First time peg


Smiling Dom
Nov 2, 2015
Any couples out there enjoy pegging? How did you get into it - did you need to train his ass first or did you just jump into the deep end with both feet (or 8 inches)?
Well, it's not the most thrilling activity but you can't beat the smell of clothes dried outside so it's kinda necessary.
Well, it's not the most thrilling activity but you can't beat the smell of clothes dried outside so it's kinda necessary.
Ha ha.. nice...and def true. At least for that definition it is.. the other one has some smell concerns as well but no need to get into all that.
OK y'all--good yuks.
But (butt!) to answer OP--yes! We enjoy pegging from time to time. And yes, I worked to loosen him up before the first strapon was strapped on.

Clean it up before "diving in" and use abundant lube! Plenty of advice on Mr Google for the prep and precautions.

(I've never tried to get even one foot in him--jumping in with both feet might toss a bucket of cold water on the mood!)