
I wasn't around, and I'd NEVER blow off Lavykins!

Thank you for noticing it. I did do it, so this means a lot to me that you said something. Thank you thank you.

I really like this one. It is my most recent work.

This is funny because I was thinking I wanted to get away from my face avs for a long time, and what to do? what to do?

Then suddenly.... YOU popped into my mind, lav, and what you said to me one time about how you liked me to use my art as my av. I think you probably saved me hours of av hunting only to find nothing.

SO... I am going to be doing this with my current works and all. I think I'll rotate it regularly so I am a walking advert. ;)

Thanks again, this means a lot to me. :rose:

These are the pics off my site so you can see it a bit better...

I think this one is one of my favorites and I want to keep it, but I can't. :(



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RR, Let's have a talk....

You are on the inside scoop with me, so you be sure next time to bet in the thousands range baby. Got it hunny?

Big bucks.... get the big bucks.

Remember that next time.
I'm so jealous Starfish, all of your work is wonderful.

*sigh* I can't even draw a stick person.
Sorry, I had to dissapear again.

lavy, you have a pm.

And I'd like to thank the rest of you for the sweetness and the jealousy from cybergirly is taken as a major compliment, but I don't want you to be jealous, sweetie. I want you to be good at what ever it is you are best at. That is all anyone can ask of you and you should be happy with your special gifts. :rose:
OH thank you Ms. Siren.

That is so kind of you to say.


You made me blush.

"The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work."
- Emile Zola