter, but only in that I want to be able to atleast feel what it is there. I don't need to be crammed to the core, that hurts. But I do need the feeling of being filled up inside, it is a combination of both emotional and physical that gives me that.
It is not some kind of contest of "how much can I take?".

Don't worry about who fisting, or any other sexual act, is "for". All that matters is what is right to you and your lover.
Mother of mercy! my fist is nearly the size of a 16" softball. Just the thought of what it would displace brings tears to the eye.:rolleyes:
Trail48 said:
Mother of mercy! my fist is nearly the size of a 16" softball. Just the thought of what it would displace brings tears to the eye.:rolleyes:

Could someone please send Laurel and Manu a memo?

We need an emoticon depicting a hand being slapped over a mouth, but in lieu of that:


a football?!?!?!

:eek: :eek:
I love it when Pumpkin uses his fingers. He knows the exact touch, the right amount or pressure, when to be firm, when to be gentle, when to stop and when to keep going. And on several occaisions he has tried to fist me. He has normal size hands. However, we have not been able to go more than three fingers, no matter the amount of lube or how relaxed I may have been.

There have been numerous times that my fantasies have involved anal fisting. I am not sure if these will ever take place. But, if it does... :D
Yo. In prison, I once tried out for the cell block musical. I didn't make it though. They said I was tone deaf. It's too bad there's no ADA accomadations for that.
Sukit_beatch! said:
Yo. In prison, I once tried out for the cell block musical. I didn't make it though. They said I was tone deaf. It's too bad there's no ADA accomadations for that.

Yeah, I remember hearing something about that musical...wasn't it called "The Prisonguard and His Beatch?"

Well it for sure ain't my thing, but whatever two (or more) consenting adult humans want to do, hey, more power to ya.
shameless bump!!

Hey ladies...

Thanks for the info, I was going to surprise my lady for Valentines Day with the old hot tub, Merlot wine, chocolate and the escape to the condo for fun in front of the fireplace. I was going to try some new stuff with her but after reading some of the replies maybe I'll let her do some new stuff to me instead. I have heard lots about the prostrate massage as being a good thing for a guy but we have never done that either so maybe if I go first she will be more open to my ideas:eek:. Any thoughts about that would be welcome info....let me know what ya think.
Should I be the one to submit in hopes she will return the favor?
I must admit the thought of her strokin my back side is a big turn on to me....does that make me bad???:confused:
Why don't you let someone fist your ass since you seem to be so into the idea?

You fuck with my thread, I'll fuck with yours
Fisting isn't easy nor is it something everyone would find pleasing, somewhat like anal sex and other more "Taboo" activities.

However, using your hands and imagination are a large part of what sex is all about. So, do what feels good and stop when it doesn't.

Yes, the prostrate massage is something that men enjoy. Be sure to use a lot of lube and I always keep either baby wipes or washclothes nearby whenever ass play is happening.

Some things just are necessary :)

Again, if it feels good do it.